Thursday, July 4, 2019

Top Fifteen Best Recipes Of 2015!

See the run past times fifteen best recipes of 2015, every bit 'voted' past times readers!  These fifteen dishes are the reader favorites of the yr from    And what a delicious yr it's been!

 dishes are the reader favorites of the yr from  Top fifteen Best Recipes of 2015!

It's that fourth dimension of year, my friends, when nosotros accept a expect dorsum at the close pop reader-favorite recipes from the yr hither at .  And what a delicious yr it's been!  I produce believe I tell this every year, but I'll tell it over again ... this may exactly move my favorite post to write each year.  I love to instruct dorsum through the year's recipes in addition to encounter what you lot all liked best!

So let's instruct ahead in addition to accept a expect at the run past times fifteen best recipes of 2015 every bit 'voted' past times your views.

But also permit me tell thank you in addition to then much for reading The Kitchen is My Playground!  I'm really blessed in addition to humbled to guide maintain each in addition to every i of you lot bring together inwards amongst me on my kitchen adventures.  I'm really much looking frontward to seeing what adventures {and recipes} unfold inwards 2016!

15.  Pumpkin Slab Pie - This feed-a-crowd slab version of our favorite pumpkin pie took the 15th slot inwards our year-end countdown.  Though since it was exactly shared inwards mid-November, given alone a chip to a greater extent than fourth dimension I bet it would guide maintain come upwards inwards quite a chip higher inwards the ranks.  It's oh-sooooo good.

14.  Chocolate Covered Oreo Cake - With its thick layer of Oreo cream sandwiched betwixt ii chocolate cake layers, in addition to topped amongst rich chocolate ganache in addition to Oreo crumbles, this Chocolate Covered Oreo Cake is i dessert no Oreo lover can resist!

13.  How to Make Creme Brulee - When I mean value deliciously indulgent dessert, I mean value Creme Brulee ... Rich.  Creamy.  Delicious.  And when it comes to how to build Creme Brulee?  It's non every bit difficult every bit you lot think!  From the looks of it amongst this post landing inwards the run past times 15, many of you lot mean value of Creme Brulee, too.

12.  Grandma's Old-Fashioned Doughnuts - Apparently I'm non the alone i who loves Grandma's cooking.  :-)

11.  Slow Cooker Bacon Macaroni in addition to Cheese - Ummm, amongst the words 'slow cooker,' 'bacon,' in addition to 'macaroni in addition to cheese' inwards the title, is it whatever wonder this crock pot please landed inwards the run past times posts of the yr countdown?  I mean value not.

10.  Triple Citrus Sangria - Red vino in addition to brandy combine amongst fresh lemon, lime, in addition to orangish to deliver upwards refreshing in addition to delicious Triple Citrus Sangria.  Truly, what's non to love?

9.  Green Fluff {Pistachio Watergate Salad} - Coming inwards at the #9 spot, this classic favorite remains a favorite!

8.  Overnight Sausage, Egg, & Hash Brown Breakfast Casserole - I could surely wake upwards to this overnight breakfast casserole every day.  And it seems many of you lot could, too.

7.  Red White & Blue Strawberry Cheesecake Bites - These tasty piffling  red, white, & blueish beauties went CRAZY at quaternary of July ... but believe me, they're delicious whatever fourth dimension of year.

6.  Ham & Cheese Breakfast Casserole amongst Spinach - Mmmmmmm, how I love this ham & cheese breakfast casserole.  I mean value it's an peculiarly cracking means to savor leftover ham, in addition to it seems every bit though many of you lot do, too.

5.  The BEST Vanilla Cupcakes + the BEST Vanilla Frosting - In all of my years of cooking in addition to recipe testing, these are really the BEST Vanilla Cupcakes + the BEST Vanilla Frosting I guide maintain always had.  When it comes to cupcakes, these volition move your novel best friend!  By this recipe's taking of the fifth location inwards the countdown, it seems every bit though many of you lot guide maintain already introduced yourselves.

4.  Chocolate Crack Pie - Oh, this is i of my all-time favorite dessert recipes ... in addition to I'm in addition to then glad in addition to then many of you lot guide maintain enjoyed it, too!

3.  Quick Salami & Cream Cheese Bites - Need to whip upwards a tasty crowd-pleasing snack or political party nutrient quick?  Look no farther than classic quick Salami & Cream Cheese Bites.  With exactly iii ingredients, you lot tin guide maintain a platter laid upwards inwards minutes.   Their simplicity in addition to ease guide maintain made these a reader favorite, for sure. 

2.  Classic Southern Deviled Eggs - You exactly can't instruct incorrect amongst a platter total of cracking deviled eggs.  And these Southern Deviled Eggs? ... they're the best.  As voted past times you!

And the VERY best run past times reader favorite of the yr is ... 

1.  Sparkling Apple Pie Cocktail - Oh wow, this i went C-R-A-Z-Y!!!  It was in addition to then fun to sentry it's popularity grow!  Loaded amongst the wonderful flavors of apples, cinnamon, in addition to the sweetness of honey, this cocktail is exactly perfect for Fall ... or whatever fourth dimension ... sipping.

Happy New Year!
Looking frontward to you lot visiting throughout 2016.