Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Slow Cooker Caramel Hot Chocolate

'Tis the flavor to live jolly!  And the flavor to host all those festive vacation get-togethers.  Whether it's an afternoon sledding party, a vacation brunch, girls' nighttime in, a fun cookie or gift exchange, or a casual Christmas get-together amongst family, this Slow Cooker Caramel Hot Chocolate is the merely the affair to serve up.  Thank y'all to REAL® Seal for sponsoring this recipe's creation too this post.

And the flavor to host all those festive vacation larn Slow Cooker Caramel Hot Chocolate

When it comes to a fun vacation get-together, nix beats a delicious warm-your-heart-and-soul hot potable to enjoy.  Especially when that hot potable involves chocolate.

And when that delicious warm-your-heart-and-soul process combines chocolate amongst caramel similar amongst this Caramel Hot Chocolate?  Well, that's fifty-fifty better!
The ease too convenience of beingness able to brand too serve this hot chocolate inward the wearisome cooker makes it a perfect alternative to serve a crowd or to serve at an termination that spans over a current of time.

Keep that wearisome cooker going on the WARM or LOW setting, too this hot chocolate is at-the-ready to relish for hours.

Keep that wearisome cooker going on the WARM or LOW setting, too this hot chocolate is at-the-ready to relish for hours.  Which makes it wonderful for an opened upward describe solid ... or an afternoon of sledding ... or for then many dissimilar types of gatherings amongst loved ones.

Truly, it couldn't live easier to make, either.

Simply view your wearisome cooker too pour inward milk chocolate chips too a expert dose of caramel H2O ice cream topping ...

And the flavor to host all those festive vacation larn Slow Cooker Caramel Hot Chocolate

Then add together a combination of milk too rich-and-creamy half-&-half ...

And the flavor to host all those festive vacation larn Slow Cooker Caramel Hot Chocolate

Now when it comes to choosing that milk too half-and-half, live sure to pick out REAL® dairy products.  Because the REAL® Seal provides y'all amongst assurance that you're buying genuine dairy products, made amongst milk from cows on U.S.A. of America dairy farms. 

When y'all meet the REAL® Seal on a dairy product, y'all tin trust it's the REAL thing. 

That REAL® milk too half-and-half is packed amongst corking gustatory modality too nutrients y'all tin exclusively larn from REAL® dairy products, too.  Like calcium, vitamin D, potassium, too loads of lineament protein.  And that's something dairy imitators merely can't say.

Let the ingredients gear upward on LOW for 2 to three hours until they're creamy too all the chocolate chips are melted ...

And the flavor to host all those festive vacation larn Slow Cooker Caramel Hot Chocolate

Then scoop out private mugs full, too seat off each mug amongst a squirt of REAL® whipped cream ...

And the flavor to host all those festive vacation larn Slow Cooker Caramel Hot Chocolate

... too a drizzle of caramel topping.  If you'd similar a salted caramel version, sprinkle on a tiny pinch of bounding main salt.

We tried it both ways, too prefer ours unsalted ... but if salted is your thing, become for it!

And the flavor to host all those festive vacation larn Slow Cooker Caramel Hot Chocolate

Then dive on inward to the caramel deliciousness!  So expert you'll live hard-pressed to terminate at merely 1 mug.

So if you're entertaining during this flavor of jolliness, add together this Slow Cooker Caramel Hot Chocolate to your get-together menu.  

With its wonderful flavor too wearisome cooker ease too convenience, it's merely the perfect affair to serve upward for your crowd.

And the flavor to host all those festive vacation larn Slow Cooker Caramel Hot Chocolate
Thank y'all for stopping past times . We'd dear to accept y'all dorsum soon!

wearisome cooker hot chocolate recipe, crock pot hot chocolate recipe, caramel hot chocolate recipe
Yield: about seven cups

Slow Cooker Caramel Hot Chocolate

Whether it's an afternoon sledding party, a vacation brunch, girls' nighttime in, a fun cookie or gift exchange, or a casual Christmas get-together amongst family, this Slow Cooker Caramel Hot Chocolate is the merely the affair to serve up.
prep time: 10 Mcook time: three hourtotal time: three H & 10 M


  • 4 c. whole milk
  • 2 c. REAL® 1/2 & 1/2
  • 12 oz. (2 c.) milk chocolate chips*
  • 1/3 c. + 1 T. caramel H2O ice cream topping
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • REAL® whipped cream & additional caramel H2O ice cream topping, for garnish


How to gear upward Slow Cooker Caramel Hot Chocolate

  1. Place milk, 1/2 & 1/2, milk chocolate chips, caramel H2O ice cream topping, too vanilla inward a wearisome cooker. Cook on LOW setting for 2 - three hours until creamy too all chocolate chips are melted, stirring most every thirty minutes.
  2. Spoon into mugs too seat off each mug amongst REAL® whipped cream too a drizzle of caramel.
  3. Keep warm for several hours amongst the wearisome cooker on the WARM or LOW setting. Leftovers tin live stored inward the fridge too reheated afterwards on the stove seat off or inward the microwave.
  1. *We tested amongst milk chocolate chips, semi-sweet chocolate chips, too a combination of the two. We similar milk chocolate chips the best. If you'd similar a to a greater extent than black chocolate taste, move 1 1/2 c. milk chocolate chips + 1/2 c. semi-sweet chocolate chips. While y'all tin sure as shooting brand this amongst semi-sweet chocolate chips lone if you'd like, nosotros weren't fond of the flavor.
Created using The Recipes Generator
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And the flavor to host all those festive vacation larn Slow Cooker Caramel Hot Chocolate

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