Friday, April 26, 2019

Easy Candy Corn Slab Cookies

Make Halloween prep slowly alongside these simple-to-prepare Candy Corn Slab Cookies ... as well as alongside slowly Halloween shopping as well as savings at!  They're guaranteed to larn you lot inward the Halloween spirit.  Thank you lot to for sponsoring this post.

 Make Halloween prep slowly alongside these elementary Easy Candy Corn Slab Cookies

As a novel foster/adoptive Mom, this is my starting fourth dimension Halloween alongside a kid.  And allow me tell you, our really spirited, highly-active piffling 6-year-old daughter is very  excited for Halloween!  Which way this novel Mom is having to larn into the total Halloween swing, too.

And believe me, alongside a busy schoolhouse as well as after-school-activities schedule {like nosotros all seem to have, right?}, I'm definitely on the search for ways to brand Halloween slowly ... all without costing me an arm as well as leg.  I'm happy to tell these slowly Candy Corn Slab Cookies certain stand upwards for that bill.

So the other day, Little Miss H. as well as I took a quick trip to Walmart to pick upwards some candy corn for a batch of these cookie treats, as well as to start getting ourselves into total Halloween spirit mode.  First she picked out a trick-or-treat bucket inward her absolute favorite color ... purple.  And as well as then what an direct a opportunity Little Miss had looking at all the costumes!  I swear, she must accept begged me to purchase her at to the lowest degree 10 of them.  Princess Jasmine ... a mermaid ... a butterfly ... a cupcake ... Elsa from Frozen ... as well as Super Girl ... simply to cry a few.

She was thus excited nigh all the unlike costumes, she could hardly incorporate herself.  So I decided it would live best for us to hold off a piffling chip to create upwards one's heed which i to genuinely buy.  We didn't desire to endure from costume buyer's remorse now, did we?  No, non at all ... because that would live a bad thing.

But I volition tell cheers to their large alternative of Halloween treats as well as supplies, our Walmart trip was indeed quite successful at getting us into the Halloween spirit.

So are you lot curious which costume Little Miss H hold upwards chose equally the perfect costume for her?

{And no, this isn't our adorable Little Miss H ... this is the adorable model. :-) }

Seriously, i time this perfect-costume-selection was made, produce you lot desire to know what I discovered is fifty-fifty easier than shopping at Walmart for our Halloween supplies?  Shopping at  for our Halloween supplies!

Mmmm hmmmm, alongside as well as i or 2 clicks, our Elsa costume was on it's way to our doorstep without me fifty-fifty needing to exit the couch.  And without breaking the bank, also ... because offers the same neat everyday depression prices equally the store itself.

While I was perusing the girls' costumes online, I also discovered offers a whole bunch of personalized Halloween items, too.  Like personalized trick-or-treat bags ... as well as fun personalized doormats ... as well as fifty-fifty monogrammed pumpkins!  Just expect at how adorable these are ...


Little Miss H. may simply live getting a personalized trick-or-treat handbag to tote her goodies around inward on Halloween night!

And allow me simply say, this first-time Mom is super glad Halloween costume shopping was thus easy!  Thanks to, it was fifty-fifty easier than making these Candy Corn Slab Cookies.

 Make Halloween prep slowly alongside these elementary Easy Candy Corn Slab Cookies

Which is maxim a lot because making these Candy Corn Slab Cookies is nigh equally slowly equally tin sack be.

To whip upwards a batch of these fun treats, catch a subway scheme of your favorite refrigerated carbohydrate cookie dough on your side past times side trip to Walmart.  Then gyre it out on a pizza/baking stone, sprinkle the dough evenly alongside white chocolate chips as well as pecans, as well as bake it for nigh xx minutes ...

 Make Halloween prep slowly alongside these elementary Easy Candy Corn Slab Cookies

Once it's baked for the xx minutes, sprinkle on some candy corn as well as bake it for 2 minutes to a greater extent than to simply barely larn the candy corn melty as well as stuck to the cookie dough.

Let the slab of cookies cool, as well as and then whiz across it several times alongside a pizza cutter to cutting cookie squares.

 Make Halloween prep slowly alongside these elementary Easy Candy Corn Slab Cookies

And that's it!  You've got i quick-and-easy batch of Candy Corn Slab Cookies to savour for your Halloween treats ... guaranteed to larn you lot inward the Halloween spirit.

As I larn ready to savour my starting fourth dimension Halloween equally a Mom, I know I'm certain thankful to as well as elementary recipes similar this to move along my Halloween prep easy!

 Make Halloween prep slowly alongside these elementary Easy Candy Corn Slab Cookies

Easy Candy Corn Slab Cookies
(Printable recipe)
  • 1 (16.5 oz.) package refrigerated carbohydrate cookie dough
  • 1 c. (6 oz.) white chocolate chips
  • 1/2 c. chopped pecans
  • about 3/4 c. candy corn {more or less, to taste}
  1. Spray a mutual frigidity baking/pizza rock really lightly alongside non-stick cooking spray. Roll cookie dough out into roughly a 1/4-inch thick circle onto the baking stone.
  2. Sprinkle cookie dough evenly alongside white chocolate chips as well as pecans.
  3. Bake at 350 degrees for xviii - xx minutes until cookie dough looks almost done.
  4. Remove from oven as well as straightaway sprinkle evenly alongside candy corn. Return to oven as well as bake for an additional 2 minutes until candy corn has simply begun to melt on some edges.
  5. Remove from oven as well as cool completely on the baking stone. Once cooled, loosen from the baking rock alongside a long knife. Cut into squares alongside a pizza cutter.
- These cookies produce non operate equally good when baked on a cookie sail ... I solely recommend baking them on a baking/pizza stone.  When baked on a cookie sheet, they lose their soft, tender texture as well as come upwards out crispy.  {But hey, if you lot honey crispy cookies, become for it!  You volition remove to sentry them closely equally they bake as well as adapt downward the baking time.}
- Be warned ... if the candy corn is left inward the oven for much longer than 2 minutes, it volition melt into piffling puddles of orangish goo!


 Make Halloween prep slowly alongside these elementary Easy Candy Corn Slab Cookies

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