Friday, May 31, 2019

{No Churn} Chocolate Nutter Butter H2o Ice Cream

When it comes to cookies together with cream H2O ice cream, why should vanilla together with Oreos direct maintain all the fun?  For a decidedly dissimilar cookies together with cream, plough over this Chocolate Nutter Butter Ice Cream a elbow grease instead!  

 When it comes to cookies together with cream H2O ice cream {No Churn} Chocolate Nutter Butter Ice Cream

In my recent {No Churn} Cookies together with Cream Ice Cream post, I professed my dearest for the slow no churn method of making H2O ice cream that involves simply some homemade whipped cream, a tin of sweetened condensed milk, together with a freezer.

Are you lot familiar amongst this method?

If you lot are, thus you lot already know close its wonderfully creamy together with deliciously slow number ... together with you lot know how versatile the method is for creating fabulously fun flavors.  If you're not, thus you'll desire to larn familiar amongst it to brand it on the yummy slow H2O ice cream fun!

With this no churn method, it's super elementary to cast a base of operations on which to create an almost endless multifariousness of H2O ice cream flavors.  First precisely whip some heavy cream or whipping cream {without adding whatever sugar} until potent peaks form.  Then merely flexure inwards a tin of sweetened condensed milk.

That's it! ... Then flexure inwards whatever mix-ins you'd similar to create your ain unique flavors.  To create a chocolate base, merely stir inwards 1/2 to 3/4 loving cup chocolate syrup ... similar inwards my Easy 3-Ingredient Chocolate Ice Cream, which I thus used as the base of operations for this Chocolate Nutter Butter Ice Cream.   

The sweetened condensed milk adds the H2O ice cream's needed carbohydrate together with makes the whipped cream freeze into a nice, creamy texture.  Once your chosen mix-ins are in, all that's needed to complete the H2O ice cream off is a expert chill inwards a freezer for close iv hours.

 When it comes to cookies together with cream H2O ice cream {No Churn} Chocolate Nutter Butter Ice Cream

Our six-year-old immature lady absolutely loves, loves, loves to brand H2O ice cream amongst this slow method.  I intend she's totally enthralled ... together with surprised ... that making homemade H2O ice cream is this simple.  And I dearest that making it is a fun petty projection nosotros tin practice together ... it for certain doesn't wound that it's a fun petty projection that results inwards a tasty treat, too!

The terminal fourth dimension she together with I made H2O ice cream together, nosotros whipped upwardly a 1/2-batch of chocolate together with a 1/2-batch of Cookies together with Cream ... you lot know, because nosotros precisely couldn't determine which flavour to make.  So nosotros made both.  Problem solved, right!?

As nosotros were stirring upwardly the two, I spied a bundle of Nutter Butters inwards the pantry.  Which got me to thinking, when it comes to cookies together with cream H2O ice cream, why should vanilla together with Oreos direct maintain all the fun?  Why can't Nutter Butters brand it on the H2O ice cream action?

Oh, but Nutter Butters most for certain can  get inwards on the H2O ice cream action, my friends!  And it's a wonderfully tasty process when they do.

In this version, I chose to duo Nutters Butters amongst a chocolate H2O ice cream base, but I intend it would last as delicious amongst a vanilla H2O ice cream base, too.  I also stirred together a petty peanut butter together with marshmallow fluff to create a ribbon of peanut butter swirl throughout the H2O ice cream ... combining the peanut butter amongst fluff gives the peanut butter a touching on a sweetness together with makes it "drizzle-able".  The swirl combined amongst the Nutter Butters gives this H2O ice cream a pretty bold peanut butter punch ... but you lot could operate out out the swirl and/or cut the sum of crumbled Nutter Butters if you'd similar a to a greater extent than mellow peanut butter flavor. 

So if you're upwardly for a decidedly dissimilar spin on cookies together with cream, plough over this Chocolate Nutter Butter Ice Cream a elbow grease instead!

 When it comes to cookies together with cream H2O ice cream {No Churn} Chocolate Nutter Butter Ice Cream

{No Churn} Chocolate Nutter Butter Ice Cream
(Printable recipe)

  • 2 c. whipping cream or heavy cream
  • 1 (14 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk {about 1 cup}
  • 3/4 c. chocolate syrup
  • 1 c. coarsely crumbled Nutter Butters {about 10 cookies}
  • 1/4 c. marshmallow fluff {optional}
  • 2 T. creamy peanut butter {optional}
  1. Chill a large mixing bowl together with the beaters of an electrical mixer (or whisk attachment of a stand upwardly mixer) inwards the fridge for close fifteen minutes. Remove from the fridge together with pour whipping cream into the chilled bowl. Beat on high speed until potent peaks form.
  2. Gently stir inwards sweetened condensed milk together with chocolate syrup.  Fold inwards Nutter Butters.
  3. In a minor bowl, stir together marshmallow fluff together with peanut butter until good combined.  Drizzle inwards ribbons onto Nutter Butter mixture; gently swirl inwards peanut butter mixture amongst a knife.  {This measuring is optional.  For a less pronounced peanut butter flavor, omit this step.}
  4. Spoon into a freezer rubber container, cover, together with freeze for close iv hours or overnight.

Please bask these other slow no churn H2O ice cream creations from ...

Affiliate links are included inwards this post. I have a minor sum of compensation for anything purchased from these links,at When it comes to cookies together with cream H2O ice cream {No Churn} Chocolate Nutter Butter Ice Cream at no additional damage to you.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Pea Salad - 1 Didn't Intend I'd Similar It Either!

Peas, celery, hard-cooked egg, shredded cheddar, as well as pimentos combine to brand Pea Salad???  I didn't think I'd similar it but it's really  good!

 a wonderful selection for a picnic or potluck Pea Salad - I didn't think I'd similar it either!

I holler upwards good when my Mom told me most this recipe for pea salad.  We were on the telephone discussing recipes for the household unit of measurement cookbook I was pulling together every bit a gift for our household unit of measurement members.  My immediate thoughts: 

"That.  Sounds. Disgusting.  Peas, hard-boiled egg, pimento, cheddar cheese, as well as a mayo-based dressing?  All together??  Who thinks of this stuff?  I mean, seriously, were they cleaning out the fridge or something???  And she wants to include this recipe inward the household unit of measurement cookbook?  I don't fifty-fifty similar peas!"

 a wonderful selection for a picnic or potluck Pea Salad - I didn't think I'd similar it either!

But it's i of my Dad's favorites.  So ... reluctantly on my business office ..., into the household unit of measurement cookbook it went.

That didn't hateful I had to endeavour it, though!

Well, non until I ready the personal destination of {eventually} cooking every recipe in our household unit of measurement cookbook ... ya know, form of similar Julie cooks through every recipe inward Julia Child's cookbook inward the pic Julie as well as Julia.  Here's our household unit of measurement cookbook ... I'm slowly-but-surely cooking my agency through it:

(Sidenote:  I worked amongst The Great Family Cookbook Project to reveal it.  If you're ever considering creating a household unit of measurement cookbook of your own, I highly recommend them... they were wonderful to move with.)

So, having organized faith inward my Mom's culinary taste, I took the plunge to endeavour out this recipe when I was having some friends over. 

Generally, my friends know that when they come upwards to my house, they're going to acquire some truly-Tracey-tried-and-true nutrient ... along amongst an experiment or two!  And on this given day, Pea Salad was my experiment.

 a wonderful selection for a picnic or potluck Pea Salad - I didn't think I'd similar it either!

I never fill a invitee carte du jour amongst experimental dishes, but I pretty much ever induce got the chance of having friends over to endeavour out at to the lowest degree i new-to-me dish.  And I typically brand the experimental dish live a side, or a dessert when I'm offering a selection of desserts.  Worst representative - when I laissez passer it a gustation test, I tin but select non to serve the dish if it disappoints!

Well, gauge what.  I absolutely loved the pea salad.

I know, I know ... I should induce got never doubted my Mother.  At 40'ish years old, you'd think I would induce got learned that past times now.

 a wonderful selection for a picnic or potluck Pea Salad - I didn't think I'd similar it either!
Thank you lot for stopping past times . We'd dear to induce got you lot dorsum soon!

pea salad recipe, potluck salad recipes, recipes for potlucks, like shooting fish in a barrel recipes
Yield: about 10-12 servings

Pea Salad

Peas, celery, hard-cooked egg, shredded cheddar, as well as pimentos combine to brand Pea Salad??? I didn't think I'd similar it but it's actually good!
prep time: xv Mcook time: v Mtotal time: xx M


  • 1 (24 oz.) packet frozen peas
  • 1 c. chopped celery
  • 1/4 c. chopped light-green onions (I but seat inward the whole bunch of light-green onions, chopped)
  • 2 hard-cooked eggs, chopped
  • 1 c. shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 (2 oz.) jounce pimentos, drained
  • 1/2 c. mayonnaise
  • 3 T. sugariness pickle relish
  • 1 tsp. granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp. dry reason mustard
  • 1 tsp. salt


How to produce Pea Salad

  1. Thaw peas past times running them nether cool water. Drain well.
  2. Combine peas, celery, eggs, light-green onions, cheddar cheese, as well as pimientos inward a large bowl. 
  3. In a pocket-sized bowl, combine mayonnaise, relish, as well as seasonings; stir into pea mixture.
  4. Cover as well as refrigerate until serving.
Created using The Recipes Generator

You powerfulness also bask these other delicious salad recipes:

 a wonderful selection for a picnic or potluck Pea Salad - I didn't think I'd similar it either!

Affiliate links are included inward this post. I have a pocket-sized amount of compensation for anything purchased from these links,at a wonderful selection for a picnic or potluck Pea Salad - I didn't think I'd similar it either! at no additional damage to you.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Broccoli Salad Amongst Bacon & Dried Cranberries

Loaded alongside the saltiness of crumbled bacon, slight-sweetness of dried cranberries, in addition to compaction of fresh broccoli in addition to sunflower seeds, this Broccoli Salad alongside Bacon & Dried Cranberries is packed alongside corking flavor.  Perfect for all those cookouts, church building socials, picnics, in addition to potlucks!

Loaded alongside the saltiness of crumbled bacon Broccoli Salad alongside Bacon & Dried Cranberries

Broccoli Salad.  It's ane of those dishes that has well-nigh equally many unlike ways to teach inwards equally at that topographic point are people inwards the world.  Am I right??  It seems every fourth dimension I encounter a bowlful at a potluck or cookout, it's got precisely some fiddling twist or tweak to it that makes it unique.

Some lead maintain creamy dressings ... some exercise not.  Nuts ... no nuts ... sunflower seeds.  Bacon ... or no bacon.  {Of course, if you lot inquire me, bacon is a must!}  Apples.  Raisins.  Or no fruit at all.  Heck, I fifty-fifty brand a Broccoli Pasta Salad alongside Grapes version that includes a hearty dose of bowtie pasta.

But my favorite version yesteryear far?  This Broccoli Salad alongside Bacon & Dried Cranberries.  No doubtfulness well-nigh it.

Loaded alongside the saltiness of crumbled bacon Broccoli Salad alongside Bacon & Dried Cranberries

Loaded alongside the saltiness of crumbled bacon, slight-sweetness of dried cranberries, in addition to compaction of fresh broccoli, chopped celery, in addition to sunflower seeds this broccoli salad version is packed alongside corking flavor.

I based the recipe on my Mom's classic broccoli salad.  I've ever loved hers because of the zippy-ness inwards the dressing from apple tree cider vinegar.  It brings wonderful flavour to the broccoli.

I only tweaked her recipe a tiny fighting yesteryear adjusting some quantities in addition to changing out the originally-called-for golden raisins for dried sweetened cranberries.

When preparing my broccoli salad, the ane matter I lead maintain extra help to exercise is cutting the broccoli florets into genuinely bite-sized pieces.  All also often, I experience the broccoli is left inwards larger way-too-difficult-to-fit-in-your-mouth pieces ... which leaves people struggling to cutting their salad or stuffing their mouths alongside uncomfortably large bites.  I much prefer for my diners' sake, to lead maintain the fourth dimension to create manageable bite-sized florets.

Loaded alongside the saltiness of crumbled bacon Broccoli Salad alongside Bacon & Dried Cranberries

So whether you're hosting a summertime cookout, contributing a dish for a potluck, or headed to a large church building social, this Broccoli Salad alongside Bacon & Dried Cranberries is certain to live a hit.

But hey, if there's something inwards this recipe you'd rather tweak or alter ... become for it!  That's ane of the corking beauties of broccoli salad ... it's genuinely a versatile dish.  

Loaded alongside the saltiness of crumbled bacon Broccoli Salad alongside Bacon & Dried Cranberries
Thank you lot for stopping yesteryear . We'd dear to lead maintain you lot dorsum soon!

broccoli salad recipe, broccoli salad alongside cranberries recipe, broccoli salad alongside bacon recipe
Yield: about vii cups

Broccoli Salad alongside Bacon & Dried Cranberries

Loaded alongside the saltiness of crumbled bacon, slight-sweetness of dried cranberries, in addition to compaction of fresh broccoli in addition to sunflower seeds, this Broccoli Salad alongside Bacon & Dried Cranberries is packed alongside corking flavor. Perfect for all those cookouts, church building socials, picnics, in addition to potlucks!
prep time: twenty Mcook time: total time: twenty M


  • 1 bunch broccoli, cutting into modest flowerets {about five c. flowerets}
  • 1 c. chopped celery
  • 1/2 c. finely chopped ruby onion
  • 8 slices bacon, cooked in addition to crumbled
  • 1/2 c. dried sweetened cranberries {such equally Craisins}
  • 1/2 c. hulled sunflower seeds
  • 3/4 c. mayonnaise
  • 1/4 c. granulated sugar
  • 2 T. apple tree cider vinegar


How to develop Broccoli Salad alongside Bacon & Dried Cranberries

  1. In a large bowl, combine broccoli, celery, ruby onion, bacon, dried cranberries, in addition to sunflower seeds.
  2. In a modest bowl, combine mayonnaise, sugar, in addition to cider vinegar. Whisk until saccharide is dissolved.
  3. Pour mayonnaise mixture over broccoli mixture in addition to toss to coat.
  4. Refrigerate for at to the lowest degree an hr or overnight to allow flavors to meld.
Created using The Recipes Generator

You mightiness also similar these other tasty salad recipes:

Affiliate links are included inwards this post. I have a modest amount of compensation for anything purchased from these links,at Amazon.comLoaded alongside the saltiness of crumbled bacon Broccoli Salad alongside Bacon & Dried Cranberries at no additional toll to you.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Fluffy Baked Huckleberry Buttermilk Pancakes

If you lot exactly adore standing at the stove flipping batch afterward batch of pancakes piece the remainder of the menage unit of measurement eats away at the table, therefore hold off away ... this recipe's non for you.  Love to discovery an easier way to serve upwards hot & delicious pancakes? ... You're inwards the correct place.  This Fluffy Baked Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes recipe is  for you!

 If you lot exactly adore standing at the stove flipping batch afterward batch of pancakes piece the  Fluffy Baked Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes

When I think dorsum to enjoying pancakes during my childhood, I shout back my Mom standing at the stove, flipping pan afterward pan of them ... piece the remainder of us sat comfortably at the tabular array devouring plateful afterward plateful of fluffy hot pancakes.

By the fourth dimension Mom was done, therefore were we.  And Mom ended upwards eating her pancakes at the tabular array past times herself.

Poor Mom.

Love to discovery an easier way to serve upwards hot & delicious pancakes? This recipe is for you!

Oh if solely in that location was an easier, less labor-intensive way to serve upwards pancakes.  But hold off ... There is  an easier, less labor-intensive way!
With a large pan-full of fluffy baked  Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes!

I absolutely dearest that this baked version of pancakes takes away the demand for somebody to remain at the stove.  And I likewise absolutely dearest that it's easy.

Because nosotros all demand a few slow recipes inwards our wheelhouse, don't you lot think?

 If you lot exactly adore standing at the stove flipping batch afterward batch of pancakes piece the  Fluffy Baked Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes

I starting fourth dimension vicious inwards dearest alongside this recipe together with pancake-making method virtually 2 years agone when nosotros moved to our electrical current house.  While inwards the throes of unpacking together with settling in, I had no alternative but to rely on slow dishes.

Because piece inwards the throes of unpacking from our large move, this  is what my kitchen looked similar for virtually 2 weeks.  Heck ... it's what our whole house  looked similar for those pair of weeks!

Ugh, unpacking is therefore non fun. 


And these fluffy Baked Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes sure qualify every bit an slow recipe.

With this pancake prep method, the batter is poured into a baking dish together with cooked hands-off all at once.  Which way no flipping involved.

Instead of the flipping, you lot only cutting these baked pancakes into squares to serve them up.

And oh my goodness, baking upwards a large ol' pan is therefore much easier than standing at the stove.

Instead of the flipping, you lot only cutting these baked pancakes into squares to serve them up.  Sure, they come upwards out inwards a thicker slice than "regular" pan-cooked pancakes.  But the flavour is spot-on the same.

 If you lot exactly adore standing at the stove flipping batch afterward batch of pancakes piece the  Fluffy Baked Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes

Once served, only drizzle the cutting squares alongside maple syrup ... exactly similar the regular-cooked-in-the-pan ones.

Only, alongside this slow baked version, no standing-at-the-stove-and-flipping's required.  {You're welcome, Mom!}

 If you lot exactly adore standing at the stove flipping batch afterward batch of pancakes piece the  Fluffy Baked Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes
Thank you lot for stopping past times .  We'd dearest to have got you lot dorsum soon!

baked pancakes recipe, baked huckleberry pancakes recipe, how to brand baked pancakes
Yield: about 8-12 servings

Fluffy Baked Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes

Love to discovery an easier way to serve upwards hot & delicious pancakes? ... This Fluffy Baked Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes recipe is for you! Bake upwards a large pan of fluffy pancakes, no flipping required.
prep time: 10 Mcook time: thirty Mtotal time: xl M


  • 3 c. self-rising flour
  • 2 1/2 c. buttermilk
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1 T. canola oil
  • 1 1/2 c. fresh blueberries


How to laid Fluffy Baked Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes

  1. Place flour, buttermilk, eggs, together with stone oil inwards a large mixing bowl. Stir until exactly combined {batter volition live lumpy}. 
  2. Gently flexure inwards blueberries. {For visible berries on the overstep afterward baking, reserve a handful of blueberries together with sprinkle them on overstep in i trial the batter is inwards the pan.}
  3. Place batter inwards a 9x13" baking dish coated alongside non-stick cooking spray. Bake at 425 degrees for 25-32 minutes, until puffed upwards together with lite golden brownish on top.
  4. Serve warm alongside maple syrup or cinnamon syrup.
  1. These reheat well. Simply rut cutting squares inwards the microwave for virtually twenty to thirty seconds.
Created using The Recipes Generator

Blueberry-Lime Iced Tea

 If you lot exactly adore standing at the stove flipping batch afterward batch of pancakes piece the  Fluffy Baked Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes

Affiliate links are included inwards this post. I have a modest amount of compensation for anything purchased from these links,at If you lot exactly adore standing at the stove flipping batch afterward batch of pancakes piece the  Fluffy Baked Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes at no additional toll to you.