Saturday, March 23, 2019

{Leftover} Rotisserie Chicken Soup

The side yesteryear side fourth dimension y'all savour a rotisserie chicken, accept those leftovers as well as plow them into a pot of amazingly delicious, soul-warming, feel-better-all-over {leftover} Rotisserie Chicken Soup.  It's really a bowl total of comfort at it's best.

The side yesteryear side fourth dimension y'all savour a rotisserie chicken {Leftover} Rotisserie Chicken Soup

When I'm on the become as well as brusque on fourth dimension for getting dinner together, a store-bought rotisserie chicken is 1 of my go-to meals.

I hateful seriously, what did nosotros practise earlier rotisserie chickens were hence readily available inwards what-seems-to-be-every-single-store?  They're juicy, flavorful, fully-cooked {probably cooked ameliorate than I could practise at home}, as well as ... the best usage ... fast.

But there's or hence other argue I dearest rotisserie chickens.  I likewise dearest them because rotisserie chickens brand amazingly wonderful chicken soup.

Whip upward a quick vegetable to become alongside, as well as a repast is on the tabular array inwards no time.

But there's or hence other argue I dearest rotisserie chickens.  I likewise dearest them because rotisserie chickens brand amazingly wonderful chicken soup.

Amazingly wonderful chicken soup that tin sack live made with the rotisserie chicken leftovers  after we've enjoyed our get-it-on-the-table-quick dinner meal, that is.

The side yesteryear side fourth dimension y'all savour a rotisserie chicken {Leftover} Rotisserie Chicken Soup

Last week, I wasn't feeling hence hot ... a victim of the full general 'winter crud,' I practise believe.  It was real wisely suggested that I needed or hence homemade chicken soup to brand me experience better.

And tin sack y'all approximate what nosotros merely happened to possess got had for dinner the dark before?  A rotisserie chicken.

A large ol' pot of {leftover} Rotisserie Chicken Soup was merely meant to be. 

I dearest this soup for several reasons.  First, it takes wages of the convenience of store-prepared rotisserie chicken ... which makes it real slow to ready upward a pot full.

The roasted yumminess of the rotisserie chicken meat as well as pare gives amazingly rich as well as delicious season to the soup.  It's a depth of season that merely isn't achieved with non-roasted chicken.

Second, it puts the chicken leftovers to corking use.  After the chicken is simmered for a duo of hours, all that delicious chicken merely falls correct off the bones into the soup.

And 3rd ... as well as to me, the nigh of import reason, ... the roasted yumminess of the rotisserie chicken meat as well as pare gives amazingly rich as well as delicious season to the soup.  It's a depth of season that merely isn't achieved with non-roasted chicken.

So the side yesteryear side fourth dimension y'all savour a rotisserie chicken, accept those leftovers as well as plow them into a pot of amazingly delicious, soul-warming, feel-better-all-over {leftover} Rotisserie Chicken Soup.  It's really a flavorful bowl total of comfort at it's best.

The side yesteryear side fourth dimension y'all savour a rotisserie chicken {Leftover} Rotisserie Chicken Soup
Thank y'all for stopping yesteryear . We'd dearest to possess got y'all dorsum soon!

chicken soup recipe, homemade chicken soup, soup made with rotisserie chicken, leftover rotisserie chicken soup recipe
Yield: 8-10 Servings

{Leftover} Rotisserie Chicken Soup

The side yesteryear side fourth dimension y'all savour a rotisserie chicken, accept those leftovers as well as plow them into a pot of amazingly delicious, soul-warming, feel-better-all-over {leftover} Rotisserie Chicken Soup. It's really a bowl total of comfort at it's best.
prep time: twenty Mcook time: two hourtotal time: two H & twenty M


  • 1 {leftover} rotisserie chicken, bones & pare included
  • 1 large onion, finely chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 4 or five carrots, peeled & sliced inwards rounds
  • 3 stalks celery, sliced
  • 2 T. unsalted butter
  • 6 to 8 c. reduced-sodium chicken broth
  • 1/3 c. chopped fresh parsley
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/8 to 1/4 tsp. pepper


How to ready {Leftover} Rotisserie Chicken Soup

  1. In a large stock pot or Dutch oven, melt butter over medium heat. Add onion as well as garlic; cook, stirring frequently, for two minutes until softened. Add carrot as well as celery; cook, stirring frequently, for five minutes until softened.
  2. Add rotisserie chicken, chicken broth, parsley, salt, as well as pepper. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover, as well as simmer for two hours.
  3. Using a slotted spoon, take bones as well as pare from pot.
  4. Taste; conform tabular array salt as well as pepper equally needed.
  1. When I purchase a rotisserie chicken, nosotros normally possess got usage of it for dinner that dark ... typically enjoying 1 of the breasts as well as both thighs or a thigh as well as a drumstick. I as well as then usage the residual of the chicken to brand {Leftover} Rotisserie Chicken Soup. You tin sack likewise usage a chicken with a niggling less meat leftover, or an entire rotisserie chicken if you'd like.
  2. Be certain to include or hence of the pare inwards the pot! It adds an amazing richness of season to the finished soup.
  3. It tin sack live a fleck of a challenge to take the pocket-sized bones from the pot using a slotted spoon. To take all pocket-sized bones, allow soup to cool until cool plenty to handle. Remove equally many of the vegetables as well as chicken pieces equally possible to a dissever pot as well as pour broth through a strainer into the novel pot. Remove bones from the strainer, adding whatever chicken pieces or vegetables from the strainer dorsum into the soup.
Created using The Recipes Generator

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The side yesteryear side fourth dimension y'all savour a rotisserie chicken {Leftover} Rotisserie Chicken Soup

The side yesteryear side fourth dimension y'all savour a rotisserie chicken {Leftover} Rotisserie Chicken Soup

The side yesteryear side fourth dimension y'all savour a rotisserie chicken {Leftover} Rotisserie Chicken Soup
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