Saturday, April 6, 2019

Fruit Cocktail Fluff {A.K.A. Slow Ambrosia Salad}

Three unproblematic ingredients.  Incredibly easy.  And a solid unit of measurement favorite comfort food.  Need nosotros tell more?  Whip upwards this creamy Fruit Cocktail Fluff Salad in no time.  And thence sentinel it disappear ... inward no time, too.

 Three unproblematic ingredients combine to create this incredibly tardily comfort nutrient Fruit Cocktail Fluff  {a.k.a. Easy Ambrosia Salad}

Why is it that incredibly tardily dishes are quite oftentimes the best?  It seems equally though the simplest of things tend to live our favorites.

Like amongst this Fruit Cocktail Fluff, equally nosotros telephone telephone it inward our family. 

I hateful seriously, this materials is thence unproblematic I hesitate to fifty-fifty telephone telephone it a recipe.  But human being alive, practise I honey it.  Recipe or not.
Also referred to as fruit cocktail salad, fruit cocktail ambrosia, in addition to tardily ambrosia, this creamy concoction requires precisely 3 unproblematic ingredients to make.

I hateful seriously, this materials is thence unproblematic I hesitate to fifty-fifty telephone telephone it a recipe.  But human being alive, practise I honey it.  Recipe or not.

And takes less than five minutes to mix up.

Then?  You precisely withdraw to laissez passer on it a picayune facial expression fourth dimension inward the refridge.

And believe me, that's the only  hard purpose of this "recipe" The waiting.

But you've got to facial expression ... for everything to larn all "right" together.

 Three unproblematic ingredients combine to create this incredibly tardily comfort nutrient Fruit Cocktail Fluff  {a.k.a. Easy Ambrosia Salad}

So what are the 3 unproblematic ingredients needed to brand this tardily comfort nutrient favorite?

Quite precisely a tin shipping away of fruit cocktail, some mini marshmallows, in addition to Cool Whip.

If you're non a fan of Cool Whip, you lot could sure as shooting brand your ain homemade whipped cream instead.  Homemade whipped cream volition operate precisely great, too.  Whipping together nearly 3/4 loving cup whipping cream, 1 & 1/2 tablespoons sugar, in addition to 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract should practise the trick. 

 Three unproblematic ingredients combine to create this incredibly tardily comfort nutrient Fruit Cocktail Fluff  {a.k.a. Easy Ambrosia Salad}

During the "waiting" inward the refrigerator, the marshmallows soak upwards juice from the fruit cocktail in addition to wet from the Cool Whip, in addition to larn all soft in addition to mushy.  And "right."

The squishy, creamy, comfort nutrient sort of "right."

Which sometimes is precisely the sort of "right" you lot crave in addition to need.

Letting the ingredients sufficiently meld together creates this Fruit Cocktail Fluff's soft in addition to creamy texture nosotros honey thence much.

It may live tempting to shortcut the waiting fourth dimension on this recipe, but I don't recommend that.  Letting the ingredients sufficiently meld together creates this Fruit Cocktail Fluff's soft in addition to creamy texture nosotros honey thence much.  Do permit this sit down for the total recommended time.

Or making it the solar daytime earlier you lot conception to serve it would live fifty-fifty better!

So, whether nosotros telephone telephone this unproblematic 3-ingredient deliciousness a recipe or non is neither hither nor in that place to me.  I precisely know that, similar thence many incredibly tardily dishes, this  incredibly tardily dish is a solid unit of measurement favorite.

And for me, that makes it precisely "right."

 Three unproblematic ingredients combine to create this incredibly tardily comfort nutrient Fruit Cocktail Fluff  {a.k.a. Easy Ambrosia Salad}
Thank you lot for stopping past times .  We'd honey to guide maintain you lot dorsum soon!

fluff salad, tardily ambrosia recipe, fruit cocktail salad recipe
Yield: 8-10 Servings

Fruit Cocktail Fluff {a.k.a. Easy Ambrosia Salad}

Three unproblematic ingredients. Incredibly easy. And a solid unit of measurement favorite comfort food. Need nosotros tell more? Whip upwards this creamy Fruit Cocktail Fluff Salad inward no time. And thence sentinel it disappear ... inward no time, too.
prep time: five Mcook time: total time: five M



How to educate Fruit Cocktail Fluff {a.k.a. Easy Ambrosia Salad}

  1. Drain fruit cocktail, but non good ... you lot desire to move out a picayune chip of the juice.
  2. Place fruit cocktail in addition to marshmallows inward a bowl in addition to stir together. Add Cool Whip. Stir gently until good combined.
  3. Refrigerate for at to the lowest degree half dozen hours, or until marshmallows are soft.
Created using The Recipes Generator
You powerfulness also relish these other incredibly tardily fluff salad recipes:

Peach Fluff Salad

Green Fluff {Pistachio Watergate Salad}

Cranberry Fluff Salad

 Three unproblematic ingredients combine to create this incredibly tardily comfort nutrient Fruit Cocktail Fluff  {a.k.a. Easy Ambrosia Salad}

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