Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Old-Fashioned Apple Tree Cake

Loaded amongst fresh apples, iced amongst boiled caramel topping, in addition to studded amongst crunchy pecans, Old-Fashioned Apple Cake is i stunningly delicious apple tree dessert.  But hey, if it happens to grace your breakfast plate too, residual assured nosotros won't judge.

 is i stunningly delicious apple tree dessert Old-Fashioned Apple Cake

Oh, it's apple tree season!

I simply dearest to produce in addition to bake amongst apples, in addition to I know hence many of you lot do, too.  From sweetness to savory, breakfast to dessert, apples are hence versatile in addition to lend themselves beautifully to hence many dishes.  It's no wonder they're i of our favorites to produce amongst in addition to enjoy.

Which is precisely why 10 other blogger friends in addition to I teamed upward today for an "Apple Challenge" to each convey you lot a scrumptious apple tree recipe.  Be certain to encounter the listing of all xi "Apple Challenge" recipes at the terminate of this shipping in addition to click around to view the other bloggers' recipes.  There's hence much deliciousness to see!

Loaded amongst fresh apples, iced amongst boiled caramel topping, in addition to studded amongst crunchy pecans, Old-Fashioned Apple Cake is i stunningly delicious apple tree dessert.

For my "Apple Challenge" recipe, I decided to become the baking road since I dearest to bake hence much.  And also because apples are simply hence darn tasty inward baked goods.

I turned to my draw of piece of employment solid unit of measurement cookbook for inspiration, in addition to decided our family-favorite Old-Fashioned Apple Cake would live the perfect matter to brand in addition to share.

 is i stunningly delicious apple tree dessert Old-Fashioned Apple Cake

This cake is loaded amongst fresh chopped apples in addition to pecans, in addition to then iced amongst a uncomplicated boiled caramel topping ...

 is i stunningly delicious apple tree dessert Old-Fashioned Apple Cake

After pouring on the topping, a piffling sprinkling of chopped pecans adds simply the perfect finishing deport upon to this stunningly delicious cake.

 is i stunningly delicious apple tree dessert Old-Fashioned Apple Cake

Now amongst this Old-Fashioned Apple Cake, it's i of those cakes that gets to a greater extent than flavorful in addition to moist equally it sits.  

So if  it seems drier than you'd similar if you lot cutting into it shortly subsequently it comes out of the oven, never fear.  As it sits, it seems the natural moistness in addition to flavor of the fresh apples infuse into the cake somehow.  And it simply gets ameliorate amongst time.

Now amongst this Old-Fashioned Apple Cake, it's i of those cakes that gets to a greater extent than flavorful in addition to moist equally it sits.

I recommend making the cake the solar daytime earlier you lot conception to serve it, if possible, for increased apple tree flavor in addition to a to a greater extent than moist, tender cake.

Go catch those fresh Fall apples in addition to whip upward this delicious dessert.  

And hey, if your draw of piece of employment solid is anything similar ours, Old-Fashioned Apple Cake may simply grace your breakfast plates, too.  Rest assured, nosotros won't judge.

 is i stunningly delicious apple tree dessert Old-Fashioned Apple Cake
Thank you lot for stopping yesteryear .  We'd dearest to accept you lot dorsum soon!

apple tree cake recipe, fresh apple tree cake recipe, old-fashioned apple tree cake recipe, cake amongst fresh apples, canvas cake recipe
Yield: about 12-16 servings

Old-Fashioned Apple Cake

Loaded amongst fresh apples, iced amongst boiled caramel topping, in addition to studded amongst crunchy pecans, Old-Fashioned Apple Cake is i stunningly delicious apple tree dessert. But hey, if it happens to grace your breakfast plate too, residual assured nosotros won't judge.
prep time: 45 Mcook time: fifty Mtotal time: 95 M


For the apples:
  • 3 c. peeled & chopped fresh apples
  • 2 T. granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp. Earth cinnamon
For the cake:
  • 3 eggs
  • 3/4 c. canola oil
  • 3/4 c. unsweetened applesauce
  • 2 c. granulated sugar
  • 2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 3 c. all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 c. chopped pecans
For the topping:
  • 1/2 c. (1 stick) butter
  • 1 c. brownish sugar
  • 1/4 c. evaporated milk
  • pinch salt
  • 1/4 to 1/3 c. chopped pecans


How to produce Old-Fashioned Apple Cake

For the apples:
  1. Combine chopped apples, two tablespoons sugar, in addition to cinnamon inward a bowl; toss to coat apples. 
  2. Set aside.
For the cake:
  1. Beat eggs, two cups sugar, canola oil, in addition to applesauce together amongst an electrical mixer at medium speed. Add vanilla extract.
  2. Combine flour, baking soda, in addition to salt. Add dry out ingredients to egg mixture. Beat on depression speed until simply combined. 
  3. Gently plication inward chopped apples in addition to pecans.
  4. Pour batter into a greased 9x13-inch pan. 
  5. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 to fifty minutes, or until a wooden pick inserted inward the middle come upward out clean.
For the topping:
  1. Combine butter, brownish sugar, evaporated milk, in addition to pinch of tabular array salt inward a small-scale saucepan over medium-high heat. Bring to a rolling boil, stirring frequently. 
  2. Once boiling, produce for three minutes, stirring constantly.
  3. Pour the hot topping evenly over the hand of the cake patch the cake is yet warm. 
  4. Sprinkle amongst 1/4 to 1/3 loving cup chopped pecans.
  5. Allow cake to cool earlier serving.
Created using The Recipes Generator

Check out all the other delicious APPLE recipes below from bloggers who took business office inward our Apple Challenge.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad Alongside Apples & Pecans

Grab those apples together with pecans together with whip upward a tasty bowl of Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad alongside Apples & Pecans.  It makes for i real perfect-for-Fall sandwich!
Thank you to Pepperidge Farm® for sponsoring this post.

Grab those apples together with pecans together with whip upward a tasty bowl of  Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad alongside Apples & Pecans

I've made a lot of chicken salads y'all.  And you know what?  This Greek yogurt chicken salad may merely hold upward the best i yet.

Yes, it's that tasty.  I'm happy to nation it fifty-fifty got an enthusiastic "This is so good!" from our six-year-old miss when she tried her kickoff spoonful!

Loaded alongside the wonderful Fall flavors of apples together with pecans, a combat of sweetness from carmine grapes, together with the creaminess of Greek yogurt, this chicken salad packs a resounding season punch.  Not to nurture ...

I dearest that it's a combat to a greater extent than health-conscious than the typical mayonnaise-laden chicken salad ... together with packs a piddling extra poly peptide from the purpose of Greek yogurt.

Grab those apples together with pecans together with whip upward a tasty bowl of  Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad alongside Apples & Pecans

The inspiration for this recipe came from ii things ...

The kickoff inspiration was our family's watch terminal weekend to an apple tree orchard.  It was piddling Miss H.'s kickoff fourth dimension at an orchard, together with equally expected, she loved it.  We weren't able to alternative our ain apples because of this year's smaller-than-usual apple tree crop inwards our expanse ... apparently, some jump storms damaged the blooms.  But nosotros were  able to accept a hay ride together with alternative our ain pumpkin, which Miss H. adored.

And spell nosotros couldn't alternative our ain apples, nosotros were  able to purchase some super-fresh, just-picked carmine beauties from the orchard stand.

Which together with so promptly ended upward inwards this perfect-for-Fall Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad alongside Apples & Pecans.

Grab those apples together with pecans together with whip upward a tasty bowl of  Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad alongside Apples & Pecans

This salad's 2d inspiration was the new Pepperidge Farm Harvest BlendsTM bread.  Because shouldn't a sandwich made alongside a to a greater extent than health-conscious, whole-grain, harvest-inspired staff of life receive got a to a greater extent than health-conscious, harvest-inspired filling?

Well yes.  Yes, it should.

Grab those apples together with pecans together with whip upward a tasty bowl of  Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad alongside Apples & Pecans

I was fortunate to instruct to endeavour out all 3 varieties of the novel Harvest BlendsTM  ... together with I'm hooked.  Being an only-whole-grain-bread family, Pepperidge Farm® Harvest BlendsTM will easily slide correct into our staff of life line-up.  While each multifariousness is dissimilar inwards texture together with flavor, they all receive got keen fresh-baked taste.  And they're all dainty together with hearty together with filling!

I specially dearest the super soft texture of the Sprouted Grain, the crunchiness of the Seeded Grain, together with the slight sweetness from molasses inwards the Ancient Grain.

So which did I span alongside my Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad, you ask?

The Ancient Grain!  The bread's subtle sweetness paired actually good alongside the salad's tang from the Greek yogurt together with sweetness from the pecans together with fruit.  But truly, I mean value whatsoever of the 3 varieties would brand a fabulous sandwich. 

So catch those apples together with pecans together with whip upward a tasty bowl of Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad alongside Apples & Pecans.  It makes for a real perfect-for-Fall sandwich, indeed!

Grab those apples together with pecans together with whip upward a tasty bowl of  Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad alongside Apples & Pecans

Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad alongside Apples & Pecans
(Printable recipe)
  • 2 c. chopped cooked boneless, skinless chicken thorax {about 2 or 3 chicken breasts}
  • 2/3 c. plain Greek yogurt
  • 1/3 c. finely chopped carmine onion
  • 1 T. fresh lemon juice
  • total of 1 c. fruit & nut add-ins: chopped apples, chopped pecans, & halved grapes {I purpose a mixture of all 3 1/3 c. apples, 1/3 c. pecans, together with 1/3 c. grapes}
  • 1/4 tsp. curry powder
  • salt & pepper, to gustation {I purpose 1/2 tsp. common salt together with 1/4 tsp. pepper}
  • Pepperidge Farm Harvest BlendsTM bread
  1. Combine Greek yogurt, carmine onion, lemon juice, curry powder, salt, together with pepper inwards a mixing bowl; stir to combine. Add chicken, tossing to coat. Stir inwards apples, pecans, and/or grapes.
  2. Chill for nearly xxx minutes earlier serving to let flavors to meld.
  3. Serve equally a sandwich filling alongside Pepperidge Farm Harvest BlendsTM bread.
*NOTE:  A 5.3 oz. container of Greek yogurt is merely shy of 2/3 cup.  If you don't experience similar buying 'the big' container of Greek yogurt, purpose a acquit on of mayonnaise to brand upward the divergence to 2/3 cup.


Connect with Pepperidge Farm®:  Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram

Please savor these other tasty chicken salad recipes from ...

Pineapple-Pecan Chicken Salad

Traditional Southern Chicken Salad

Tarragon Chicken Salad

Grab those apples together with pecans together with whip upward a tasty bowl of  Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad alongside Apples & Pecans

Disclosure: This shipping is sponsored yesteryear Pepperidge Farm inwards conjunction alongside Blog Meets Brand together with I receive got been compensated for my participation. All opinions are my own.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Pumpkin Apple Tree Streusel Muffins

Two autumn flavors are perfect together inwards these tender together with tasty Pumpkin Apple Streusel Muffins.

 Two autumn flavors are perfect together inwards these tender together with tasty  Pumpkin Apple Streusel Muffins

It has been absolutely beautiful autumn atmospheric condition this calendar week thus far hither inwards North Carolina.  It's been those variety of days where there's simply a fighting of coolness inwards the air inwards the morning, together with thus it warms upward to a perfectly-pleasant temperature that's warm plenty for brusk sleeves but not-at-all-hot.  You know, those variety of days that brand you lot simply desire to pass the entire twenty-four hr stream outside.

That is, unless you're similar me.  Because create you lot desire to know what these variety of beautiful autumn days brand me desire to do?

Beautiful autumn days brand me desire to bake alongside autumn flavors, of course!  I create believe autumn flavors are my favorite.  To me, autumn baking is pears ... and persimmon ... together with pecans ... together with maple ... together with apples ... together with pumpkins

Fall baking is especially apples together with pumpkins.  So, why non set these 2 autumn flavors together, right? 

Why not, indeed!

Like alongside these gorgeous family-favorite Pumpkin Apple Streusel Muffins.

 Two autumn flavors are perfect together inwards these tender together with tasty  Pumpkin Apple Streusel Muffins

In these fabulous-for-fall muffins, the pumpkin base of operations is made simply that much meliorate past times adding chunks of juicy, fresh autumn apples.  When you lot own got a seize alongside teeth you lot teach the wonderful combination of tender pumpkin muffin, crunchy-sweet streusel, together with moist-and-juicy apple.  And it's deeee-lish.

 Two autumn flavors are perfect together inwards these tender together with tasty  Pumpkin Apple Streusel Muffins

Pumpkin Apple Streusel Muffins are my all-time favorite muffins ... I've made them for years.  With this item batch, I had the joy of introducing our Little Miss H. to their deliciousness.  I'm happy to study they earned her whole-hearted seal of approval.

We really promise you lot taste them, too!

 Two autumn flavors are perfect together inwards these tender together with tasty  Pumpkin Apple Streusel Muffins
Thank you lot for stopping past times . We'd dearest to own got you lot dorsum soon!

pumpkin muffins recipe, apple tree muffins recipe, autumn muffins recipe, pumpkin apple tree muffins recipe
Yield: 18 muffins

Pumpkin Apple Streusel Muffins

Two autumn flavors are perfect together inwards these tender together with tasty Pumpkin Apple Streusel Muffins.
prep time: 25 Mcook time: forty Mtotal time: 65 M


  • 2 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
  • 2 c. granulated sugar
  • 1 T. pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1 c. 100% solid-pack pumpkin (NOT pumpkin pie filling)
  • 1/2 c. canola oil
  • 2 c. peeled, finely chopped apple
Streusel Topping:
  • 2 T. all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 c. granulated sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. solid soil cinnamon
  • 2 T. butter


How to fix Pumpkin Apple Streusel Muffins

For the Streusel Topping:
  1. In a modest bowl, combine the 2 tablespoons flour, 1/4 loving cup sugar, together with solid soil cinnamon. 
  2. Cut inwards butter until mixture is crumbly. (You tin dismiss usage 2 knives, a pastry cutter, or your fingers ... I simply usage my fingers to crumble everything together.)
For the Muffins:
  1. In a large bowl, combine the 2 1/2 cups flour, 2 cups sugar, pumpkin pie spice, baking soda, together with salt. In a medium bowl, combine the eggs, pumpkin, together with oil. 
  2. Add the liquid ingredients to the dry out ingredients; stir simply until moistened. Stir inwards apples.
  3. Spoon batter into lightly greased together with paper-lined muffin cups, filling 3/4 total (there should live nearly xviii muffins). Sprinkle streusel topping evenly over the filled muffin cups.
  4. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted inwards the middle comes out clean.
Created using The Recipes Generator

You mightiness also taste these other tasty muffin recipes:

 Two autumn flavors are perfect together inwards these tender together with tasty  Pumpkin Apple Streusel Muffins

 Two autumn flavors are perfect together inwards these tender together with tasty  Pumpkin Apple Streusel Muffins

 Two autumn flavors are perfect together inwards these tender together with tasty  Pumpkin Apple Streusel Muffins

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Baked Homemade Meatballs

 What are the secrets to creating full-flavored Baked Homemade Meatballs amongst the tender texture nosotros crave?  Taking neat assist amongst the ingredients together with the mixing method, that's what!
aking neat assist amongst the ingredients together with the mixing method Baked Homemade Meatballs

Nothing says comfort nutrient quite similar a big plate of spaghetti together with meatballs, don't you lot think?

But all likewise oftentimes homemade meatballs plow out dense together with flavorless, reminding us of zero to a greater extent than than overcooked circular hamburgers amongst a teeny fighting of seasoning.  Which is non precisely the tender, full-of-flavor comfort nutrient sense we're thinking of when nosotros retrieve of spaghetti together with meatballs.

So just how practise nosotros brand baked Homemade Meatballs loaded amongst flavor together with that tender texture nosotros crave?

By taking neat assist amongst our mixing method together with amongst the ingredients nosotros choose, that's how!

Follow these meatball-making tips, together with and thus view your fork  to sit down downwards to i meaty plate of tender-textured deliciousness. 

aking neat assist amongst the ingredients together with the mixing method Baked Homemade Meatballs

When it comes to choosing ingredients for your meatballs, create neat flavor past times using a combination of dissimilar dry reason meats.  Using a combination of both dry reason beef together with dry reason pork makes a to a greater extent than flavorful meatball than using just beef alone. 

aking neat assist amongst the ingredients together with the mixing method Baked Homemade Meatballs

Of course, you lot tin also experiment amongst dissimilar dry reason meats to stand upwards for your personal taste.  Try meatballs amongst differing amounts of dry reason beef, dry reason pork, dry reason chicken, or dry reason turkey to encounter what you lot similar best.

Once the meat is combined, flavor it pretty assertively amongst fresh parsley, a affect of oregano, garlic, salt, pepper, together with Parmesan to farther amp upwards that flavor.

Now when it comes to texture ... at that spot are a few tricks to keeping your meatballs tender together with light.

First, add together a mixture of breadstuff together with buttermilk to the meat to create a lighter texture together with locomote on the meatballs moist.  The breadstuff together with buttermilk mixture acts every bit a filler that brings some "softness" to the meat.  While milk tin sure enough live substituted for the buttermilk, buttermilk creates a to a greater extent than tender meatball.

Next, locomote on your mixing "light" ... which agency to mix together with handgrip the meat mixture every bit picayune every bit possible.  Mix the ingredients until they're just barely combined every bit overmixing tin create dense, difficult meatballs i time they're cooked.  And I similar to purpose my hands every bit my mixing tool to live sure I'm using a low-cal mixing touch.

Finally, purpose a soft affect when shaping your meatballs, too, to locomote on them from becoming likewise compacted together with dense.

aking neat assist amongst the ingredients together with the mixing method Baked Homemade Meatballs

Once formed, bake your meatballs inwards a muffin tin ...

aking neat assist amongst the ingredients together with the mixing method Baked Homemade Meatballs

Or on a baking canvass ...
I similar to business my baking canvass amongst foil for super tardily clean-up!

aking neat assist amongst the ingredients together with the mixing method Baked Homemade Meatballs

Then view your fork together with teach ready to sit down downwards to i plate of meaty deliciousness ... All amongst the full-flavor and tender texture nosotros crave inwards our meatballs.

 aking neat assist amongst the ingredients together with the mixing method Baked Homemade Meatballs
Thank you lot for stopping past times . We'd honey to direct you lot dorsum soon!

homemade meatballs recipe, baked meatballs recipe, how to brand baked meatballs, how to brand meatballs
Main Dishes
Yield: about xx meatballs

Baked Homemade Meatballs

What are the secrets to creating full-flavored Baked Homemade Meatballs amongst the tender texture nosotros crave? Taking neat assist amongst the ingredients together with the mixing method, that's what!
prep time: xl Mcook time: 25 Mtotal time: 65 M


  • 1 lb. dry reason beef (I purpose dry reason chuck)
  • 1/2 lb. dry reason pork
  • 3 slices white bread
  • 3/4 c. buttermilk
  • 1/3 c. grated or shredded Parmesan cheese
  • 3 T. minced fresh parsley
  • 1 1/2 tsp. finely minced garlic
  • 1/2 tsp. dried oregano
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1/8 tsp. pepper
  • 1 egg


How to ready Baked Homemade Meatballs

  1. Remove crusts from the breadstuff slices together with tear or cutting each spell into modest pieces. In a modest bowl, combine the breadstuff crumbs together with buttermilk together with squash together amongst a fork. Set aside together with allow stand upwards virtually xv minutes, mashing occasionally, until the mixture forms into a fairly polish paste.
  2. Place dry reason beef together with dry reason pork inwards a bowl. Add Parmesan, parsley, garlic, oregano, salt, together with pepper. Stir or squash three or iv times to just commence mixing ingredients together. Add egg together with the prepared bread/buttermilk mixture. Mix until evenly combined, taking assist to non overmix the meat mixture every bit overmixing creates tough meatballs. {I purpose my hands every bit the mixing tool to locomote on the mixing light.}
  3. With your hands, gently shape three tablespoons of the meat mixture into a 1 1/2-inch ball. Use a low-cal affect when shaping every bit overworking together with compacting the meat likewise much creates dense, tough meatballs. Place on a foil-lined baking canvass or inwards a muffin tin. Repeat amongst remaining mixture, making virtually xx meatballs.
  4. Bake at 425 degrees for 22 to 25 minutes, or until meatballs are cooked through.
  5. Serve on overstep of a big plate of spaghetti or simmered amongst your favorite sauce.
  1. Milk tin live substituted for buttermilk for soaking the breadstuff crumbs, but buttermilk produces creamier together with lighter-textured meatballs.
  2. If you'd like, meatballs tin live shaped upwards to two days inwards advance together with refrigerated until they're ready to live baked.
  3. For tardily freezer repast prep, freeze cooked meatballs for upwards to two months. Cool them completely inwards the refrigerator, together with thus identify inwards freezer bags together with freeze. When ready to serve, thaw together with reheat past times simmering inwards sauce or warming inwards a 350 marking oven for virtually xx minutes.
Created using The Recipes Generator
Affiliate links are included inwards this post. I have a modest amount of compensation for anything purchased from these links, at no additional terms to you. Thank you lot for supporting when you lot store at Amazon.comaking neat assist amongst the ingredients together with the mixing method Baked Homemade Meatballs.