Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Grandma's Echo Cakes

Grandma's Echo Cakes - Simply delicious strawberry jam-filled cupcakes alongside a pie crust bottom together with one-egg cake top. These elementary lilliputian treasures are a family-favorite recipe from Grandma!

filled cupcakes alongside a pie crust bottom together with ane Grandma's Echo Cakes

Grandma's Echo Cakes are simple, inwards every feel of the word.

Simple flavors.  Simple ingredients.  Simple to set together.  And total of memories from a simpler time.

These lilliputian cakes are ane of my all-time favorite sweetness treats.  Not alone practice they gustation divine, they also concord really wonderful childhood memories - Memories from a fourth dimension of life that precisely seemed simpler.

My Mom used to construct Echo Cakes for my blood brother together with me all the time, together with my Grandmother used to construct them for my Mom together with her 2 sisters all the fourth dimension earlier that.  And now? - I construct them for our immature lady all the time, too.  It's a recipe that's been lovingly passed downward throughout our describe of piece of work solid unit of measurement for generations.

Grandma's Echo Cakes are quite simply a strawberry-jam-filled cupcake alongside a pie crust bottom together with one-egg cake top, dusted alongside powdered sugar.  That's it.

I shout out back having them pretty oftentimes equally an after-school snack.  And instantly that we're adults, Mom commonly makes these for us equally a lilliputian process at Christmas time.  I however beloved them equally much today equally I did when I was a kid!

Grandma's Echo Cakes are quite simply a strawberry-jam-filled cupcake alongside a pie crust bottom together with one-egg cake top, dusted alongside powdered sugar.  That's it.

They're sweet, but non besides sweetness - precisely perfectly sweet, inwards my opinion.

My Mom together with I aren't sure where the elevate Echo Cakes comes from, but nosotros intend they're named for the Echo construct muffin tins they were originally baked in.

filled cupcakes alongside a pie crust bottom together with ane Grandma's Echo Cakes

But for us, it doesn't truly affair how they got their elevate - We precisely know Echo Cakes sure gustation good.

And they're truly really elementary to make.

They showtime alongside a pie crust bottom.

The jam bakes into the middle of the Echo Cakes similar a lilliputian surprise inside, giving each seize alongside teeth a prissy hint of strawberry jam flavor.

Now, I'm sure my grandmother together with my mom both made their pie crust from scratch.  And you lot for certain tin practice that.  But me?  I purchase the ready-made pie crusts constitute inwards the fridge department of the grocery store.  Just unroll it from the package, together with you're expert to go!

To acquire these tasty lilliputian Echo Cakes started, precisely scroll out your pie crust (homemade or shop bought) together with cutting circles nearly three ½ - iv inches inwards diameter. 

My Mom figured out that a plastic stadium loving cup similar you lot acquire at sporting events is the perfect size to usage equally a cutter, thus that's what nosotros usage ... a biscuit cutter or appropriately-sized round cookie cutter works great, too.

filled cupcakes alongside a pie crust bottom together with ane Grandma's Echo Cakes

Fit the pie crust circles into the bottom together with upwardly the sides of muffin tin cups.

filled cupcakes alongside a pie crust bottom together with ane Grandma's Echo Cakes

Then set nearly a teaspoon of strawberry jam inwards the middle of each pie crust bottom shell.

It's tempting to add together a big plop of jam, but continue it to precisely a heaping mensuration teaspoonful.  If there's besides much, the jam seeps out all over the identify when the Echo Cakes bake.  Yes, that's something we've learned that the difficult way!

filled cupcakes alongside a pie crust bottom together with ane Grandma's Echo Cakes

Top each muffin loving cup alongside a dollop of a elementary one-egg cake batter ...

filled cupcakes alongside a pie crust bottom together with ane Grandma's Echo Cakes

Just plop some batter on top of the jam together with spread it out a lilliputian flake to completely embrace the top.  It tin live pretty fossil oil ... the batter volition "smooth" out together with bring together upwardly alongside the pie crust bottom equally it bakes.

filled cupcakes alongside a pie crust bottom together with ane Grandma's Echo Cakes

Once the Echo Cakes are baked together with cooled, dust the tops alongside a lilliputian powdered confectioners' saccharide to destination them off.

I pick out a lilliputian powdered saccharide shaker that industrial plant quite good for the job.

filled cupcakes alongside a pie crust bottom together with ane Grandma's Echo Cakes

And together with thus they're expert to acquire for enjoying.  That's all at that spot is to making this elementary lilliputian treat!  Not besides hard, right?

The jam bakes into the middle of the Echo Cakes similar a lilliputian surprise inside, giving each seize alongside teeth a prissy hint of strawberry jam flavor.

Now, fifty-fifty though this recipe is a classic from Grandma, beingness the recipe tinker-er that I am, I wanted to make a few alongside unlike flavors of jam filling precisely to come across how they'd be.  When I called my Mom to enquire her nearly how they are alongside other jam flavors, her reply was "Oh, I don't know how they'd live - I've alone always made them alongside strawberry."

Really, Mom?  After making these for over twoscore years you've never tried some other jam flavor??  And so, at that spot was fifty-fifty to a greater extent than incentive for me to tinker.

When you lot construct these elementary lilliputian treasures from Grandma, I recommend sticking alongside her master copy strawberry jam filling, or going alongside blackberry jam.

I decided to endeavour out fig, apricot, raspberry, together with blackberry jam.  Here's my season report:

  • Fig - NOT good, together with I had such high hopes
  • Apricot - okay, but non wonderful
  • Raspberry - okay
  • Blackberry - truly good!

So when you lot construct these elementary lilliputian treasures from Grandma, I recommend sticking alongside her master copy strawberry jam filling, or going alongside blackberry jam.

And when you lot practice construct them? - May Grandma's elementary lilliputian Echo Cakes pick out you lot together with your describe of piece of work solid unit of measurement equally many wonderful memories equally they've brought ours.

filled cupcakes alongside a pie crust bottom together with ane Grandma's Echo Cakes
Thank you lot for stopping past times . We'd beloved to pick out you lot dorsum soon!

echo cakes recipe, jam cupcakes, recipe
Yield: 15

Grandma's Echo Cakes

Simply delicious strawberry jam-filled cupcakes alongside a pie crust bottom together with one-egg cake top. These elementary lilliputian treasures are a family-favorite recipe from Grandma!
prep time: thirty Mcook time: xx Mtotal time: 50 M


  • pie crust (enough for a top & bottom crust pie)
  • about ½ c. strawberry jam
  • confectioner's saccharide for dusting
One-Egg Cake:
  • 4 T. shortening
  • 1 c. granulated sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 2 c. all-purpose flour
  • 2 tsp. baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 3/4 c. milk
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract


How to laid Grandma's Echo Cakes

  1. Make the One-Egg Cake: Cream shortening together with saccharide alongside an electrical mixer. Add egg, together with shell until good combined.
  2. Combine flour, baking powder, together with salt. Add flour mixture to the saccharide mixture, alternately alongside milk. Beat afterward each addition. Then, stir inwards vanilla. Set aside.
  3. Assemble the Echo Cakes: Lightly spray fifteen muffin tin cups alongside non-stick cooking spray. Cut circles from the pie crust nearly three ½ - iv inches inwards diameter. (My Mom figured out that a plastic stadium loving cup similar you lot acquire at sporting events is the perfect size to usage equally a cutter. Or, usage a biscuit cutter or round cookie cutter.) Fit pie crust circles into the bottom together with upwardly the sides of each muffin tin cup.
  4. Put nearly 1 teaspoon of strawberry jam inwards the middle of each pie crust-lined muffin tin cup. (Don’t set besides much jam, or it volition tumble out when cooking).
  5. Top each alongside one-egg cake mixture - precisely plop some on the top of the jam, dividing evenly betwixt the fifteen cakes.
  6. Bake the Echo Cakes:  Bake at 375℉ for 20-22 minutes until cake topping is baked.
  7. Cool. Sprinkle tops alongside confectioner's saccharide (a powdered saccharide shaker industrial plant well).
Created using The Recipes Generator
You mightiness also similar these other family-favorite snacking sweetness treats:

filled cupcakes alongside a pie crust bottom together with ane Grandma's Echo Cakes

Affiliate links are included inwards this post. I have a pocket-size amount of compensation for anything purchased from these links,at Amazon.comfilled cupcakes alongside a pie crust bottom together with ane Grandma's Echo Cakesat no additional toll to you.

Monday, May 12, 2003

4-Ingredient Quick & Slow Goulash

Looking for quick too piece of cake dinner ideas?  Look no farther than 4-Ingredient Quick & Easy Goulash!  It's simple, easy, family-friendly, budget-friendly comfort nutrient that precisely seems to live loved yesteryear all.

friendly comfort nutrient that precisely seems to live loved yesteryear all 4-Ingredient Quick & Easy Goulash

This is i of those family-friendly, budget-friendly dinner recipes that's been passed downwards through generation later on generation inwards our family.  My Dad remembers my grandmother making this dish for dinner all the fourth dimension when he was growing up.

And therefore when I was growing up?  I retrieve having it all the time, too.

And now?  You guessed it - nosotros have got it all the time, every bit well.  Probably at to the lowest degree in i trial every-other-week.  Our 9-year-old immature lady is the newest generation to dear it, too.

So why has it been therefore pop inwards our household unit of measurement too stood the examination of time?  Well starting fourth dimension off, it's precisely manifestly good-old comfort food.  That's the principal reason.  But it's got a few other fabulous perks, too:

  • Family-friendly - Despite its simplicity, this quick Goulash is actually tasty amongst flavors too ingredients loved yesteryear both kids too grown-ups alike.
  • Easy - 4 unproblematic ingredients, boil water, brownish dry ground beef, stir ingredients together ... too that's pretty much it.  Dinner genuinely doesn't instruct much easier than that.
  • Time-friendly - This dish is done inwards the fourth dimension it takes to create macaroni noodles.  Which indeed is pretty quick inwards dinner-dish terms.
  • Budget-friendly - Those 4 unproblematic ingredients? They don't toll a whole lot ... too the recipe stretches a pound of dry ground beef out to feed multiple mouths easily.

In the earliest generations of our family, I'm certain it was the budget-friendly argue that brought close the dear too reliance on this recipe.  My Dad was the youngest of seven children too the household unit of measurement wasn't at all what you lot would consider well-off.  In fact, the give-and-take "poor" is much closer to the appropriate description.

It's simple, easy, family-friendly, budget-friendly comfort nutrient that precisely seems to live loved yesteryear all.

So stretching the dollar was a agency of life for my grandmother inwards the 1930s too 1940s when my Dad too his half dozen siblings were growing up.

And we're pretty certain reliance on this Goulash recipe started good earlier that, existence handed downwards to my grandmother from my great-grandmother earlier her.  (Did you lot know Campbell's condensed love apple tree soup was introduced inwards 1897??)

Now a-days?

I'm glad to live able to tell our household unit of measurement has much to a greater extent than coin at its disposal, but nosotros stick amongst this classic comfort nutrient recipe merely because nosotros dear it.  Especially on those nights when nosotros precisely ask to instruct dinner on the tabular array quick.

friendly comfort nutrient that precisely seems to live loved yesteryear all 4-Ingredient Quick & Easy Goulash

So precisely what are the 4 ingredients inwards this 4-Ingredient Quick & Easy Goulash?  They're pretty simple:
  1. Ground beef
  2. Macaroni
  3. Chopped onion, and
  4. Campbell's condensed love apple tree soup

friendly comfort nutrient that precisely seems to live loved yesteryear all 4-Ingredient Quick & Easy Goulash

Now, nosotros joked growing upwardly that my Dad could exclusively create two things - popcorn too this Goulash.  If Mom said, "Dad's cooking dinner tonight," you lot knew a big pot of Goulash was close to hitting the table.

But the funny thing?

Dad would ever instruct out out the onion!  Yes, he'd plough an already-simple 4-ingredient recipe into an fifty-fifty simpler 3-ingredient i ... non bothering to accept the fourth dimension to chop upwardly the onion.

If Mom said, "Dad's cooking dinner tonight," you lot knew a big pot of Goulash was close to hitting the table.

My friends, I don't recommend cooking Goulash Dad's way.  The onion genuinely does add together a lot of neat flavor to the dish.  So don't live similar Dad ... accept the fourth dimension to chop that onion.  (I mean, come upwardly on, Dad ... it's actually non that hard!)

Once that onion is chopped, precisely brownish the dry ground beef too onion together inwards a saute pan too drain off the grease.

Then add together inwards two cans of condensed love apple tree soup.

friendly comfort nutrient that precisely seems to live loved yesteryear all 4-Ingredient Quick & Easy Goulash

Stir that all together to brand the Goulash's sauce.

friendly comfort nutrient that precisely seems to live loved yesteryear all 4-Ingredient Quick & Easy Goulash

Then merely combine the dry ground beef-tomato soup sauce amongst cooked macaroni noodles.

Start boiling the H2O for the noodles earlier you lot get browning the dry ground beef, too the noodles too sauce should live done too come upwardly together at precisely close the same time.

friendly comfort nutrient that precisely seems to live loved yesteryear all 4-Ingredient Quick & Easy Goulash

Stir everything together until it's good mixed, too complete it all off amongst a proficient sprinkling of common salt too pepper.

And that's all at that topographic point is to it - SUPER quick too piece of cake to make.

This quick too piece of cake version of goulash is also unremarkably referred to every bit American goulash or American chop suey, too is actually non related to truthful Hungarian goulash inwards whatever way.

Serve it upwardly amongst an piece of cake vegetable on the side, too you're proficient to become amongst a hearty family-friendly meal.

For or therefore reason, corn is ever our go-to veggie amongst this.  Corn & Goulash precisely look to become together.  So much so, that Dad ever stirred his corn correct into his Goulash on his plate!

friendly comfort nutrient that precisely seems to live loved yesteryear all 4-Ingredient Quick & Easy Goulash

Now, I know that truthful goulash is a Hungarian slow-cooked stew to a greater extent than oft than non amongst meat too vegetables seasoned amongst paprika ... too that goulash purists are likely going to shell me upwardly over using the cite for this unproblematic dinner dish.

But that's what our generations of household unit of measurement have got precisely ever called it.

This quick too piece of cake version of goulash is also unremarkably referred to every bit American goulash or American chop suey, too is actually non related to truthful Hungarian goulash inwards whatever way.

But no affair what you lot telephone telephone it, i thing's sure - it's precisely manifestly good-old comfort food.  Simple, easy, family-friendly, budget-friendly comfort nutrient that has certain stood our family's examination of time.

friendly comfort nutrient that precisely seems to live loved yesteryear all 4-Ingredient Quick & Easy Goulash
Thank you lot for stopping yesteryear . We'd dear to have got you lot dorsum soon!

hamburger recipe, goulash, goulash recipe, piece of cake dinner, piece of cake recipe
Main Dishes
Yield: 6-8 servings

4-Ingredient Quick & Easy Goulash

Looking for quick too piece of cake dinner ideas? Look no farther than 4-Ingredient Quick & Easy Goulash! It's simple, easy, family-friendly, budget-friendly comfort nutrient that precisely seems to live loved yesteryear all.
prep time: 10 Mcook time: xx Mtotal time: xxx M



How to create 4-Ingredient Quick & Easy Goulash

  1. Cook macaroni inwards salted water, according to parcel directions. Drain well. Return to the cooking pot.
  2. While macaroni is cooking, brownish the dry ground beef too chopped onion together; drain. Add tomato soup, a fiddling salt, too a fiddling pepper, to taste. Stir to combine too oestrus until the soup is heated through.
  3. Add dry ground beef-soup mixture to the macaroni; stir together until good combined. Season amongst additional common salt & pepper, to taste.
Created using The Recipes Generator
You powerfulness also similar these other piece of cake family-friendly dinner ideas:

Affiliate links are included inwards this post. I have a pocket-size amount of compensation for anything purchased from these links,at Amazon.comfriendly comfort nutrient that precisely seems to live loved yesteryear all 4-Ingredient Quick & Easy Goulashat no additional toll to you.

This postal service is linked with Meal Plan Monday.

Saturday, May 10, 2003

Creamy Chicken Rice Casserole

Looking for a primary dish casserole the whole menage unit of measurement volition love?  This Creamy Chicken Rice Casserole's got you lot covered!  With its creamy deliciousness in addition to how slowly it is to make, it's a striking amongst both kids in addition to grown-ups alike.  Take wages of a store-made rotisserie chicken to brand prep fifty-fifty that much easier!

 Looking for a primary dish casserole the whole menage unit of measurement volition dear Creamy Chicken Rice Casserole

Sometimes I contend to detect primary dish casseroles our whole menage unit of measurement enjoys.  Our 9-year-old missy is a plain-meat lover, thus casseroles tin sometimes live a challenge amongst her.

But me?  Casseroles are my favorite.  Especially the creamy, cheesy comfort-food kind.

Growing up, my Mom made a lot of casseroles for dinner thus it only became my favorite means to eat.  I particularly loved her Beef Stroganoff Casserole  thus much so, I would oftentimes asking it every bit my birthday dinner.

Our daughter, however, did non teach this same dear for casseroles every bit me - much preferring a dinner of manifestly meat in addition to a vegetable.  The casserole contend amongst her is real, my friends.

With its creamy deliciousness in addition to how slowly it is to make, it's a striking amongst both kids in addition to grown-ups alike.

So the other nighttime when I made this Creamy Chicken Rice Casserole for dinner, I placed it on the tabular array amongst a picayune trepidation, of course.  Would she similar it? Would she only force it unopen to her plate to teach far look similar she'd eaten it?  Would I teach the disgusted human face upwards followed past times the infamous, "Mommmmmy, I don't similar it," whine??

I was hoping not.

Well my friends, I'm happy to study - she liked it!

Yes, this Creamy Chicken Rice Casserole is a casserole I tin really add together to our regular dinner rotation.  Which is swell ... because it's super slowly to make.

 Looking for a primary dish casserole the whole menage unit of measurement volition dear Creamy Chicken Rice Casserole

This genuinely is a pretty simplistic casserole inward its make-up - The base of operations is only a unproblematic mix of rice, chicken, in addition to sauteed celery in addition to onion.

It in addition to thus gets its comfort-food creaminess from cream of chicken soup, a impact of chicken broth, in addition to a picayune flake of cheese.  Not an over abundance of cheese - only plenty to teach far extra good.

Take wages of a store-made rotisserie chicken to brand prep fifty-fifty that much easier!

Taking wages of a store-made rotisserie chicken makes this casserole's prep fifty-fifty that much easier.  Just take the meat from the chicken in addition to give it a quick chop.

But you lot tin for sure job boneless skinless chicken breasts or thighs, if you'd like.  Just laid those upwards in addition to chop them into bite-sized pieces.  I recommend seasoning the chicken generously amongst common salt in addition to pepper earlier cooking since they won't bring the rich flavor of a store-made rotisserie chicken.

 Looking for a primary dish casserole the whole menage unit of measurement volition dear Creamy Chicken Rice Casserole

Once the casserole base of operations is mixed all together, only spoon it into a 9x13-inch baking dish.

 Looking for a primary dish casserole the whole menage unit of measurement volition dear Creamy Chicken Rice Casserole

Then give the chicken-rice mixture amongst some shredded cheese, in addition to bake it all up.

Since all the ingredients are fully cooked in addition to already warm when spooned into the baking pan, the casserole doesn't necessitate a whole ton of fourth dimension inward the oven.

Bake it for most thirty or twoscore minutes or thus until everything is heated through in addition to it's bubbly unopen to the edges.  I similar the cheese to teach a picayune flake puffy on the top, thus I commonly run out the casserole inward the oven closer to the twoscore infinitesimal mark.  But it's expert in addition to ready afterwards only thirty minutes if you lot desire to teach it on the tabular array then!

 Looking for a primary dish casserole the whole menage unit of measurement volition dear Creamy Chicken Rice Casserole

And in that location you lot bring it - i Creamy Chicken Rice Casserole the whole menage unit of measurement volition love.  Pretty quick, pretty easy, in addition to quite tasty, indeed.

Oh, in addition to if you've got leftover turkey around?  This a swell means to relish those turkey leftovers, too.  Chop the turkey up, in addition to plough this into Creamy Turkey Rice Casserole instead!

Chicken ... turkey ... either way, with its creamy deliciousness in addition to how slowly it is to make, it's a striking amongst both the kids in addition to grown-ups alike.

 Looking for a primary dish casserole the whole menage unit of measurement volition dear Creamy Chicken Rice Casserole
Thank you lot for stopping past times . We'd dear to bring you lot dorsum soon!

casserole recipe, chicken casserole, chicken rice casserole, dinner, dinner recipe
Main Dishes
Yield: 8-10 Servings

Creamy Chicken Rice Casserole

Looking for a primary dish casserole the whole menage unit of measurement volition love? This Creamy Chicken Rice Casserole's got you lot covered! With its creamy deliciousness in addition to how slowly it is to make, it's a striking amongst both kids in addition to grown-ups alike. Take wages of a store-made rotisserie chicken to brand prep fifty-fifty that much easier!
prep time: xx Mcook time: 45 Mtotal time: 65 M


  • 1 rotisserie chicken, meat removed in addition to cutting into pieces*
  • 1 c. finely chopped celery
  • 1/2 c. finely chopped onion
  • 4 T. butter
  • 1 c. chicken broth
  • 1 chicken flavored bouillon cube
  • 1 (10.5 oz.) tin cream of chicken soup
  • 3 c. cooked rice
  • 2 c. shredded cheddar cheese, divided
  • About 1/4 tsp. common salt & 1/8 tsp. pepper, or to taste


How to laid Creamy Chicken Rice Casserole

  1. Melt the butter inward a saute pan over medium heat. Saute the celery in addition to onion until softened, most 8-10 minutes.
  2. Stir inward the chicken broth in addition to bouillon cube, breaking the bouillon cube upwards amongst a spoon in addition to stirring until dissolved. Stir inward the cream of chicken soup.
  3. Add chopped chicken, rice, in addition to 1 ½ cups of the shredded cheese. Stir until good combined.
  4. Pour into a greased 9x13-inch baking dish. Sprinkle the remaining shredded cheese on top.
  5. Bake at 375℉ for 30-40 minutes until heated through in addition to bubbly along the edges.
Created using The Recipes Generator

You powerfulness also similar these other tasty casserole favorites:

Affiliate links are included inward this post. I have a modest amount of compensation for anything purchased from these links,at Looking for a primary dish casserole the whole menage unit of measurement volition dear Creamy Chicken Rice Casseroleat no additional toll to you.

This post is linked amongst Meal Plan Monday.