Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Traditional Southern Chicken Salad

Traditional Southern Chicken Salad, amongst ii 'secret' ingredients for fabulous flavor - difficult boiled eggs as well as sugariness pickle cubes.  Creamy as well as comforting!
Please note, this postal service was originally published inwards June, 2012.  It is existence republished today inwards laurels of my love sugariness friend Glenda, from whom I learned this recipe.  Glenda of late passed away, as well as is instantly shining her vivid grinning downwards on all her many loved ones from heaven.  I missy her every day.

 difficult boiled eggs as well as sugariness pickle cubes Traditional Southern Chicken Salad

Until recently, I had absolutely no persuasion how to brand traditional chicken salad.  Ya know, the creamy, almost-totally-smooth, completely comforting down-home type of chicken salad.  The chunky tarragon type?  Yes.  Curried?  Yes.  Chunky fruit-and-nut?  Yes.  Regular ol' basic creamy chicken salad?  Nope.

But instantly I do.

With many thanks to my proficient friend Glenda, now  I do.

Glenda is a Southern lady through-and-through, amongst a see of pure gold.  I kid y'all not, she is the kindest individual I know.  And she makes a lip-smackin' darn-tootin'-good chicken salad.  I had her chicken salad on several occasions - equally luncheons at our schoolhouse when she'd brand a huge batch, at her trouble solid for get-togethers, or when she'd live hence sugariness as well as pack our whole teaching squad a tiffin equally a treat.  And I loved it every time.

 difficult boiled eggs as well as sugariness pickle cubes Traditional Southern Chicken Salad

I tried a few times to throw it together amongst what I thought was inwards it.  But I persuasion wrong.  I could never acquire it to gustation similar Glenda's.  But now I know her secrets ... ii clandestine ingredients, as well as a method secret.  Well, I gauge they used to live secrets!  She shared them amongst me ... as well as instantly I'm sharing them amongst you.

Secret #1:  Hard Boiled Eggs. 
I never knew in that place were hard-boiled eggs inwards this chicken salad!  Not a lot ... simply plenty to give a bully flavor to the salad.  They're chopped upwards super fine inwards Glenda's version, hence I never realized they were there.

 difficult boiled eggs as well as sugariness pickle cubes Traditional Southern Chicken Salad

Secret #2:  Sweet Pickle Cubes.
Sweet pickle cubes are similar sugariness relish ... but inwards bigger chunks, as well as non equally 'mushy' equally relish.  The cubes add together a wonderful lilliputian fleck of compaction to the chicken salad  See ... it'll genuinely nation 'Sweet Pickle Cubes' or 'Sweet Salad Cubes' on the jounce ... similar this:

You tin encounter the 'chunks' are bigger inwards sugariness salad cubes than inwards regular relish:

If y'all can't discovery Sweet Salad Cubes or Sweet Pickle Cubes, purpose regular relish.  You'll simply live missing some of the prissy textural compaction of the cubes.

Secret #3:  Processing.
Glenda processes the chicken salad inwards a nutrient processor to acquire the comforting creamy texture.  I ever simply chopped my ingredients genuinely fine, but y'all simply can't chop fine plenty to attain the creamy texture without processing inwards a nutrient processor.  This was the method clandestine I was missing!

And in that place y'all convey it - the secrets to delicious Traditional Southern Chicken Salad.  Thanks, Glenda!

 difficult boiled eggs as well as sugariness pickle cubes Traditional Southern Chicken Salad
Thank y'all for stopping past times . We'd love to convey y'all dorsum soon!

chicken salad recipe, Southern chicken salad recipe, chicken salad amongst difficult boiled eggs
Yield: about iii cups

Traditional Southern Chicken Salad

Traditional Southern Chicken Salad, amongst ii 'secret' ingredients for fabulous flavor - difficult boiled eggs as well as sugariness pickle cubes. Creamy as well as comforting!
prep time: xx Mcook time: xx Mtotal time: xl M


  • 1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breasts or chicken tenders
  • 2 difficult boiled eggs
  • 1/2 c. sugariness pickle cubes (may also live called sugariness salad cubes)
  • 3/4 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 tsp. Earth dark pepper
  • Approximately 1/3 c. mayonnaise


How to create Traditional Southern Chicken Salad

  1. Cook chicken; cool. Process chicken inwards a nutrient processor until finely chopped.
  2. Finely chop eggs as well as combine amongst chicken. Add pickle cubes, salt, as well as pepper. Stir inwards mayonnaise, adding plenty to brand the chicken salad smoothen as well as creamy. Adjust seasoning, to taste.
  3. Chill for at to the lowest degree well-nigh an hr earlier serving.
Created using The Recipes Generator

You mightiness also savour these other perfect-for-a-sandwich salads:

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