Monday, May 13, 2019

Puppy Chow {Or Yuppy Chow}

Covered inwards chocolaty goodness in addition to powdered sugar, Puppy Chow {or Yuppy Chow} is a classic sweetness process ... perfect for everyday snacking or for vacation gift giving.  It's freezer-friendly, too, for make-way-ahead convenience.

 Covered inwards chocolaty goodness in addition to powdered saccharide Puppy Chow {or Yuppy Chow}
Are you lot familiar amongst this totally yummy confectioners' sugar-coated stuff?  Do you lot telephone phone it Yuppy Chow?  Or Puppy Chow?  Or White Trash?  Or Muddy Buddies??

Yes, I've heard this concoction referred to every bit many dissimilar things.  But 1 thing's for sure ... no thing what you lot telephone phone it, it's simply manifestly good.

Our solid unit of measurement was showtime introduced to Puppy Chow many years agone when my brother's mother in law started sharing her batch amongst us at Christmas time.  She'd brand a huge batch, in addition to select over a large ziploc handbag total for my Dad.  And oh, how Dad loved ... in addition to nevertheless loves ... it.  I practise believe it may live his favorite Christmas treat.

He, of course, shared amongst the residue of us ... in addition to our entire family's dear for the materials was born.

But it's non solely Puppy Chow's addictively delicious neat gustatory modality I love.  It's also the fact that the recipe makes a huge batch that's simply perfect for sharing.  It tin easily live divided upward into baggies for vacation {or anytime} gifts ... or packaged inwards modest containers or bags every bit political party favors for whatever occasion.

Another Puppy Chow bonus?  It tin live frozen!

Which makes it such a convenient sweetness treat.  Simply popular it inwards the freezer for make-way-ahead convenience, or simply to dole it out inwards footling bits every bit your Puppy Chow cravings hit.  {Because if you're similar me, leaving it correct out-and-about makes it disappear waaaayyyy every bit good quickly.}

 Covered inwards chocolaty goodness in addition to powdered saccharide Puppy Chow {or Yuppy Chow}

Whipping upward a batch is actually easy, too.  The confectioners's saccharide coating tin live a teeny chip messy ... but a newspaper grocery handbag helps amongst that, for sure.

Start past times melting together chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, peanut butter, in addition to butter until it's all good combined.  Then pour the warm chocolate over a mixture of Crispix cereal, pretzel twists, in addition to peanuts ...

 Covered inwards chocolaty goodness in addition to powdered saccharide Puppy Chow {or Yuppy Chow}

Mix it all upward ... gently, in addition to thence every bit non to vanquish the cereal into bits ... until everything is good coated amongst the chocolate ...

 Covered inwards chocolaty goodness in addition to powdered saccharide Puppy Chow {or Yuppy Chow}

Finally, pour the coated cereal in addition to pretzels mixture into a build clean grocery bag.  Pour inwards the confectioners' saccharide on top, gyre upward the exceed of the handbag existent good, in addition to shake.  Then milkshake again.  And milkshake a footling chip to a greater extent than ... making sure all the pieces larn good coated inwards sugar.

 Covered inwards chocolaty goodness in addition to powdered saccharide Puppy Chow {or Yuppy Chow}

Store Puppy Chow inwards an airtight container at room temperature, or inwards the freezer for longer-term keeping.

 Covered inwards chocolaty goodness in addition to powdered saccharide Puppy Chow {or Yuppy Chow}

When those Puppy Chow cravings hit?  Dig correct inwards in addition to select handgrip of yourself a large one-time handful ... or cupful ... or bowlful ... to satisfy your sweetness tooth.

Oh, in addition to there's for sure plenty to part away if you'd like!  But hey, there's no dominion that says you lot select to.

 Covered inwards chocolaty goodness in addition to powdered saccharide Puppy Chow {or Yuppy Chow}
Thank you lot for stopping past times . We'd dear to select you lot dorsum soon!

puppy chow recipe, yuppy chow recipe, recipes amongst Crispix cereal, puppy chow amongst Crispix
Yield: about 26 cups

Puppy Chow {or Yuppy Chow}

Covered inwards chocolaty goodness in addition to powdered sugar, Puppy Chow {or Yuppy Chow} is a classic sweetness process ... perfect for everyday snacking or for vacation gift giving. It's freezer-friendly, too, for make-way-ahead convenience.
prep time: fifteen Mcook time: v Mtotal time: xx M


  • 12 oz. (2 c.) semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 6 oz. (1 c.) butterscotch chips
  • 3/4 c. peanut butter
  • 3/4 c. (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter
  • 1 (12 oz.) box Kellogg's Crispix cereal
  • 1 (12 to sixteen oz.) handbag modest pretzel twists
  • 1 c. peanuts
  • 1 (1 lb.) box confectioners' saccharide {about iii 1/2 cups}


How to create Puppy Chow {or Yuppy Chow}

  1. Melt chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, peanut butter, in addition to butter together slow over medium-low heat, stirring to combine well. If consistency is every bit good thick for pouring, melt inwards additional butter.
  2. Combine cereal, pretzels, in addition to peanuts inwards a large bowl or other container. Pour chocolate mixture over the cereal mixture. Gently stir to coat the cereal mixture amongst the chocolate mixture.
  3. Place the coated mixture inwards a large newspaper grocery handbag in addition to add together confectioners sugar. Close tightly in addition to milkshake to coat the cereal mixture amongst sugar.
  4. Place handbag inwards the freezer for 1 hr to laid upward the chocolate mixture.
  5. Store inwards an airtight container inwards a cool place. This tin also live frozen.
Created using The Recipes Generator

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