Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Crescent Whorl Apple Tree Dumplings

Their warm crescent curlicue crust as well as tender apple tree filling, amongst cinnamon-sugar goodness baked on top, may simply brand Crescent Roll Apple Dumplings the perfect autumn comfort nutrient dessert.  Quick, easy, as well as oh-so-good!

Their warm crescent curlicue crust as well as tender apple tree filling Crescent Roll Apple Dumplings

I must admit, the root fourth dimension I heard virtually this Crescent Roll Apple Dumplings recipe from my mother-in-law, I didn't intend it would work.  Nor did I intend it would live whatever good.

Basically, yous twine some crescent curlicue dough or hence apple tree chunks, flavor it amongst cinnamon-sugar, pour inwards a whole bunch of saccharide water, as well as bake it.

Sounds tardily enough.  And pretty much anything made amongst crescent rolls is delicious.

But, pour inwards saccharide H2O over the lilliputian apple-crescent bundles as well as bake it up? -- How on populace was that going to work?  I was skeptical, for sure.

The dumplings are soft on the bottom from baking within the sugary water, as well as wonderful cinnamon-puffiness on the top.

I envisioned a huge watery, sugary, soggy mess.

Much to my pleasant surprise, however, the recipe works! It industrial plant to deliver upward puffy, tender lilliputian apple-filled dumplings encrusted inwards fabulously tasty cinnamon-sugar.  The dumplings are soft on the bottom from baking within the sugary water, as well as wonderful cinnamon-puffiness on the top.

I'm non just how the recipe industrial plant to deliver upward such apple-cinnamon delicious - but it does.  And my skepticism over this recipe has been set to rest.

And ohhhh, it's delicious.

Thanks to my mother-in-law's introduction, these lilliputian apple tree dumplings, along amongst their Crescent Roll Peach Dumplings cousins, are at i time i my go-to quick as well as tardily desserts.

Their warm crescent curlicue crust as well as tender apple tree filling Crescent Roll Apple Dumplings

So let's have got a await step-by-step how to whip upward a pan total of these tasty lilliputian Crescent-wrapped apple tree dumplings. - It genuinely is actually easy.

Start past times peeling as well as coring some apples - pretty much whatever proficient baking apple tree volition work.  Then cutting the apples into quarters hence yous have got pretty good-sized apple tree chunks.

Place each apple tree slice on the broad cease of a crescent curlicue dough triangle:

Their warm crescent curlicue crust as well as tender apple tree filling Crescent Roll Apple Dumplings

And as well as hence curlicue the dough upward or hence the apple tree chunk to create a lilliputian apple-filled crescent bundle:

Their warm crescent curlicue crust as well as tender apple tree filling Crescent Roll Apple Dumplings

Place the apple tree dumpling bundles inwards a baking dish.

Combine some H2O as well as saccharide inwards a saucepan as well as convey it to a boil to dissolve the sugar.  Then pour the sugar-water lead over the apple tree dumplings inwards the baking dish, drenching each i amongst the sugar-water.

Some similar apple tree dumpling recipes telephone telephone for Sprite or Mountain Dew soda instead of saccharide water.  If you'd rather role soda, that would live fine.  I've never made these amongst Mountain Dew, but I have got made them amongst Sprite as well as it industrial plant well.  The results are pretty much the same.

I similar the sugar-water option, because nosotros rarely have got soda on paw at the house.  And as well as hence I don't postulate to purchase some!

Their warm crescent curlicue crust as well as tender apple tree filling Crescent Roll Apple Dumplings

In the same agency every bit the sugar-water, pour some melted butter over the dumplings, drizzling each i amongst some of the butter, too.

Their warm crescent curlicue crust as well as tender apple tree filling Crescent Roll Apple Dumplings

Then mix together some soil cinnamon as well as saccharide inwards a small-scale bowl until it's good combined.

Generously sprinkle the cinnamon-sugar evenly over the apple tree dumplings, using upward all the cinnamon mixture.  It'll live a proficient flake sprinkled on, but it'll all become on at that spot simply fine.

Their warm crescent curlicue crust as well as tender apple tree filling Crescent Roll Apple Dumplings

Finally, bake the dumplings upward for virtually thirty minutes until they're cooked through, puffy, as well as the apples are tender inside.

Their warm crescent curlicue crust as well as tender apple tree filling Crescent Roll Apple Dumplings

Then serve them upward warm simply every bit they are, or add together a dollop of whipped cream or scoop of vanilla H2O ice cream if you’d like. Both are super tasty amongst the warm dumplings.

Crescent Roll Apple Dumplings are keen warm straight from the oven, or at room temperature.  But nosotros practise similar ours best dainty as well as warm.

Warm crescent curlicue crust as well as tender apple tree filling, amongst cinnamon-sugar goodness baked on the exceed may simply live the perfect autumn comfort nutrient dessert.

But don't worry virtually those leftovers if yous don't intend yous tin devour an entire pan -- these dumplings reheat really well.  Just spoon a dumpling or 2 onto a plate, as well as popular them inwards the microwave for a few seconds.

And live set upward to dive into apple tree dumpling deliciousness!  Warm crescent curlicue crust as well as tender apple tree filling, amongst cinnamon-sugar goodness baked on the exceed may simply live the perfect autumn comfort nutrient dessert.

Their warm crescent curlicue crust as well as tender apple tree filling Crescent Roll Apple Dumplings
Thank yous for stopping past times . We'd honey to have got yous dorsum soon!

crescent curlicue desserts, crescent curlicue apple tree dumplings recipe, tardily dessert recipe, apple tree dessert recipe
Yield: 16 dumplings

Crescent Roll Apple Dumplings

Their warm crescent curlicue crust as well as tender apple tree filling, amongst cinnamon-sugar goodness baked on top, may simply brand Crescent Roll Apple Dumplings the perfect autumn comfort nutrient dessert. Quick, easy, as well as oh-so-good!
prep time: fifteen Mcook time: 35 Mtotal time: fifty M


For the dumplings:
  • 2 (8 oz.) tubes crescent rolls
  • 4 apples, peeled, cored, & cutting inwards quarters
  • 1 1/2 c. granulated sugar
  • 1 1/2 c. water
  • 8 T. (1 stick) unsalted butter, melted
For the topping:


How to create Crescent Roll Apple Dumplings

  1. Unroll crescent dough as well as dissever into private triangles. Place an apple tree quarter at the broad cease of a crescent curlicue triangle as well as curlicue dough or hence the apple, from broad dough cease to small. Place inwards a greased 9x13-inch baking dish. Repeat amongst remaining crescent dough triangles as well as apple tree quarters.
  2. Place H2O as well as the 1 1/2 cups saccharide inwards a small-scale saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring frequently, to dissolve the sugar.
  3. Pour the hot saccharide H2O over the apple tree dumplings inwards the baking dish. Then, pour melted butter over the dumplings.
  4. Mix together ground cinnamon as well as the 1/4 loving cup saccharide inwards a small-scale bowl. Sprinkle evenly over the apple tree dumplings
  5. Bake at 350℉ for 30-35 minutes.
  6. Serve warm.
  1. You tin also role a 12-ounce tin of Sprite or other lemon-lime soda instead of the sugar-water, if you'd like. Diet soda also industrial plant simply fine.
  2. Add a dollop of whipped cream or scoop of vanilla H2O ice cream when serving if you’d like. Both are super tasty amongst the warm dumplings.
Created using The Recipes Generator

You powerfulness also similar these other tardily dessert recipes:

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