Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Chocolate Chess Pie Tartlets

With these adorable Chocolate Chess Pie Tartlets, you lot tin hand notice relish Southern classic chess pie inward bite-sized form.  Perfect for an Easter, Mother's Day, or Christmas dessert buffet, a political party nutrient tray, or fifty-fifty for brunch!  Not to mention, a sure lilliputian 5-year-old thinks they teach absolutely perfectly amongst a spot of tea.

 you lot tin hand notice relish Southern classic chess pie inward seize amongst teeth Chocolate Chess Pie Tartlets

I merely adore little-bite desserts.  Especially when they're equally adorable {and tasty} equally these lilliputian Chocolate Chess Pie Tartlets.  Why create I dear little-bites in addition to then much, you lot ask?  Because expert things come upwards inward pocket-size packages!  Or, inward the illustration of these chocolate tartlets, great  things come upwards inward pocket-size packages. 

I besides dear the versatility of little-bite treats ...
See, little-bite treats are perfect for serving upwards on in addition to then many occasions ... parties, brunches,  dessert buffets for Easter, Mother's Day, Christmas ... you lot cry it!  I dear that they allow you lot to serve a alternative of several desserts without overwhelming your guests bellies.  Having a sense of savor of each dessert is slowly when the desserts are offered upwards inward bite-sized packages in addition to portions.

This item batch of Chocolate Chess Pie Tartlets merely in addition to then happened to endure enjoyed at a tea party.  As approximately frequent readers of may know, my hubby in addition to I welcomed a 5-year-old lilliputian daughter into our solid unit of measurement a few weeks agone {yay!}.  We're loving beingness parents, in addition to loving all the fun that comes along amongst an active, imaginative, dizzy lilliputian girl!  As most lilliputian girls do, our Little Miss H. loves to play tea political party ... serving us a spot of imaginary tea most nights subsequently dinner spell nosotros current of air downwards watching approximately TV.

Well, I decided to accept those imaginary tea parties to the adjacent level, in addition to final calendar week hosted a lilliputian real  tea political party for Miss H.  It was pocket-size ... merely us, my Mom, in addition to a friend of Miss H.'s in addition to her Mom.  But the thrill it gave Little Miss H. was absolutely precious!

And the Chocolate Chess Pie Tartlets were a wonderful chocolaty process that went beautifully amongst our spot of tea.  They're Little Miss H. tea-party-approved!

 you lot tin hand notice relish Southern classic chess pie inward seize amongst teeth Chocolate Chess Pie Tartlets

Chess Pie is a classic Southern dessert, typically made inward 'plain,' lemon, in addition to chocolate varieties.  I did a lilliputian enquiry on it because I had ii questions nearly Chess Pie:

1.  Why is it called 'Chess Pie?' ... in addition to ...
2.  Why does the filling include cornmeal?

Because whatever 'good' Southerner volition say you lot that Chess Pie must  include cornmeal to genuinely be  Chess Pie.

As for the source question, at that topographic point seems to endure no truthful consensus on where this classic dessert got it's name.  Theories arrive at from the cry stemming from misunderstanding of the Southern accent ... to the pie often beingness enjoyed spell gentlemen gathered to play chess {see Southern Living's fun explanation}.

On the 2nd question, it appears that cornmeal is used to assist thicken the pie's filling, spell besides peradventure lending a mitt inward creating a chip of crispness inward how the filling bakes upwards on the top.  Makes sense, I suppose.

 you lot tin hand notice relish Southern classic chess pie inward seize amongst teeth Chocolate Chess Pie Tartlets

Chocolate Chess Pie Tartlets tin hand notice endure enjoyed plain, amongst a tiny dollop of whipped cream, or ... equally I similar to serve them ... amongst a pocket-size piping of Almond Cream Cheese Topping.  The Almond Topping compliments the chocolate filling actually nicely.

Whether you lot relish them topped or apparently ... for a party, brunch, or other occasion ... or no affair how you lot intend chess pie got it's cry ... ii things are for sure Chocolate Chess Pie Tartlets are for certain proof that groovy things come upwards inward pocket-size packages.  And dizzy lilliputian 5-year-olds intend they teach merely fabulously  with a spot of tea.

 you lot tin hand notice relish Southern classic chess pie inward seize amongst teeth Chocolate Chess Pie Tartlets

Chocolate Chess Pie Tartlets
(Printable recipe)
  • 1 1/2 c. granulated sugar
  • 3 T. unsweetened cocoa
  • 1 1/2 T. cornmeal
  • 1 T. all-purpose flour
  • 2 tsp. white vinegar
  • 1/2 c. butter, melted
  • pinch salt
  • 3 large eggs, lightly beaten
  • 5 packages frozen mini phyllo shells {total of threescore shells}
  • whipped cream OR almond cream cheese topping {recipe below} for garnish, optional
  1. Stir together sugar, cocoa, cornmeal, flour, vinegar, melted butter, in addition to common salt until good combined. Add eggs, stirring well.
  2. Spoon nearly 1 heaping teaspoon of chocolate mixture into each mini phyllo shell in addition to house on an ungreased baking sheet.
  3. Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes, or until merely set. Cool completely. Store tartlets inward an airtight container for upwards to 3 days.
  4. {Optional} When railroad train to serve, function yesteryear amongst a pocket-size point of whipped cream or piping tops amongst a chip of almond cream cheese topping {see recipe below}.

Almond Cream Cheese Topping
  • 4 oz. cream cheese, softened
  • 1 1/2 T. confectioners' saccharide
  • 1/4 tsp. almond extract
  • 1/3 c. Cool Whip
  1. Place cream cheese inward a pocket-size mixing bowl; cream amongst a fork. Add confectioners' saccharide in addition to almond extract; mix until good combined in addition to smooth. Fold inward Cool Whip.
  2. Pipe onto Chocolate Chess Pie Tartlets.


Please relish these other tasty sugariness treats from ....

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Toffee Bars

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Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles

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