Thursday, October 31, 2019

How To Brand Beer Bread: Iii Uncomplicated Ingredients + A Beer

Are yous buying a packaged mix to brand beer bread?  Stop!  With but 4 unproblematic ingredients, yous tin brand your ain beer staff of life at dwelling no mix required.  And 1 of those unproblematic ingredients?  You guessed it.  It's a beer.

 yous tin brand your ain beer staff of life at dwelling  How to Make Beer Bread: three Simple Ingredients + a Beer

I was walking through the grocery shop the other 24-hour interval when I spied boxes of beer staff of life mix on the shelf.  Beer staff of life mixes are sold lots of other places, also ... niggling specialty stores, gift catalogs, in addition to specialty nutrient mix companies to lift a few.  I know we've all seen them.

And I know we've all bought these mixes at 1 fourth dimension or another, too.  Myself included.

But I got to thinking hey, beer staff of life is genuinely really slow to make.

Just follow these unproblematic steps to whip upward a totally gorgeous, quick in addition to slow loaf of beer bread. No box mix needed, I swear. 

Needing but three unproblematic ingredients + a beer, I mean, we're talkin' really, really  easy to make.

And that's when I realized ii things:
1.  I hadn't made beer staff of life inwards a rattling long time.
2.  I hadn't silent shared how to brand beer staff of life on .

So I decided I should portion this rattling unproblematic beer staff of life recipe amongst yous hither on the blog.  Just follow these unproblematic steps to whip upward a totally gorgeous, quick in addition to slow loaf of beer bread.

No box mix needed, I swear.

 yous tin brand your ain beer staff of life at dwelling  How to Make Beer Bread: three Simple Ingredients + a Beer

To whip upward a loaf, get together upward your 4 unproblematic ingredients self-rising flour, granulated sugar, butter.  And a beer.  That's it.


Now when it comes to the beer, whatever beer volition do.

Each multifariousness of beer imparts a fighting unlike flavour to the staff of life ... it's kinda fun to come across what happens amongst unlike beers.

But conduct 1 that's to your liking.  Each multifariousness of beer imparts a fighting unlike flavour to the staff of life ... it's kinda fun to come across what happens amongst unlike beers.

And yous tin definitely gustation a hint of each beer's flavour inwards the baked staff of life ... thence chances are, if yous don't similar the beer, yous won't similar the bread.  

To gear upward your loaf, but combine self-rising flour in addition to a niggling saccharide inwards a mixing bowl ...

 yous tin brand your ain beer staff of life at dwelling  How to Make Beer Bread: three Simple Ingredients + a Beer

... thence pour inwards a 12 ounce beer ...

 yous tin brand your ain beer staff of life at dwelling  How to Make Beer Bread: three Simple Ingredients + a Beer

... in addition to mix it all upward until it comes together to create a pasty batter.

 yous tin brand your ain beer staff of life at dwelling  How to Make Beer Bread: three Simple Ingredients + a Beer

Place the batter inwards a standard-sized loaf pan.  

Then pour melted butter all over the top.

 yous tin brand your ain beer staff of life at dwelling  How to Make Beer Bread: three Simple Ingredients + a Beer

Don't stir the melted butter into the batter.

Nope.  Just exit the butter sitting all over the piece of occupation yesteryear if the batter.

 yous tin brand your ain beer staff of life at dwelling  How to Make Beer Bread: three Simple Ingredients + a Beer

Pop it inwards the oven in addition to inwards nearly 45 minutes ... presto ... you've got  beer bread.

 yous tin brand your ain beer staff of life at dwelling  How to Make Beer Bread: three Simple Ingredients + a Beer

Mmmm hmmmm.  A gorgeous loaf of beer staff of life but waiting to live sliced upward in addition to enjoyed amongst a bowl of soup.  Or chili.  Or spaghetti.  Or whatever you'd like!

Pretty cool for but three unproblematic ingredients + a beer, don't yous think?

And best of all, ... no boxed mix needed.

 yous tin brand your ain beer staff of life at dwelling  How to Make Beer Bread: three Simple Ingredients + a Beer
Thank yous for stopping yesteryear .  We'd dearest to bring yous dorsum soon!

How to Make Beer Bread without a mix, How to Make Beer Bread, beer staff of life recipe
Yield: 10-12 servings

How to Make Beer Bread: three Simple Ingredients + a Beer

Are yous buying a packaged mix to brand beer bread? Stop! With but 4 unproblematic ingredients, yous tin brand your ain beer staff of life at dwelling no mix required. And 1 of those unproblematic ingredients? You guessed it. It's a beer.
prep time: 10 Mcook time: fifty Mtotal time: sixty M


  • 3 c. self-rising flour
  • 3 T. granulated sugar
  • 1 (12 oz.) beer {any form volition do}
  • 4 T. butter, melted


How to create How to Make Beer Bread: three Simple Ingredients + a Beer

  1. In a mixing bowl, stir together flour in addition to sugar. Add beer; mix until good combined. Place batter inwards a greased loaf pan.
  2. Pour melted butter evenly over the piece of occupation yesteryear of batter inwards the pan. Do non stir.
  3. Bake at 375 degrees for 45 - fifty minutes. Serve warm or at room temperature.
Created using The Recipes Generator

You mightiness also bask these other "side" staff of life recipes:

Cheddar-Rosemary Beer Bread

 yous tin brand your ain beer staff of life at dwelling  How to Make Beer Bread: three Simple Ingredients + a Beer

 yous tin brand your ain beer staff of life at dwelling  How to Make Beer Bread: three Simple Ingredients + a Beer

Honey Cornbread

Pumpkin Biscuits

 yous tin brand your ain beer staff of life at dwelling  How to Make Beer Bread: three Simple Ingredients + a Beer

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This post service is linked with Weekend Potluck.

Easy Meatball Parmesan Casserole

Bake upward exactly 5 uncomplicated ingredients to taste the cheesy, saucy goodness of this Meatball Parmesan Casserole!  Spoon it over noodles or warm garlic breadstuff slices for i super like shooting fish in a barrel in addition to satisfying meal.  It makes for a groovy filling for meatballs subs, too.

 Bake upward exactly 5 uncomplicated ingredients to taste the cheesy Easy Meatball Parmesan Casserole

You know I have got to admit, when I was typing upward the recipe for this Meatball Parmesan Casserole I asked myself, is this dish really  a casserole?  It's such a uncomplicated dish, I mean, does it actually qualify equally a casserole?

So I did a piddling digging.

Turns out ... yesteryear Definition of the give-and-take ... yes, fifty-fifty this uncomplicated dish counts.

Bake upward exactly 5 uncomplicated ingredients to taste the cheesy, saucy goodness of this Meatball Parmesan Casserole.

I ever recollect of a casserole equally a mixture of quite a few ingredients stirred together, scooped into a baking dish, in addition to baked inwards the oven.  It's the "quite a few ingredients" piece of occupation of my thinking that would knock this like shooting fish in a barrel dinner dish out of casserole contention.

Because this Meatball Parmesan Casserole is concocted from exclusively 5 uncomplicated ingredients.  Which aren't fifty-fifty stirred together, heed you.

 Bake upward exactly 5 uncomplicated ingredients to taste the cheesy Easy Meatball Parmesan Casserole

But according to the Definition of the give-and-take "casserole," a casserole is only a dish that is cooked tardily inwards an oven, typically inwards to a greater extent than or less shape of casserole dish ... this type of dish beingness what originally gave "casseroles" their name.

So yes, yesteryear it's virtue of beingness baked inwards the oven inwards a casserole dish, this super-easy, super-simple Meatball Parmesan Casserole does indeed deserve to have got bestowed upon it the championship of "casserole."

Spoon over noodles or warm garlic breadstuff slices for i super like shooting fish in a barrel in addition to satisfying meal.  It makes for a groovy filling for meatballs subs, too.

And it genuinely doesn't have got much endeavour to live enjoying its cheesy deliciousness!  

Provided your meatballs are already made ... or you're taking wages of prepared frozen meatballs ... that is.  I used my Baked Homemade Meatballs that I had already prepared inwards advance, in addition to thus assembling the casserole in addition to popping it inwards the oven was a snap.

Just identify pre-cooked meatballs inwards a baking dish in addition to smother them alongside sauce.  Then bake them for a flake in addition to sprinkle on a proficient layer of mozzarella in addition to Parmesan cheese ...

 Bake upward exactly 5 uncomplicated ingredients to taste the cheesy Easy Meatball Parmesan Casserole

Bake for a flake longer until the cheese is melted, bubbly, in addition to exactly foremost to chocolate-brown a piddling inwards spots ...

 Bake upward exactly 5 uncomplicated ingredients to taste the cheesy Easy Meatball Parmesan Casserole

Then dig on inwards to the cheesy, saucy goodness.  

Enjoy the meatballs exactly equally they are ... spoon them over noodles or warm garlic breadstuff slices ... or, serve them equally a filling for meatballs subs.  We similar to spoon ours over noodles or garlic bread.

But hey, we're non picky ... we'll have got these tasty meatballs whatever which agency nosotros can!

 Bake upward exactly 5 uncomplicated ingredients to taste the cheesy Easy Meatball Parmesan Casserole
Thank you lot for stopping yesteryear . We'd dearest to have got you lot dorsum soon!

Yield: 8-10 servings


Bake upward exactly 5 uncomplicated ingredients to taste the cheesy, saucy goodness of this Meatball Parmesan Casserole! Spoon it over noodles or warm garlic breadstuff slices for i super like shooting fish in a barrel in addition to satisfying meal. It makes for a groovy filling for meatballs subs, too.
prep time: 25 Mcook time: thirty Mtotal time: 55 M


  • 20 to 25 large meatballs, cooked*
  • 2 (24 oz.) jars marinara sauce
  • 2 c. shredded mozzarella
  • 1/4 c. shredded or grated Parmesan
  • 1/2 tsp. Italian seasoning
  • 1 to two T. chopped fresh parsley {optional}



  1. Place meatballs inwards a greased casserole dish. Pour sauce evenly over the top. Baked, covered, at 375 degrees for thirty minutes.
  2. Uncover in addition to transcend alongside mozzarella in addition to Parmesan cheeses. Sprinkle evenly alongside Italian seasoning. Bake, uncovered, xv minutes to a greater extent than or until cheese is melted, bubbly, in addition to exactly foremost to chocolate-brown a bit.
  3. Remove from oven in addition to sprinkle alongside chopped parsley {optional}.
  4. Serve as-is, spooned over noodles or warm garlic breadstuff slices, or equally a filling inwards sub rolls.
  1. *Make your ain homemade meatballs, or utilisation prepared frozen meatballs. You tin dismiss also utilisation the smaller frozen cocktail meatballs ... exactly pour inwards plenty to fill upward the bottom of the baking dish inwards a unmarried layer alongside perchance a few stacked upward on top.
Created using The Recipes Generator

Affiliate links are included inwards this post. I have a pocket-sized amount of compensation for anything purchased from these links, at no additional terms to you. Thank you lot for supporting when you lot store at Bake upward exactly 5 uncomplicated ingredients to taste the cheesy Easy Meatball Parmesan Casserole.

This post service is linked alongside Weekend Potluck.

Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Fleck Cookies

Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies The delicious sweet-salty combination of salt, chocolate, as well as peanut butter joins forces inward a fun as well as scrumptious cookie form!  Believe me, these aren't your average chocolate chip cookies.

 as well as peanut butter joins forces inward a fun as well as scrumptious cookie cast Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies

There's exactly something close the classic sweet-and-salty combination I love.  I mean, it's genuinely difficult for me to resist grabbing a handful of chocolate covered pretzels if they're around.  They're ane of my absolute favorite candies, for sure.

In fact?  When the craving for common salt as well as chocolate hits, I've been known to exactly accomplish into the pantry as well as select handgrip of a handful of pretzels along amongst a small-scale handful of chocolate chips.  It's a mix that volition certain suffice when chocolate covered pretzels aren't around.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 trivial sprinkling of body of body of water common salt or fleur de sel on each cookie exactly puts these Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies over the top.

And so when you lot add together peanut butter into that mix?  An already-divine combination gets fifty-fifty better!

So hey, it entirely makes feel to pack all the fabulous tastes of this season combination into a cookie, right?

Oh yes ... and, hence, these pretzel-stuffed cookies loaded amongst both chocolate & peanut butter chips were born.

And a trivial sprinkling of body of body of water common salt or fleur de sel on each cookie exactly puts these Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies over the top.

 as well as peanut butter joins forces inward a fun as well as scrumptious cookie cast Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies

To starting fourth dimension these new-favorite cookies, I whipped upwards the classic Nestle Tollhouse chocolate chip cookie dough equally my base of operations batter.

I detect the Tollhouse dough to last such a wonderfully versatile cookie dough base of operations for so many cookie variations, as well as job it all the fourth dimension ... similar inward my Coffee Chocolate Chip Cookies, Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies, as well as my all-time favorite Cherry Chocolate Chip Cookies.

But if you lot accept a favorite cookie base, larn ahead as well as give it a try.  It'll in all likelihood move exactly cracking for these cookies, too!

 as well as peanut butter joins forces inward a fun as well as scrumptious cookie cast Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies

Then, I crushed upwards some pretzels into pieces.

You desire the pretzels to last inward bite-sized pieces ... non equally good big, but definitely non crushed into a powder, either.  I flora placing pretzels inward a zip-top baggie as well as hitting them gently amongst a meat mallet worked great.

 as well as peanut butter joins forces inward a fun as well as scrumptious cookie cast Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies

Then toss the pretzel pieces into the cookie batter along amongst some chocolate chips and peanut butter chips.

It's total yum!  I could halt correct straight off as well as exactly swallow the batter ... Really, I could.  (And I might have.  Just a trivial bit.  Maybe.)

 as well as peanut butter joins forces inward a fun as well as scrumptious cookie cast Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies

Drop the dough past times spoonfuls onto a cookie sheet.  Then sprinkle the plough over off of each dough ball amongst a trivial pinch of body of body of water common salt or fleur de sel.  Oh my!

Fleur de sel is merely a specific type of body of body of water salt.  It's got a really frail salty season I love. 

Either type of common salt works, but I practise to a greater extent than frequently than non use fleur de sel when sprinkling common salt on my baked goods.  Fleur de sel is merely a specific type of body of body of water common salt gathered from an isle inward France.  It's got a really frail salty season I love.

 as well as peanut butter joins forces inward a fun as well as scrumptious cookie cast Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies

Pop the cookies inward the oven as well as bake them up.  The Tollhouse cookie base of operations worked exactly beautifully for these.

The cookies spread out the perfect amount, as well as stayed overnice as well as soft - exactly the agency I similar them.

 as well as peanut butter joins forces inward a fun as well as scrumptious cookie cast Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies

So if you lot dearest the classic sweet-salty season combination similar me, give these  tasty Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies a try.

The improver of peanut butter along amongst common salt as well as chocolate merely puts these cookies over the top!  Believe me, they're certain non your average chocolate chip cookies.

 as well as peanut butter joins forces inward a fun as well as scrumptious cookie cast Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies
Thank you lot for stopping past times .  We'd dearest to accept you lot dorsum soon!

Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies
Source:  Adapted from Nestle Tollhouse Chocolate Chip Cookies
(Print recipe)
  • 2 ¼ c. all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 c. butter, softened
  • 3/4 c. granulated sugar
  • 3/4 c. brown sugar
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 ½ c. (about ix oz.) semi-sweet or milk chocolate chips
  • 1 c. (about six oz.) peanut butter chips
  • 1 c. pretzel pieces
  • Sea common salt or fleur de sel (for sprinkling)
  1. Combine flour, baking soda, as well as salt; laid aside.
  2. In a large bowl, combine butter, granulated sugar, brownish sugar, and vanilla extract; trounce until creamy. Beat inward eggs.
  3. Gradually add together flour mixture; mix until combined.
  4. By hand, stir inward chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, as well as pretzel pieces.
  5. Drop past times rounded teaspoonful onto a cookie sheet. Sprinkle the plough over off of each cookie amongst body of body of water common salt or fleur de sel.
  6. Bake at 375℉ for 8 to 10 minutes. Let stand upwards on the pan for close a infinitesimal or 2 earlier removing to a cooling rack.

Please relish these other cookie favorites from ...

Affiliate links are included inward this post. I have a small-scale amount of compensation for anything purchased from these links,at as well as peanut butter joins forces inward a fun as well as scrumptious cookie cast Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookiesat no additional terms to you.

This postal service is linked with Weekend Potluck.

Make-Ahead Layered Salad {For A Crowd}

When feeding a crowd, nosotros all honey to convey a few tricks upwards our sleeve to brand grooming easier, right?  Make-Ahead Layered Salad is i of my favorite feed-a-crowd tricks! With make-ahead convenience as well as fabulous flavor, it's perfect for all those summertime cookouts as well as get-togethers.

 nosotros all honey to convey a few tricks upwards our sleeve to brand grooming easier Make-Ahead Layered Salad {For a Crowd}

We're inwards the total swing of summer!  I tin hardly believe it's already the middle of July.  Sweet summertime is already starting to sideslip on by.

But practise yous know what nosotros nonetheless convey fourth dimension to mash inwards a lot of that comes along alongside summer?  Cookouts as well as tons of summertime get-togethers, for sure.

Thinking dorsum to my childhood, I convey real fond memories of summertime cookouts at our house.  And it seemed that our describe of piece of occupation solid was i of those houses that ever unexpectedly picked upwards an extra friend or 2 for dinner.

I'm ever on the sentry for dishes that brand feeding a crowd easier.  Like this Make-Ahead Layered Salad.  Not exclusively is it super tasty, it's gorgeous, too.

But when nosotros had these unexpected extra guests or hosted a menage unit of measurement get-together, my Mom ever made it aspect effortless to feed a crowd.  Looking back, I'm inwards awe of Mom's grace as well as ease alongside which she cooked for as well as fed a crowd.

Because for me?  Feeding a crowd is surely non effortless!

Nope.  For me, cooking for as well as feeding a crowd is hard.

Which is why I'm ever on the sentry for dishes that brand feeding a crowd easier.  Like this Make-Ahead Layered Salad.  Not exclusively is it super tasty, it's gorgeous, too.

 nosotros all honey to convey a few tricks upwards our sleeve to brand grooming easier Make-Ahead Layered Salad {For a Crowd}

So what makes this layered salad a perfect "trick" for feeding a feeding a crowd?

First, it makes a size-able salad thus in that place volition surely live plenty to become around.

Second, it tin live prepared ahead of fourth dimension ... every bit early on every bit the morn earlier serving ... as well as refrigerated until serving.  When feeding a crowd, you've exactly got to honey make-ahead convenience, right?

What makes this layered salad a perfect "trick" for feeding a feeding a crowd? It tin live prepared ahead of fourth dimension as well as refrigerated until serving.

Finally, it packs bang-up flavour from a wonderful mix of ingredients as well as an herb-packed Ranch-type dressing.

Not to mention, this layered salad's beautiful, too.

To laid upwards it, exactly layer chopped iceberg lettuce alongside shredded carrots, sliced cucumbers, chopped celery as well as ruby-red onion, as well as thawed frozen peas inwards a pretty drinking glass trifle or serving bowl.  Then spread on a layer of homemade herb-packed dressing.

 nosotros all honey to convey a few tricks upwards our sleeve to brand grooming easier Make-Ahead Layered Salad {For a Crowd}

Top the dressing layer alongside a generous sprinkling of shredded cheddar cheese as well as crispy crumbled bacon.

 nosotros all honey to convey a few tricks upwards our sleeve to brand grooming easier Make-Ahead Layered Salad {For a Crowd}

Then, without tossing everything together, encompass as well as refrigerate the salad until serving time.

And in that place you've got i tasty salad prepared alongside make-ahead convenience that's perfect for a cookout or get-together crowd.

Make-Ahead Layered Salad is i of my favorite feed-a-crowd tricks! With make-ahead convenience as well as fabulous flavor, it's perfect for all those summertime cookouts as well as get-togethers.

Now, maybe Mom didn't truly convey her feed-a-crowd deed together every bit much every bit I perceived ... maybe it was all a clever facade.  But she sure made it look easy!

As for me, I'll nonetheless live relying on "tricks" similar this Make-Ahead Layered Salad when it's my plough to feed a crowd.

 nosotros all honey to convey a few tricks upwards our sleeve to brand grooming easier Make-Ahead Layered Salad {For a Crowd}
Thank yous for stopping past times .  We'd honey to convey yous dorsum soon!

layered salad, brand ahead salad, salad for a crowd, recipe
Yield: about 18-20 servings

Make-Ahead Layered Salad {For a Crowd}

When feeding a crowd, nosotros all honey to convey a few tricks upwards our sleeve to brand grooming easier, right? Make-Ahead Layered Salad is i of my favorite feed-a-crowd tricks! With make-ahead convenience as well as fabulous flavor, it's perfect for all those summertime cookouts as well as get-togethers.
prep time: forty Mcook time: total time: forty M


  • 1 c. mayonnaise
  • 1/4 c. whole milk
  • 1/4 c. chopped parsley
  • 1 T. chopped fresh chives
  • 1 ½ tsp. dried dill weed
  • 1/4 tsp. pepper
  • 1/8 tsp. salt
  • 6 c. chopped iceberg lettuce {about 1 pocket-size caput ... or Romaine industrial plant too, if you'd prefer}
  • 2 medium carrots, grated
  • 1 c. chopped ruby-red onion
  • 1 medium cucumber, unpeeled & thinly sliced
  • 1 (10 oz.) bundle frozen peas, thawed
  • 1 ½ c. (about six oz.) shredded abrupt cheddar cheese {I shred my ain because I intend it has ameliorate flavor}
  • 8 strips bacon, cooked & crumbled


How to ready Make-Ahead Layered Salad {For a Crowd}

  1. PREPARE THE DRESSING: In a pocket-size bowl, whisk together the mayonnaise, milk, parsley, chives, dill weed, salt, as well as pepper. Set aside.
  2. PREPARE THE SALAD: In a drinking glass serving bowl, layer the lettuce, carrots, cucumber, onion, as well as peas. {Do non toss.}
  3. Pour dressing mixture evenly over the peas. Sprinkle cheese as well as and thus bacon on top.
  4. Cover as well as refrigerate several hours or overnight.
  5. At serving time, serve as-is {leaving it layered} OR toss together exactly earlier serving, if desired.
Created using The Recipes Generator

You powerfulness also similar these other tasty salad recipes:

Amish Macaroni Salad
Strawberry, Blueberry & Greens Salad alongside Honey Vinaigrette
Cauliflower Mock "Potato" Salad
Make-Ahead Layered Picnic Salad
Pea Salad
Affiliate links are included inwards this post. I have a pocket-size amount of compensation for anything purchased from these links, at no additional damage to you. Thank yous for supporting when yous store at nosotros all honey to convey a few tricks upwards our sleeve to brand grooming easier Make-Ahead Layered Salad {For a Crowd}

This postal service is linked with Weekend Potluck.