Friday, February 22, 2019

Watermelon Rum Slush

Don't waste materials any of that sweet, juicy watermelon!  Grab some watermelon juice together with rum to whip upwardly this fun, tasty, together with refreshing Watermelon Rum Slush it may exactly live the perfect summertime sipper.  Thank y'all to the National Watermelon Promotion Board for sponsoring its creation together with this post.

It's summertime.  And y'all know 1 matter summertime way to me?  Watermelon time!  Watermelon is 1 of my absolute favorite things to swallow ... together with I swear, I could relish it every day.

Now, I know I don't involve to dwell on the nutritional benefits of watermelon.  We all know it's non only tasty, but also depression inwards calories, smashing for staying hydrated inwards summer's heat, sodium together with fatty free, together with contains lots of smashing nutrients similar vitamins Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 together with C, right?

But did y'all know that 100% of the watermelon is edible together with usable?

When many of us retrieve of enjoying watermelon, nosotros retrieve solely of enjoying the flesh.  Whether it live inwards the summer-staple fresh-cut wedge, or inwards other creative watermelon recipes similar salads or salsas, eating the flesh is sure a favorite way to relish watermelon's juicy deliciousness.

But how almost that rind together with juice?

Oh, at that topographic point are many wonderful ways to relish each of these, too.  And to celebrate July equally National Watermelon Month, the National Watermelon Promotion Board is challenging watermelon lovers to purpose the whole  watermelon flesh, juice AND rind!

Have y'all got a smashing watermelon recipe whether it live for the watermelon flesh, juice, or rind?  Submit it to the National Watermelon Promotion Board's "Use the Whole Watermelon" recipe contest!

In celebration of National Watermelon Month, the National Watermelon Promotion board volition direct 1 winning recipe to have $500!  Multiple recipe entries are permitted visit to submit your recipe ideas together with take in the total terms together with conditions.

Need inspiration to larn into the use-the-whole-watermelon spirit?  The Watermelon Board website is loaded amongst tons of smashing ideas for us whether it be watermelon recipes using the flesh, watermelon juice recipes, OR watermelon rind recipes.

Grab some watermelon juice together with rum to whip upwardly this fun Watermelon Rum Slush

When I was challenged yesteryear the National Watermelon Promotion Board to create a recipe featuring 1 of the components of the whole watermelon, my heed at in 1 lawsuit went to featuring watermelon juice.  There are so many wonderful ways to relish watermelon juice inwards refreshing summertime drinks similar lemonades, infused waters, margaritas, together with fifty-fifty an easy watermelon mojito.  

But my absolute favorite way to relish watermelon juice is equally a frozen slush.  So I turned to a watermelon-Moscato slush I shared a few years dorsum equally inspiration for this tasty together with refreshing Watermelon Rum Slush I'm sharing amongst y'all today.

 And believe me, making this slush genuinely couldn't live whatsoever easier.  All y'all involve to create is mix upwardly watermelon juice amongst rum together with a few uncomplicated ingredients, together with freeze it.  So easy, right?

Now when I cutting upwardly a whole watermelon, I accept whatsoever juice that collects inwards the bottom of my watermelon-chunks' bowl together with that spills out onto my cutting board together with salvage it y'all tin give the axe collect upwardly to almost two cups of juice this way.  We together with then either imbibe it as-is equally watermelon juice, or purpose it inwards cocktails or to add together a jounce of watermelon flavour to a drinking glass of lemonade.

If you're making a batch of this slush though, that collected juice is a smashing starting fourth dimension ... but it won't live enough.  Fortunately, preparing watermelon juice is super easy.  {And an peculiarly fabulous way to purpose an overripe watermelon, if y'all give off to cease upwardly amongst one, instead of tossing it out.}

To ready watermelon juice {and hence, the base of operations of this Watermelon Rum Slush}, exactly toss cubed watermelon into a nutrient processor or blender together with give them a whirl ...

Grab some watermelon juice together with rum to whip upwardly this fun Watermelon Rum Slush

Then pour the watermelon puree through a strainer to take away the pulp, reserving the juice.  

For the slush, mix the juice amongst rum, some sugar, together with a chip of fresh lemon juice together with freeze.

Grab some watermelon juice together with rum to whip upwardly this fun Watermelon Rum Slush

Once the mixture is frozen, the Watermelon Rum Slush is ready to live scooped out into a glass, topped off amongst a chip of lemon-lime soda, together with enjoyed.  

And oh, what tasty refreshing watermelon enjoyment it is!  In my opinion, it's the most perfect way to relish watermelon juice.  Just exceed a straw!

Grab some watermelon juice together with rum to whip upwardly this fun Watermelon Rum Slush
Thank y'all for stopping yesteryear . We'd beloved to stimulate got y'all dorsum soon

watermelon rum slush recipe, watermelon rum slushie, summertime drinks, summertime cocktails, watermelon cocktail
Yield: about five cups slush

Watermelon Rum Slush

Grab some watermelon juice together with rum to whip upwardly this fun, tasty, together with refreshing Watermelon Rum Slush it may exactly live the perfect summertime sipper.
prep time: three H & xv Mcook time: total time: three H & xv M


  • 6 c. watermelon cubes, seeds removed*
  • 1/4 c. granulated sugar
  • 1 T. freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 c. white rum
  • 7-Up or Sprite for serving


How to create Watermelon Rum Slush

  1. Place watermelon cubes inwards a nutrient processor or blender. Blend until smooth. Place a strainer over a large bowl or 9x13-inch drinking glass baking dish. Pour processed watermelon through the strainer to take away the pulp, reserving the strained juice.
  2. Stir granulated saccharide together with lemon juice into the watermelon juice until the saccharide is fully dissolved. Stir inwards rum.
  3. Place the bowl or baking dish inwards the freezer together with freeze the mixture for two to three hours, stirring amongst a fork every 45 minutes or so to suspension upwardly H2O ice crystals.
  4. When ready to serve, spoon watermelon-rum slush into a glass, filling the drinking glass almost 3/4 full. Pour inwards a fiddling 7-Up or Sprite together with stir. Garnish equally desired.
  1. * Six cups watermelon cubes, pureed together with strained, yields almost iv cups watermelon juice. You tin give the axe purpose watermelon juice released together with collected when cutting upwardly a whole watermelon instead, for all or business office of the pureed juice.
Created using The Recipes Generator

This is a sponsored post written yesteryear me on behalf of  the National Watermelon Promotion Board.  While I received compensation for writing this post, the thoughts together with opinions expressed are alone my own.

You mightiness also similar these other delicious watermelon drinks:

{Kid-Friendly} Watermelon Slush

Affiliate links are included inwards this post. I have a small-scale amount of compensation for anything purchased from these links, at no additional terms to you. Thank y'all for supporting when y'all store at Amazon.comGrab some watermelon juice together with rum to whip upwardly this fun Watermelon Rum Slush