Saturday, February 16, 2019

Banana Pudding Cake {Dang, It's Good}

You know those desserts that ... subsequently but 1 seize amongst teeth ... brand y'all say, "Dang!  This stuff's GOOD!"  Yes, homemade Banana Pudding Cake is 1 of those  desserts.  It'll get got y'all going dorsum for seconds ... or fifty-fifty thirds.

Oh my word, nosotros are inwards dear amongst this homemade Banana Pudding Cake.  It was infatuation at outset sight.  But hence chop-chop turned to truthful dear at outset bite.  And I scream upwardly the recipe for this creamy cake volition live inwards our lives for a very, really long time.

Yes, it's that  good.
Let's but tell I whipped this upwardly on Fri afternoon, in addition to it was gone earlier dinnertime on Sunday.  Completely gone.  Not a unmarried crumb left.

Now, I sure had my share.  But the volume of it ended upwardly inwards the hubby's tummy.  And he was quite happy to position it there.

This Banana Pudding Cake is a classic poke-style cake, amongst all the traditional add-ins of classic homemade banana pudding.  It does get got several steps to assemble, but the tasty effect is good worth the time.

To brand this dang-delicious dessert, start yesteryear baking a basic white cake from a cake mix, but adding a mashed banana to the batter.  Then piece the cake is yet warm, poke holes inwards the overstep amongst the direct hold of a wooden spoon.

 nosotros are inwards dear amongst this homemade Banana Pudding Cake Banana Pudding Cake {Dang, it's good}

Make a thick homemade vanilla custard similar you're making banana pudding from scratch in addition to pour it over the overstep of the cake ...

 nosotros are inwards dear amongst this homemade Banana Pudding Cake Banana Pudding Cake {Dang, it's good}

Next chill the cake in addition to custard for several hours, overstep it amongst sliced bananas in addition to homemade whipped cream ...

 nosotros are inwards dear amongst this homemade Banana Pudding Cake Banana Pudding Cake {Dang, it's good}

... in addition to sprinkle the overstep amongst coarsely crushed vanilla wafers in addition to pecans.

Then larn ready to dig inwards for a footling banana pudding heaven!  In extra delicious cake form.

This is 1 of those desserts that but gets amend in addition to amend equally it sits.  While it's definitely adept the twenty-four hours it's made, it's fifty-fifty amend the adjacent twenty-four hours in addition to fifty-fifty the twenty-four hours subsequently that.  The flavors proceed to meld together, in addition to the vanilla wafers on overstep larn softer in addition to softer.  I highly recommend giving this cake overnight to meld together ... which agency this recipe's got the added convenience of beingness corking to brand ahead of time.

If you're similar us amongst this Banana Pudding Cake, it'll live truthful dear at outset bite!  That'll maintain y'all going dorsum for seconds ... or fifty-fifty thirds, for sure.

 nosotros are inwards dear amongst this homemade Banana Pudding Cake Banana Pudding Cake {Dang, it's good}
Thank y'all for stopping yesteryear . We'd dear to get got y'all dorsum soon!

banana pudding cake recipe, banana pudding cake amongst pudding from scratch, banana cake recipe, banana pudding canvas cake
Yield: 12-16 servings

Banana Pudding Cake

You know those desserts that ... subsequently but 1 seize amongst teeth ... brand y'all say, "Dang! This stuff's GOOD!" Yes, homemade Banana Pudding Cake is 1 of those desserts. It'll get got y'all going dorsum for seconds ... or fifty-fifty thirds.
prep time: 35 Mcook time: 45 Mtotal time: lxxx M


For the cake:
  • 1 (15.25 oz.) box white cake mix + ingredients listed on box to ready cake
  • 1/2 c. mashed banana (about 1 medium banana)
For the custard:
  • 1 c. granulated sugar
  • 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
  • 1/8 tsp. salt
  • 8 egg yolks
  • 4 c. whole milk
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
For the topping:
  • 1 1/2 c. heaving whipping cream
  • 1/4 c. granulated sugar
  • 1/8 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 4 medium bananas, sliced
  • 1/2 c. coarsely crushed vanilla wafers
  • 1/2 c. chopped pecans


How to ready Banana Pudding Cake

Prepare the cake:
  1. Prepare cake mix according to bundle directions. Add mashed banana in addition to vanquish amongst an electrical mixer at medium speed until combined.
  2. Pour batter into a 9x13" baking pan coated amongst non-stick cooking spray. Bake at 350 degrees until a toothpick inserted inwards the pump comes out clean, most 25 to thirty minutes.
  3. Let cake cool for v minutes. Then usage the direct hold of a wooden spoon to poke holes inwards the warm cake.
Prepare the custard:
  1. Combine sugar, flour, in addition to tabular array salt inwards a medium saucepan. Whisk inwards egg yolks in addition to hence whisk inwards milk. 
  2. Cook over medium-low heat, whisking constantly, 10 to fifteen minutes until mixture is bubbly in addition to really thick, similar the consistency of thick chilled pudding {it volition appear similar this thickness volition never happen, but it will! The mixture volition get got but begun to bubble in addition to volition plough thick.} 
  3. Remove from oestrus in addition to stir inwards vanilla extract.
  4. Let cool 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. 
  5. Pour over still-warm cake in addition to spread evenly over the top. Cover in addition to refrigerate until chilled, most 4 hours.
Prepare the topping:
  1. Chill a large mixing bowl in addition to the beaters of an electrical mixer (or whisk attachment of a stand upwardly mixer) inwards the fridge for most fifteen minutes. 
  2. Remove from the fridge in addition to pour whipping cream into the chilled bowl. Add carbohydrate in addition to vanilla extract. Beat on high speed until rigid peaks form.
  3. Uncover cake, overstep amongst sliced bananas, in addition to spread amongst whipped cream. 
  4. Sprinkle crushed vanilla wafers in addition to pecans on top. Can live served straight off or refrigerated until serving time.
  1. If you'd like, y'all could ready this amongst pudding mix in addition to Cool Whip. Use ii pocket-size packages of instant pudding mix in addition to ready using the directions on the bundle for 'Classic Pudding Pie,' resulting inwards a thicker, to a greater extent than theatre pudding. Use a large (16 oz.) container of Cool Whip.
  2. If the custard isn't thickening over medium-low heat, bump the oestrus upwardly but a bit.  But live careful! - You don't desire it to ready equally good fast, or to scorch to the bottom of the pan.
Created using The Recipes Generator

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