Saturday, July 6, 2019

Candy Cane Chocolate Fudge

Candy Cane Chocolate Fudge combine 2 of your favorite vacation flavors, chocolate together with peppermint, inwards 1 delicious fudge!

I am partnering amongst Kraft every bit a fellow member of Kraft Tastemakers - a community of kitchen enthusiasts contributing recipes together with stories to  Thank y'all to Kraft for sponsoring this post!  The stories together with opinions shared are my own.  Visit the Kraft recipe site for the full Candy Cane Chocolate Fudge recipe.

 combine 2 of your favorite vacation flavors Candy Cane Chocolate Fudge

When it comes to holidays, Dec for me is indeed the most wonderful fourth dimension of the year.  I merely honey all the celebrations, get-togethers, together with traditions that come upward along amongst the Christmas season.  While I bask everything near the vacation season, 3 of the traditions I most bask are baking Christmas treats amongst my Mom, receiving our stockings on Christmas morning, together with picking out merely the correct gift for all the recipients on my vacation gift-giving list.

But of course, null shows honey together with appreciation to a greater extent than than a heart-felt homemade gift, don't y'all think?

When I was growing up, my Dad worked every bit a postal service carrier, walking the same postal service road together with delivering the daily postal service to the same people for over 20 years.  When the Christmas flavor came along, his customers showed their appreciation for his function past times showering him amongst all kinds of homemade goodies.  I scream upward eagerly awaiting his arrival dwelling each solar daytime together with so I could run into what treats he'd received, together with and so I could attention him reveal whatever that needed unwrapping, of course.

 combine 2 of your favorite vacation flavors Candy Cane Chocolate Fudge

Those homemade gifts made a definite impression on me every bit a kid.  To this solar daytime around twenty-to-thirty years later, I withal scream upward the goodies, who made them, together with precisely how around of them tasted.  I knew from these homemade gifts that my Dad was loved together with appreciated.  Which is most probable why I larn together with so much joy out of giving homemade treats straight off myself.

Cooking upward homemade gifts similar this Candy Cane Chocolate Fudge for family, friends, together with neighbors is 1 of my absolute favorite things to do.  Not exclusively utilisation homemade treats overstep along an extra-special behave upon of love, they too plough over me the chance to combine 2 of my favorite traditions - Christmas baking together with gift-giving.  And the happy smiles together with satisfied tummies that come upward along amongst giving homemade treats are most for sure a wonderful bonus!

One affair is for sure this Christmas - Candy Cane Chocolate Fudge volition last on my vacation gift-giving list.  I can't hold off to brand it the kitchen amongst my Mom to whip upward several batches of its yumminess.  It's together with so good, I won't last able to plough over it all away, though.  I'll accept to travel along at to the lowest degree a little for myself.

Click hither for the amount recipe: Candy Cane Chocolate Fudge.

 combine 2 of your favorite vacation flavors Candy Cane Chocolate Fudge

Friday, July 5, 2019

Southern Collard Greens Recipe

Want to convey practiced luck for the novel year?  Cook upwards a pot of New Year's Day good-luck collards alongside this Southern Collard Greens recipe And usher inwards the novel twelvemonth inwards truthful Southern style.

Want to convey practiced luck for the novel twelvemonth Southern Collard Greens Recipe

If you lot wishing practiced luck inwards the novel year, Southern tradition says to swallow your collard greens!  Along alongside black-eyed peas in addition to some shape of pork, that is.

According to Southern lore, a New Year's repast of these iii things brings luck in addition to practiced fortune for the upcoming year.

And this New Year's Day tradition is for certain i nosotros laurels in addition to follow inwards our home.

But conduct maintain you lot always wondered why  these iii foods are said to convey practiced fortune?

According to Southern lore, a New Year's repast of collards, black-eyed peas, & pork brings luck in addition to practiced fortune for the upcoming year.

Well according to legend ... equally described on black-eyed peas?  

They're said to stand upwards for money the collard greens pregnant dollar bills in addition to the peas, coins.  Eating these on New Year's solar daytime is supposed to ensure wealth in addition to luck.

Now, I can't tell for sure this is all truthful ... but we're non ones to tempt fate.  In our house we laurels this Southern tradition, including this Southern Collard Greens recipe in addition to a large pot of New Year's Day Black Eyed Peas in our New Year's meal.  

I mean, if legend is  correct, I for certain don't wishing us to missy out!

Want to convey practiced luck for the novel twelvemonth Southern Collard Greens Recipe

True Southern-style collards are silky, tender, in addition to flavorful, a trial achieved alongside a long, irksome simmer inwards a generously seasoned broth.

Sticking some collards inwards a pot of boiling H2O for a few minutes but won't do, my friends.  No way, no how.

For truthful Southern style, aid must live taken to properly fix the greens, to create a flavorful seasoned cooking liquid, in addition to to gently simmer the greens for several hours to create a tender, silky result.

True Southern-style collards are silky, tender, in addition to flavorful, a trial achieved alongside a long, irksome simmer inwards a generously seasoned broth.

To fix the greens, washing thoroughly is a must.

Collard greens tin dismiss terminate upwards alongside a lot of dirt in addition to grit trapped inside the folds of the leaves ... soaking for a flake inwards warm H2O in addition to scrubbing the leaves alongside a flake of common salt volition accept that dirt away.

I similar to create total my sink alongside H2O to soak my collards ... it plant great.  Or, they tin dismiss live soaked inwards a very large pot.

Removing the spine of each move out is also a must, equally the spines are really tough in addition to rest chewy i time cooked ... no thing how long that simmering fourth dimension is.

Lay each foliage out apartment on a cutting board in addition to cutting on either side of the spine to take away it.  I detect it easiest to produce this alongside the collard foliage upside downwards ... you lot tin dismiss meet the edges of the spine improve that way.

Want to convey practiced luck for the novel twelvemonth Southern Collard Greens Recipe

Once the spines are removed, create stacks of foliage halves, gyre upwards each stack lengthwise, in addition to cutting across the stack to create collard ribbons.

Want to convey practiced luck for the novel twelvemonth Southern Collard Greens Recipe

The ribbons are thence ready to live simmered low-and-slow.

Simmer them inwards a chicken broth-based cooking liquid ... perfectly seasoned inwards truthful Southern mode alongside bacon, onions, garlic, in addition to ham hocks.  {See? There's that pork tradition says to eat!}

And i time that long, irksome simmer is done?

Keep this collards recipe handy to relish all twelvemonth long, because these silky greens are precisely also practiced to exclusively serve on New Year's Day! 

You'll conduct maintain i fine pot of silky, tender, in addition to flavorful good-luck Southern Collard Greens ... all ready to assist convey you lot practiced fortune inwards the novel year.

But thence live sure to move along this Southern Collard Greens recipe handy to relish all twelvemonth long, because these silky greens are precisely also practiced to exclusively serve on New Year's Day!

Want to convey practiced luck for the novel twelvemonth Southern Collard Greens Recipe
Thank you lot for stopping past times .  We'd beloved to conduct maintain you lot dorsum soon!

collard greens, southern collard greens recipe, collards, how to fix collards
Side Dishes
Yield: 8-10 Servings

Southern Collard Greens

Want to convey practiced luck for the novel year? Cook upwards a pot of New Year's Day good-luck collards alongside this Southern Collard Greens recipe And usher inwards the novel twelvemonth inwards truthful Southern style.
prep time: cook time: total time:


  • 2 large bunches collard greens {about 2 to 2 & 1/2 pounds total}
  • 2 tsp. salt
  • 1 T. olive oil
  • 6 slices bacon, chopped
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 4 c. (32 oz.) chicken broth
  • 1 1/2 T. granulated sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. dark pepper
  • 1 T. red vino vinegar or apple cider vinegar
  • pinch crushed crimson pepper flakes {optional}
  • 2 lbs. smoked ham hocks {or grunter jowl or country ham}, rinsed alongside warm H2O to take away some of the saltiness


How to fix Southern Collard Greens

  1. Separate the collard leaves; identify inwards a large bowl or build clean sink in addition to embrace leaves alongside warm water. Add 2 teaspoons common salt to human activity equally a scrubbing abrasive. Gently scrub leaves alongside your hands in addition to thence rinse. For peculiarly gritty greens, repeat the scrubbing process. One at a time, lay each foliage upside-down in addition to apartment on a cutting board. Cut along each side of the spine inwards the center, cutting each foliage into ii halves in addition to completely removing the tough spine. Discard spines. Assemble cutting leaves into several stacks in addition to gyre upwards each stack lengthwise. Slice each gyre into 1-inch pieces, cutting the collard greens into ribbons.
  2. Prepare the cooking liquid: Heat olive crude oil inwards a large Dutch oven or stock pot. Sauté chopped bacon in addition to onion close v minutes until bacon is cooked in addition to onion is tender. Add garlic in addition to fix for 1 minute. Add chicken broth, sugar, dark pepper, vinegar, crushed crimson pepper flakes {is using}, in addition to ham hocks. Bring to a boil; trim heat, cover, in addition to simmer thirty minutes.
  3. Add collard greens to the pot; stir into cooking liquid in addition to convey to a boil. Reduce oestrus in addition to simmer gently, uncovered, for 2 to 3 hours until greens are desired tenderness.
  4. When done, utilisation a slotted spoon to transfer greens from the cooking liquid to a serving bowl. Chop meat from the ham hocks in addition to stir into greens. Serve alongside vinegar on the side for drizzling on each serving, if desired.
Created using The Recipes Generator

You mightiness also relish these other Southern favorites:

Shrimp in addition to Grits Casserole

Want to convey practiced luck for the novel twelvemonth Southern Collard Greens Recipe

Affiliate links are included inwards this post. I have a modest amount of compensation for anything purchased from these links at at no additional toll to you.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Top Fifteen Best Recipes Of 2015!

See the run past times fifteen best recipes of 2015, every bit 'voted' past times readers!  These fifteen dishes are the reader favorites of the yr from    And what a delicious yr it's been!

 dishes are the reader favorites of the yr from  Top fifteen Best Recipes of 2015!

It's that fourth dimension of year, my friends, when nosotros accept a expect dorsum at the close pop reader-favorite recipes from the yr hither at .  And what a delicious yr it's been!  I produce believe I tell this every year, but I'll tell it over again ... this may exactly move my favorite post to write each year.  I love to instruct dorsum through the year's recipes in addition to encounter what you lot all liked best!

So let's instruct ahead in addition to accept a expect at the run past times fifteen best recipes of 2015 every bit 'voted' past times your views.

But also permit me tell thank you in addition to then much for reading The Kitchen is My Playground!  I'm really blessed in addition to humbled to guide maintain each in addition to every i of you lot bring together inwards amongst me on my kitchen adventures.  I'm really much looking frontward to seeing what adventures {and recipes} unfold inwards 2016!

15.  Pumpkin Slab Pie - This feed-a-crowd slab version of our favorite pumpkin pie took the 15th slot inwards our year-end countdown.  Though since it was exactly shared inwards mid-November, given alone a chip to a greater extent than fourth dimension I bet it would guide maintain come upwards inwards quite a chip higher inwards the ranks.  It's oh-sooooo good.

14.  Chocolate Covered Oreo Cake - With its thick layer of Oreo cream sandwiched betwixt ii chocolate cake layers, in addition to topped amongst rich chocolate ganache in addition to Oreo crumbles, this Chocolate Covered Oreo Cake is i dessert no Oreo lover can resist!

13.  How to Make Creme Brulee - When I mean value deliciously indulgent dessert, I mean value Creme Brulee ... Rich.  Creamy.  Delicious.  And when it comes to how to build Creme Brulee?  It's non every bit difficult every bit you lot think!  From the looks of it amongst this post landing inwards the run past times 15, many of you lot mean value of Creme Brulee, too.

12.  Grandma's Old-Fashioned Doughnuts - Apparently I'm non the alone i who loves Grandma's cooking.  :-)

11.  Slow Cooker Bacon Macaroni in addition to Cheese - Ummm, amongst the words 'slow cooker,' 'bacon,' in addition to 'macaroni in addition to cheese' inwards the title, is it whatever wonder this crock pot please landed inwards the run past times posts of the yr countdown?  I mean value not.

10.  Triple Citrus Sangria - Red vino in addition to brandy combine amongst fresh lemon, lime, in addition to orangish to deliver upwards refreshing in addition to delicious Triple Citrus Sangria.  Truly, what's non to love?

9.  Green Fluff {Pistachio Watergate Salad} - Coming inwards at the #9 spot, this classic favorite remains a favorite!

8.  Overnight Sausage, Egg, & Hash Brown Breakfast Casserole - I could surely wake upwards to this overnight breakfast casserole every day.  And it seems many of you lot could, too.

7.  Red White & Blue Strawberry Cheesecake Bites - These tasty piffling  red, white, & blueish beauties went CRAZY at quaternary of July ... but believe me, they're delicious whatever fourth dimension of year.

6.  Ham & Cheese Breakfast Casserole amongst Spinach - Mmmmmmm, how I love this ham & cheese breakfast casserole.  I mean value it's an peculiarly cracking means to savor leftover ham, in addition to it seems every bit though many of you lot do, too.

5.  The BEST Vanilla Cupcakes + the BEST Vanilla Frosting - In all of my years of cooking in addition to recipe testing, these are really the BEST Vanilla Cupcakes + the BEST Vanilla Frosting I guide maintain always had.  When it comes to cupcakes, these volition move your novel best friend!  By this recipe's taking of the fifth location inwards the countdown, it seems every bit though many of you lot guide maintain already introduced yourselves.

4.  Chocolate Crack Pie - Oh, this is i of my all-time favorite dessert recipes ... in addition to I'm in addition to then glad in addition to then many of you lot guide maintain enjoyed it, too!

3.  Quick Salami & Cream Cheese Bites - Need to whip upwards a tasty crowd-pleasing snack or political party nutrient quick?  Look no farther than classic quick Salami & Cream Cheese Bites.  With exactly iii ingredients, you lot tin guide maintain a platter laid upwards inwards minutes.   Their simplicity in addition to ease guide maintain made these a reader favorite, for sure. 

2.  Classic Southern Deviled Eggs - You exactly can't instruct incorrect amongst a platter total of cracking deviled eggs.  And these Southern Deviled Eggs? ... they're the best.  As voted past times you!

And the VERY best run past times reader favorite of the yr is ... 

1.  Sparkling Apple Pie Cocktail - Oh wow, this i went C-R-A-Z-Y!!!  It was in addition to then fun to sentry it's popularity grow!  Loaded amongst the wonderful flavors of apples, cinnamon, in addition to the sweetness of honey, this cocktail is exactly perfect for Fall ... or whatever fourth dimension ... sipping.

Happy New Year!
Looking frontward to you lot visiting throughout 2016.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Shrimp & Pesto Pizza Amongst Sun-Dried Tomatoes

Think exterior the pizza box amongst homemade Shrimp & Pesto Pizza amongst Sun-Dried Tomatoes!  It may merely larn a novel menage unit of measurement favorite. 

 Think exterior the pizza box amongst homemade  Shrimp & Pesto Pizza amongst Sun-Dried Tomatoes

I accept a confession to make.  I am a pizza addict.

I swear I could swallow it every unmarried day, for every unmarried repast together with never larn tired of it.  I mean, mutual frigidity pizza for breakfast? ... don't fifty-fifty larn me started ... it's my favorite.

Not alone exercise I dearest pizza, I dearest making pizzas at dwelling solid ... peculiarly pizzas amongst fun-and-funky flavour combinations.  And fortunately, my married adult man is an all-to-willing player inwards taste-testing my pizza adventures.  His absolute favorite?

This Shrimp & Pesto Pizza, amongst sun-dried tomatoes, of course.  As if shrimp together with pesto together aren't yummy enough, sun-dried tomatoes are tossed inwards to brand it even better.  The combination of flavors is a genuinely amazing one.

Whenever I enquire Mark what sort of pizza he'd similar for dinner, this i is his answer.  I must say, the boy's got groovy taste!

 Think exterior the pizza box amongst homemade  Shrimp & Pesto Pizza amongst Sun-Dried Tomatoes

I was really inspired to brand Shrimp & Pesto Pizza amongst Sun-Dried Tomatoes equally a riff off a  pizza from i of my favorite local pizza joints.  It's larn a make-at-home family-favorite e'er since.

To run far super easy, I role a prepared pizza dough ball ... which are available at most grocery stores, typically inwards the deli area.

Spread on a sparse layer of pesto ... taking help to run on it pretty thin, equally the pesto flavour tin flame larn a fleck overpowering if there's also much ...

 Think exterior the pizza box amongst homemade  Shrimp & Pesto Pizza amongst Sun-Dried Tomatoes

... therefore charge on peeled & deveined shrimp, coarsely chopped sun-dried tomatoes, together with freshly-grated mozzarella ...

 Think exterior the pizza box amongst homemade  Shrimp & Pesto Pizza amongst Sun-Dried Tomatoes

Once baked upward together with golden, larn ready to savour the cheesy shrimp-and-pesto deliciousness ... Deliciousness I promise volition larn a family-favorite for your family, merely equally it has ours.  Enjoy!

 Think exterior the pizza box amongst homemade  Shrimp & Pesto Pizza amongst Sun-Dried Tomatoes

Shrimp & Pesto Pizza amongst Sun-Dried Tomatoes
(Printable recipe)
  • 1 pizza dough ball{homemade or store-bought dough ball}
  • About 1/4 c. prepared pesto
  • 12 to xv large uncooked shrimp {peeled together with deveined}
  • About 1/4 c. sun-dried tomatoes, drained together with coarsely chopped
  • 8 oz. (2 c.) shredded mozzarella
  1. Roll pizza dough out to desired size; identify on preheated pizza stone or baking sheet.
  2. Spread pesto inwards a sparse layer over the crust. Top amongst shrimp together with sun-dried tomatoes, therefore sprinkle amongst cheese. Cover the shrimp together with sun-dried tomatoes good amongst mozzarella to run on them dainty together with moist piece baking.
  3. Bake at 400 degrees for almost 20-25 minutes, or until cheese is bubbly together with merely outset to brown.
Note:  Shrimp tin flame hold upward placed on the pizza whole.  If shrimp are extra large, piece them inwards one-half lengthwise or laissez passer them a stone oil chop into manageable bite-sized pieces.


Please savour these other fun pizza flavors from ...

 Think exterior the pizza box amongst homemade  Shrimp & Pesto Pizza amongst Sun-Dried Tomatoes

 Think exterior the pizza box amongst homemade  Shrimp & Pesto Pizza amongst Sun-Dried Tomatoes
Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza

Buffalo Chicken Pizza

Sausage & Balsamic-Caramelized Onion Pizza

Reuben Pizza

Affiliate links are included inwards this post. I have a pocket-size total of compensation for anything purchased from these links,at Think exterior the pizza box amongst homemade  Shrimp & Pesto Pizza amongst Sun-Dried Tomatoes at no additional terms to you.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

3-Ingredient Shrimp Cocktail Dip

3-Ingredient Shrimp Cocktail Dip is a unproblematic & tardily piddling dip loaded amongst shrimp inward every bite!  It's a political party in addition to game 24-hour interval favorite, for sure.

 tardily piddling dip loaded amongst shrimp inward every seize amongst teeth 3-Ingredient Shrimp Cocktail Dip

Remember those piddling shrimp cocktails y'all used to live able to purchase inward tiny drinking glass jars?  They were sold inward the fridge or freezer sections, I believe, in addition to had a mixture of cocktail sauce in addition to teeny-tiny whole shrimp ... all ready to enjoy.  All y'all had to create was only popular the tumble out the jolt ... in addition to dig inward amongst a spoon.

But inward our family's case, these piddling shrimp cocktails were all ready to live enjoyed every bit shrimp dip!

My Mom made the simplest-and-tastiest shrimp dip past times mixing these piddling shrimp cocktails amongst cream cheese.  And I loved it.  It was exactly 2 unproblematic ingredients, but they combined to deliver upward big season that I adored.  Believe me, I was ever excited to meet Mom pick upward a pack of shrimp cocktails at the grocery store, because I knew it meant a batch of shrimp dip was presently on the way.

And I recall nosotros ever kept the piddling jars to purpose every bit juice glasses.  They were the perfect tiny size to serve upward a topographic point of juice.  We must accept had a dozen of these tiny spectacles inward our drinkware cupboard.

 tardily piddling dip loaded amongst shrimp inward every seize amongst teeth 3-Ingredient Shrimp Cocktail Dip

Sadly, these piddling shrimp cocktails are no longer available.

But fortunately, amongst exactly 3 unproblematic ingredients it's tardily to recreate the shrimp dip of my childhood memories.  Simply mix together cream cheese, prepared cocktail sauce, in addition to extra-small shrimp ... in addition to voila! ... a delicious bowl of 3-ingredient Shrimp Cocktail Dip is at your service.

Crackers, veggies, in addition to pita chips are all keen amongst this unproblematic piddling dip ... but I must admit, my absolute favorite dipper amongst it is white patato chips ... Big sturdy white patato chips, able to stand upward up to the charge of shrimp inward every bite.

So spell I may non live able to larn the piddling shrimp cocktail spectacles I recall in addition to then well, 3-ingredient Shrimp Cocktail Dip sure lives upward to the shrimp dip of my childhood memories.

 tardily piddling dip loaded amongst shrimp inward every seize amongst teeth 3-Ingredient Shrimp Cocktail Dip
Thank y'all for stopping past times . We'd dearest to accept y'all dorsum soon!

shrimp dip recipe, shrimp cocktail dip recipe, tardily dip recipe, tardily political party foods
Yield: about 2 cups

3-Ingredient Shrimp Cocktail Dip

3-Ingredient Shrimp Cocktail Dip is a unproblematic & tardily piddling dip loaded amongst shrimp inward every bite! It's a political party in addition to game 24-hour interval favorite, for sure.
prep time: 10 Mcook time: total time: 10 M


  • 1 (8 oz.) bundle cream cheese, at room temperature
  • 1/2 c. bottled cocktail sauce {we similar Heinz Zesty Cocktail Sauce}
  • 1 c. frozen cooked extra-small shrimp, thawed in addition to well-drained


How to gear upward 3-Ingredient Shrimp Cocktail Dip

  1. Place cream cheese inward a bowl in addition to cream amongst a fork. Add cocktail sauce in addition to whisk amongst a fork until good combined in addition to smooth.
  2. Coarsely chop shrimp, leaving some whole if desired. Fold into cream cheese mixture.
  3. Chill at to the lowest degree 2 hours to allow flavors to meld. Serve amongst white patato chips, crackers, or vegetables for dipping.
Created using The Recipes Generator

Please bask these other delicious dips from ...

Hot Onion Souffle Dip

Affiliate links are included inward this post. I have a pocket-sized amount of compensation for anything purchased from these links,at tardily piddling dip loaded amongst shrimp inward every seize amongst teeth 3-Ingredient Shrimp Cocktail Dip at no additional toll to you.