Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Broccoli Salad Amongst Bacon & Dried Cranberries

Loaded alongside the saltiness of crumbled bacon, slight-sweetness of dried cranberries, in addition to compaction of fresh broccoli in addition to sunflower seeds, this Broccoli Salad alongside Bacon & Dried Cranberries is packed alongside corking flavor.  Perfect for all those cookouts, church building socials, picnics, in addition to potlucks!

Loaded alongside the saltiness of crumbled bacon Broccoli Salad alongside Bacon & Dried Cranberries

Broccoli Salad.  It's ane of those dishes that has well-nigh equally many unlike ways to teach inwards equally at that topographic point are people inwards the world.  Am I right??  It seems every fourth dimension I encounter a bowlful at a potluck or cookout, it's got precisely some fiddling twist or tweak to it that makes it unique.

Some lead maintain creamy dressings ... some exercise not.  Nuts ... no nuts ... sunflower seeds.  Bacon ... or no bacon.  {Of course, if you lot inquire me, bacon is a must!}  Apples.  Raisins.  Or no fruit at all.  Heck, I fifty-fifty brand a Broccoli Pasta Salad alongside Grapes version that includes a hearty dose of bowtie pasta.

But my favorite version yesteryear far?  This Broccoli Salad alongside Bacon & Dried Cranberries.  No doubtfulness well-nigh it.

Loaded alongside the saltiness of crumbled bacon Broccoli Salad alongside Bacon & Dried Cranberries

Loaded alongside the saltiness of crumbled bacon, slight-sweetness of dried cranberries, in addition to compaction of fresh broccoli, chopped celery, in addition to sunflower seeds this broccoli salad version is packed alongside corking flavor.

I based the recipe on my Mom's classic broccoli salad.  I've ever loved hers because of the zippy-ness inwards the dressing from apple tree cider vinegar.  It brings wonderful flavour to the broccoli.

I only tweaked her recipe a tiny fighting yesteryear adjusting some quantities in addition to changing out the originally-called-for golden raisins for dried sweetened cranberries.

When preparing my broccoli salad, the ane matter I lead maintain extra help to exercise is cutting the broccoli florets into genuinely bite-sized pieces.  All also often, I experience the broccoli is left inwards larger way-too-difficult-to-fit-in-your-mouth pieces ... which leaves people struggling to cutting their salad or stuffing their mouths alongside uncomfortably large bites.  I much prefer for my diners' sake, to lead maintain the fourth dimension to create manageable bite-sized florets.

Loaded alongside the saltiness of crumbled bacon Broccoli Salad alongside Bacon & Dried Cranberries

So whether you're hosting a summertime cookout, contributing a dish for a potluck, or headed to a large church building social, this Broccoli Salad alongside Bacon & Dried Cranberries is certain to live a hit.

But hey, if there's something inwards this recipe you'd rather tweak or alter ... become for it!  That's ane of the corking beauties of broccoli salad ... it's genuinely a versatile dish.  

Loaded alongside the saltiness of crumbled bacon Broccoli Salad alongside Bacon & Dried Cranberries
Thank you lot for stopping yesteryear . We'd dear to lead maintain you lot dorsum soon!

broccoli salad recipe, broccoli salad alongside cranberries recipe, broccoli salad alongside bacon recipe
Yield: about vii cups

Broccoli Salad alongside Bacon & Dried Cranberries

Loaded alongside the saltiness of crumbled bacon, slight-sweetness of dried cranberries, in addition to compaction of fresh broccoli in addition to sunflower seeds, this Broccoli Salad alongside Bacon & Dried Cranberries is packed alongside corking flavor. Perfect for all those cookouts, church building socials, picnics, in addition to potlucks!
prep time: twenty Mcook time: total time: twenty M


  • 1 bunch broccoli, cutting into modest flowerets {about five c. flowerets}
  • 1 c. chopped celery
  • 1/2 c. finely chopped ruby onion
  • 8 slices bacon, cooked in addition to crumbled
  • 1/2 c. dried sweetened cranberries {such equally Craisins}
  • 1/2 c. hulled sunflower seeds
  • 3/4 c. mayonnaise
  • 1/4 c. granulated sugar
  • 2 T. apple tree cider vinegar


How to develop Broccoli Salad alongside Bacon & Dried Cranberries

  1. In a large bowl, combine broccoli, celery, ruby onion, bacon, dried cranberries, in addition to sunflower seeds.
  2. In a modest bowl, combine mayonnaise, sugar, in addition to cider vinegar. Whisk until saccharide is dissolved.
  3. Pour mayonnaise mixture over broccoli mixture in addition to toss to coat.
  4. Refrigerate for at to the lowest degree an hr or overnight to allow flavors to meld.
Created using The Recipes Generator

You mightiness also similar these other tasty salad recipes:

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