Thursday, October 31, 2019

Molasses Crinkles

Molasses Crinkles are our family-favorite classic molasses cookies.  Who needs those ginger snaps from a box when you lot tin whip upwards your really ain ginger & molasses beauties at home?  Oh, in addition to these Molasses Crinkles are only perfect for that Christmas cookie telephone commutation or cookie tray, too!

Who needs those ginger snaps from a box when you lot tin whip upwards your really ain ginger  Molasses Crinkles

Do you lot ever bring some household unit of measurement favorites that appear to autumn off your baking or cooking radar cover for a while?

I'm non certain why it happens, but at times I appear to forget almost some of our favorites.  Which is precisely what happened alongside these beautiful in addition to delicious Molasses Crinkles.  I bring no persuasion why ... but I seemed to bring forgotten almost these molasses beauties in addition to hadn't made them inward years.

Who needs those ginger snaps from a box when you lot tin whip upwards your really ain ginger & molasses beauties at home? 

I'm thence glad I finally remembered them.  Because oh wow, they're tasty.  Loaded alongside molasses, cinnamon, ground ginger, in addition to ground cloves, Molasses Crinkles pack wonderful gingerbread flavor.

Which makes them perfect for enjoying alongside Christmas cookie exchanges in addition to cookie trays.  But our household unit of measurement loves to snack on them year-round, too.

It's fun when you lot rediscover an one-time favorite classic, isn't it?

Who needs those ginger snaps from a box when you lot tin whip upwards your really ain ginger  Molasses Crinkles

The recipe for these golden beauties comes from a household unit of measurement friend of my mom's from waaaayyyy dorsum when I was a kid.  I holler upwards my mom making these Molasses Crinkles when I was similar half dozen or 7 years old, which I'l tell ... was quite a long time ago.

I tin holler upwards helping mom curlicue the dough into balls.  And in addition to thence helping dip the balls inward carbohydrate ... which, to me, was the best part!  I mean, what kid doesn't honey to dip something inward sugar?

Especially when that "something" is going to bake upwards into a beautifully rich in addition to delicious cookie.

Who needs those ginger snaps from a box when you lot tin whip upwards your really ain ginger  Molasses Crinkles

To brand the namesake crinkles inward these Molasses Crinkles cookies, you lot squish the cookies alongside your fingertips or the palm of your manus part-way through their baking time.  Growing up, Mom ever handled that part.  But since I've grown upwards a bit, I straight off larn the fun of squishing the cookies all on my own.

When I made this latest batch, I decided to practise a footling experimenting to examination the crinkle results of squishing the Molasses Crinkles at dissimilar times inward the baking.  I tested no squishing at all, squishing early on inward the baking process, in addition to squishing slowly inward the baking time.

I discovered that when you lot squish the cookies does indeed significantly send on the await of the crinkles inward the finished baked cookies.  Here are my results, thence you lot tin create upwards one's remove heed the form of crinkles you desire inward your Molasses Crinkles.

When you squish the cookies does indeed significantly send on the await of the crinkles inward the finished baked cookies.

In the moving painting below:

1. FIRST COOKIE No squishing at all.  I only wanted to come across what would spill out if at that topographic point was no squishing involved.  You larn a teeny flake of crinkly cracks, but it's non existent pretty.

2. SECOND COOKIE Squished before inward the baking process, after almost v minutes of baking.  As you lot tin see, you lot larn lots of small-scale cracks in addition to crinkles.  And the cookies spread out a tad flake to a greater extent than spell they bake.  This is my mom's favorite Molasses Crinkles crinkle result.

3. THIRD COOKIE Squished later on inward the baking process, after almost 7 in addition to 1/2 minutes of baking.  This results inward fewer, larger crinkles in addition to cracks.  This is my favorite crinkle result.

Who needs those ginger snaps from a box when you lot tin whip upwards your really ain ginger  Molasses Crinkles

See all those big, bold, beautiful cracks?  I honey them!

Who needs those ginger snaps from a box when you lot tin whip upwards your really ain ginger  Molasses Crinkles

One thing's for sure I guarantee it won't live years before I brand Molasses Crinkles again.  

Nope.  I'm non going to permit these yummy beauties autumn dorsum into the "forgotten favorites" category.  They sense of savor means also skillful to permit that spill out again.

Like I did, I encourage you lot to rediscover a forgotten favorite ... fifty-fifty if it's not these gorgeous Molasses Crinkles.  I think you'll live glad you lot did!

Who needs those ginger snaps from a box when you lot tin whip upwards your really ain ginger  Molasses Crinkles
Thank you lot for stopping past times . We'd honey to bring you lot dorsum soon!

molasses cookies, molasses crinkle cookies, cookie recipe, Christmas cookies
Yield: about 36 cookies

Molasses Crinkles

Molasses Crinkles are our family-favorite classic molasses cookies. Who needs those ginger snaps from a box when you lot tin whip upwards your really ain ginger & molasses beauties at home? Oh, in addition to these Molasses Crinkles are only perfect for that Christmas cookie telephone commutation or cookie tray, too!
prep time: 1 H & twenty Mcook time: 10 Mtotal time: 1 H & thirty M



How to develop Molasses Crinkles

  1. In a large bowl, mix chocolate-brown sugar, shortening, egg, in addition to molasses until thoroughly combined. In a carve upwards bowl, mix together flour, baking soda, salt, ginger, cinnamon, in addition to cloves; stir dry out ingredients into molasses mixture. Cover in addition to chill the dough for 1 hour.
  2. Place granulated carbohydrate inward a small-scale bowl. Roll dough into walnut-sized balls; curlicue each ball inward granulated sugar. Place on a really lightly greased cookie sheet.
  3. Bake at 375 degrees for a total of nine - eleven minutes. Part means through baking (see times below), gently milk shiver the cookie canvass in addition to lightly press downwards on the tops of the baking cookies to create a crinkled, cracked surface. {FOR LOTS OF SMALL CRINKLES: press cookies downwards after v minutes of baking. FOR LARGER CRINKLES: Press cookies downwards after almost 7 1/2 minutes of baking. Then function on baking until the total baking fourth dimension of nine - eleven minutes is done.}
Created using The Recipes Generator

You mightiness also bask these other cookie favorites:

How to Make the BEST Oatmeal Cookies

Blueberry Pie Cookies

Cherry Chocolate Chip Cookies

Who needs those ginger snaps from a box when you lot tin whip upwards your really ain ginger  Molasses Crinkles

This post is linked alongside Weekend Potluck.