Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Creamy Baked Noodles

Creamy Baked Noodles are such a elementary side dish, I hesitate to fifty-fifty telephone telephone them a "recipe."  But spell Creamy Baked Noodles may live simple, they're but 1 of our favorites.  And who knows? they may exactly teach 1 of your favorites, too.

But spell Creamy Baked Noodles may live elementary Creamy Baked Noodles

You know those dishes that are almost thus elementary yous don't fifty-fifty actually mean value of them every bit a recipe?  Those dishes yous brand over in addition to over because they're 1 of your favorites, in addition to they're pretty much committed to memory?

These Creamy Baked Noodles are 1 of those recipes for our family.  They're such a elementary picayune side dish.  So simple, inward fact, that I genuinely wondered if I should fifty-fifty percentage them hither on the blog.

But in addition to thus I idea - Hey, nosotros actually dear Creamy Baked Noodles ... in addition to yous all may, too!

Not alone are these creamy noodles tardily to make, they distich good every bit a elementary side dish for exactly nearly anything.

Mixed upwards with exactly 5 elementary ingredients in addition to a picayune tabular array salt in addition to pepper, Creamy Baked Noodles are genuinely tardily to prepare.  Shoot, yous tin terminate fifty-fifty mix everything together inward the same baking dish the noodles volition live baked in, if you'd similar - saving on the mixing bowl clean-up.

Not alone are these creamy noodles tardily to make, they distich good every bit a elementary side dish for exactly nearly anything.

Though, nosotros practice tend to consume them most oft amongst juicy pork chops or a prissy roasted pork tenderloin.

So exactly how practice yous brand Creamy Baked Noodles yous ask?  It's super easy.

But spell Creamy Baked Noodles may live elementary Creamy Baked Noodles

Start past times cooking upwards some egg noodles according to their parcel directions.

While the egg noodles cook, stir together a mixture of sour cream, cottage cheese, Parmesan, a acquit on of Worcestershire, in addition to tabular array salt in addition to pepper.

Creamy Baked Noodles are such a elementary side dish, I hesitate to fifty-fifty telephone telephone them a "recipe."  But spell they may live simple, they're but 1 of our favorites.

The Worcestershire brings wonderful flavour in addition to richness to the noodles.

And spell the Parmesan brings wonderful flavour every bit well, if yous tumble out to live out of Parmesan, these noodles however gustatory modality fabulous without it.  I'm known to run out the Parmesan out every forthwith in addition to then.

But spell Creamy Baked Noodles may live elementary Creamy Baked Noodles

Toss the hot cooked egg noodles into the sour cream/cottage cheese mixture.  Then gently stir the noodles around to coat them nicely inward the creamy-cheesy mixture.

But spell Creamy Baked Noodles may live elementary Creamy Baked Noodles

Spoon them into a greased baking dish in addition to range them a picayune bake fourth dimension inward the oven until heated through.  It exactly takes 25 minutes or thus inward the oven.

But spell Creamy Baked Noodles may live elementary Creamy Baked Noodles

That's it!  With exactly these few elementary steps, Creamy Baked Noodles are ready in addition to waiting to live scooped onto your family's plates.  

Yes, this noodle dish genuinely is a elementary "recipe."  But spell Creamy Baked Noodles may live simple, they're but 1 of our favorites.

And who knows, they may exactly teach 1 of your favorites, too.

But spell Creamy Baked Noodles may live elementary Creamy Baked Noodles
Thank yous for stopping past times . We'd dear to receive got yous dorsum soon!

noodles, side dish, noodle side dish, baked noodles, egg noodles, tardily recipe, tardily side dish
Yield: 6-8 servings

Creamy Baked Noodles

Creamy Baked Noodles are such a elementary side dish, I hesitate to fifty-fifty telephone telephone them a "recipe." But spell Creamy Baked Noodles may live simple, they're but 1 of our favorites. And who knows? they may exactly teach 1 of your favorites, too.
prep time: 10 Mcook time: thirty Mtotal time: xl M


  • 8 oz. egg noodles
  • 1 c. cottage cheese
  • 1 c. sour cream
  • 1/4 c. shredded or grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1/8 tsp. dark pepper
  • fresh parsley for garnish {optional}


How to laid upwards Creamy Baked Noodles

  1. Cook noodles inward salted H2O according to parcel directions; drain.
  2. In a mixing bowl, combine cottage cheese, sour cream, Parmesan, Worcestershire, salt, in addition to pepper. Add hot noodles in addition to toss gently to coat with cheese mixture.
  3. Spoon noodles into a 2-quart or 9x9-inch baking dish coated with non-stick cooking spray.
  4. Cover in addition to bake at 350℉ for 20-25 minutes, or until heated through. Garnish with chopped fresh parsley, if desired.
Created using The Recipes Generator

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