Monday, March 3, 2003

Baked Sausages In Addition To Rice Amongst Peppers & Corn

Arborio rice brings wonderful flavor in addition to fluffiness to this delicious Baked Sausages in addition to Rice amongst Peppers & Corn.  It reheats beautifully, thus teach inwards ahead to lead maintain on mitt for those busy nights!

 Arborio rice brings wonderful flavor in addition to fluffiness to this delicious  Baked Sausages in addition to Rice amongst Peppers & Corn

Are yous familiar amongst Arborio rice?

I've latterly discovered that I am a way bigger fan of Arborio rice than regular white rice.  Traditionally used to brand the coveted-creamy risotto, inwards my majority Arborio rice for sure doesn't require to live relegated soley to risotto duty.

It also brings fabulous flavor in addition to fluffiness to other rice dishes in addition to casseroles, every bit well.  Like our favorite Baked Sausages in addition to Rice amongst Peppers & Corn.  The Arborio rice cooks upwards fluffier in addition to to a greater extent than tender than regular white rice.

Arborio rice brings wonderful flavor in addition to fluffiness to this delicious dish.

I flora the starting betoken for this totally delicious dish inwards a magazine.

I was straightaway inwards dearest amongst the baked-rice-casserole concept, but non inwards dearest amongst approximately of the training steps in addition to cease result.  The master copy version had approximately super irksome training steps, in addition to I had problem amongst the sausages getting cooked all the way through.

After a yoke of tries, nosotros were loving the flavor of the dish - but were frustrated amongst the recipe itself.  So I laid nearly making my ain version that was a fleck easier to prep in addition to fifty-fifty tastier on the plate.

 Arborio rice brings wonderful flavor in addition to fluffiness to this delicious  Baked Sausages in addition to Rice amongst Peppers & Corn

I'm happy to tell this version is at nowadays a solid unit of measurement favorite!  Probably needless to say, it makes really frequent appearances on our dinner table.

Baked Sausages in addition to Rice amongst Peppers & Corn isn't but super flavorful, it reheats beautifully likewise - which agency I tin give notice brand a large pan inwards advance to lead maintain on mitt for busy nights.  Just warm approximately upwards inwards the microwave, in addition to a delicious dinner is on the tabular array inwards a thing of minutes.

To brand a pan of this baked deliciousness, starting fourth dimension yesteryear browning approximately sausages inwards a saute pan.

You tin give notice use spicy or sweetness Italian sausage, or bratwurst.  Any of them work.  Or yous could usage a chicken or turkey-based sausage, if you'd like. 

 Arborio rice brings wonderful flavor in addition to fluffiness to this delicious  Baked Sausages in addition to Rice amongst Peppers & Corn

Once the sausages are browned, house them inwards the bottom of a 9x13-inch baking dish.

You tin give notice move out them whole, if you'd like.  But nosotros similar to cutting them into thirds.  They're easier to serve that way, in addition to give to a greater extent than flexibility inwards serving size.

Baked Sausages in addition to Rice amongst Peppers & Corn isn't but super flavorful, it reheats beautifully likewise - which agency I tin give notice brand a large pan inwards advance to lead maintain on mitt for busy nights.

Our 9-year-old daughter, for example, doesn't swallow an entire sausage.  She commonly but has i or 2 of the cutting pieces.

I permit the sausages cool inwards the baking dish for a few minutes piece I deed onto the adjacent prep steps, in addition to thus cutting them into the thirds amongst a precipitous knife.

 Arborio rice brings wonderful flavor in addition to fluffiness to this delicious  Baked Sausages in addition to Rice amongst Peppers & Corn

Then inwards the same pan the sausages were browned in, saute approximately onion in addition to blood-red bell pepper.  Add inwards Arborio rice, chicken broth, corn, in addition to approximately spices in addition to convey it all to a boil.

Pour the rice mixture over the sausages inwards the baking dish ...

 Arborio rice brings wonderful flavor in addition to fluffiness to this delicious  Baked Sausages in addition to Rice amongst Peppers & Corn

Cover the baking dish amongst foil in addition to thus bake it all up.

The rice soaks upwards all the chicken broth in addition to nifty flavor from the onion, spices, in addition to sausage every bit it bakes inwards the oven.  It entirely takes nearly xxx minutes inwards the oven.

When it comes out of the oven, give it a sprinkling of chopped fresh cilantro for fifty-fifty to a greater extent than nifty flavor.  And they you're fix to serve it up.  (Leave the cilantro off if you're non a fan - it's optional.)

 Arborio rice brings wonderful flavor in addition to fluffiness to this delicious  Baked Sausages in addition to Rice amongst Peppers & Corn

Now regular white rice tin give notice for sure live used inwards this dish every bit well, but I encourage yous to become for the Arborio rice.  It lends a creamier, fluffy texture that but won't hap amongst regular rice - I've tried.  We much prefer the Arborio rice.

So watch that rice in addition to sausage in addition to caput off to the kitchen to whip upwards a large former pan of this Baked Sausages in addition to Rice amongst Peppers & Corn for dinner!  I'm hoping your solid unit of measurement volition dearest it every bit much every bit nosotros do.

Every fourth dimension I brand it, I'm hoping it'll terminal us a yoke of days amongst leftovers ... but given my husband's appetite in addition to dearest for this dish, it never makes it yesteryear i night.

 Arborio rice brings wonderful flavor in addition to fluffiness to this delicious  Baked Sausages in addition to Rice amongst Peppers & Corn
 Thank yous for stopping yesteryear . We'd dearest to lead maintain yous dorsum soon!

baked rice, baked sausage, dinner recipes, recipe
Main Dishes
Yield: 5-8 servings

Baked Sausages in addition to Rice amongst Peppers & Corn

Arborio rice brings wonderful flavor in addition to fluffiness to this delicious Baked Sausages in addition to Rice amongst Peppers & Corn. It reheats beautifully, thus teach inwards ahead to lead maintain on mitt for those busy nights!
prep time: xx Mcook time: 35 Mtotal time: 55 M


  • 1 lb. spicy or sweetness Italian sausage, or bratwurst
  • 2 T. extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 onion, thinly sliced inwards slivers
  • 2 garlic cloves, finely minced
  • 1 large blood-red bell pepper, thinly sliced inwards strips
  • 1 1/2 c. Arborio rice
  • 3 1/4 c. chicken broth {just less than 2 (14.5 oz.) cans}
  • 2 c. frozen corn, thawed
  • 1 tsp. Old Bay cajun seasoning
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/4 tsp. dark pepper
  • 3 T. chopped cilantro


How to fix Baked Sausages in addition to Rice amongst Peppers & Corn

  1. Pierce sausages all over on all sides amongst the tip of a knife. Heat olive crude oil inwards a skillet over medium-high heat. Add sausages in addition to cook, turning often, until browned, nearly v - half dozen minutes. Transfer sausages to a 9x13" baking dish coated amongst non-stick cooking spray. {Once sausages lead maintain rested a few minutes, cutting inwards halves or thirds, if desired.}
  2. Reduce rut to medium. To the same skillet, add together onion, garlic, in addition to blood-red pepper. Cook, stirring frequently, until onion is softened, nearly 2 - three minutes. Add rice; stir in addition to fix for 1 minute, ensuring all grains teach coated amongst olive crude oil from the pan.
  3. Add chicken broth, corn, Old Bay, salt, in addition to pepper. Bring to a boil.
  4. Carefully pour hot rice mixture over sausages inwards the baking dish. Cover tightly amongst aluminum foil in addition to bake at 375℉ until rice is tender in addition to has absorbed the chicken broth, nearly xxx - 35 minutes.
  5. After removing from the oven, permit stand upwards nearly v minutes earlier serving. Sprinkle transcend amongst chopped cilantro.
  1. Regular white rice tin give notice live used every bit well, but I encourage yous to become for Arborio rice inwards this dish. It lends a creamier, fluffy texture that but won't hap amongst regular rice.
  2. This dish reheats beautifully. I often teach inwards in advance to lead maintain on mitt for busy nighttime after inwards the week.  Just warm approximately upwards inwards the microwave in addition to lead maintain a delicious dinner on the tabular array inwards minutes.
Created using The Recipes Generator

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 Arborio rice brings wonderful flavor in addition to fluffiness to this delicious  Baked Sausages in addition to Rice amongst Peppers & Corn