Sunday, February 24, 2019

Easy Watermelon Mojito

Don't waste materials that watermelon juice that collects when you lot cutting upwards a whole melon ... Use it to whip upwards an easy Watermelon Mojito instead!  It's sure as shooting a tasty means to bask summer's watermelon.

t waste materials that watermelon juice that collects when you lot cutting upwards a whole melon  Easy Watermelon Mojito

One of my favorite things most summertime is enjoying watermelon.  I only honey it's ripe juicy sweetness, as well as swear I could swallow it every day.

But you lot know how when you lot cutting upwards a watermelon, all that juice collects on the cutting board as well as inwards the bottom of the bowl where the pieces are?  It sure seems a shame to waste materials all that delicious juice, don't you lot think?
I mean, I've collected upwards to a twain of cups of juice from cutting upwards a whole watermelon.  And that materials tastes only equally expert equally biting into the watermelon flesh itself.  Sure seems a shame to waste materials it to me!

t waste materials that watermelon juice that collects when you lot cutting upwards a whole melon  Easy Watermelon Mojito

Enter ... this slowly Watermelon Mojito recipe.

Because amongst that tasty watermelon juice as well as this slowly recipe, you lot tin rapidly live enjoying a super refreshing as well as delicious watermelon cocktail.  All amongst something nosotros typically disregard.

All it takes to brand these Watermelon Mojitos is combining the common mojito ingredients of fresh mint, fresh lime juice, as well as rum amongst a few ounces of watermelon juice.  Simply muddle {squish} mint leaves inwards a drinking glass amongst some fresh lime juice as well as acquit upon of granulated sugar.  Then add together rum as well as watermelon juice, as well as transcend it all off amongst a splash of lodge soda.

Super easy!

t waste materials that watermelon juice that collects when you lot cutting upwards a whole melon  Easy Watermelon Mojito

Now, if you'd similar to brand a bigger batch of these tasty Watermelon Mojitos, you'll demand a bigger "batch" of juice than what collects from cutting upwards a watermelon.  But non to worry "making" watermelon juice is easy, too.  Simply house three to four cups of cubed watermelon chunks inwards a nutrient processor as well as hand them a whirl for a few seconds.  Strain the puree through a colander to take away the pulp, as well as reserve the juice.  You'll own got a twain cups of juice to locomote with.

But believe me, whether you lot brand this slowly Watermelon Mojito cocktail inwards a large batch or a pocket-size batch for ane or two, ane thing's for sure it'll sure as shooting live a tasty means to bask that summertime watermelon.

And a delicious means to position that usually-wasted juice to peachy use!

t waste materials that watermelon juice that collects when you lot cutting upwards a whole melon  Easy Watermelon Mojito
Thank you lot for stopping past times . We'd honey to own got you lot dorsum soon!

watermelon cocktails, watermelon mojito recipe, watermelon drinks, summertime drinks, summertime cocktails
Yield: 1 to 2 cocktails

Easy Watermelon Mojito

Don't waste materials that watermelon juice that collects when you lot cutting upwards a whole melon ... Use it to whip upwards an slowly Watermelon Mojito instead! It's sure as shooting a tasty means to bask summer's watermelon.
prep time: 10 Mcook time: total time: 10 M


  • 8 fresh mint leaves
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • 1 tsp. granulated sugar
  • 5 oz. watermelon juice* {I salve the juice "drippings" from when I cutting upwards a whole watermelon}
  • 3 oz. white rum
  • about three oz. lodge soda or sparkling water
  • lime wedges, mint, as well as watermelon wedges for garnish, if desired


How to hit Easy Watermelon Mojito

  1. Place mint leaves, granulated sugar, as well as lime juice inwards a tall sturdy highball glass. With a wooden muddler or the dorsum of a sturdy spoon, press as well as gently twist the mint leaves against the side of the glass. {Stop muddling when the mint is bruised as well as fragrant, but non withal torn, equally trigger-happy the mint besides much tin hit a bitter taste.}
  2. Add watermelon juice as well as rum. Fill the drinking glass 3/4 total amongst H2O ice cubes or crushed ice. Fill the residuum of the drinking glass amongst sparkling H2O or lodge soda. Stir thoroughly.
  3. Garnish amongst lime wedges, mint, as well as a watermelon wedge if desired, serve, as well as enjoy.
  1. * Save the juice "drippings" from cutting upwards a whole watermelon. Or, to brand a larger amount of watermelon juice, house most three to four cups cubed watermelon inwards a nutrient processor as well as pulse. Strain through colander to take away the pulp, reserving the juice.
  2. Makes 1 large (12 oz.) or 2 smaller (6 oz.) cocktails.
Created using The Recipes Generator

You powerfulness also bask these other refreshingly tasty drinks:

t waste materials that watermelon juice that collects when you lot cutting upwards a whole melon  Easy Watermelon Mojito

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