Thursday, October 31, 2019

Marinated Summertime Vegetable Salad

Combine all that summertime zucchini together with xanthous mash amongst fresh broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, together with radishes to whip upwards this tasty Marinated Summer Vegetable Salad.  It's certain i flavor-packed way to bask your vegetables!

 Combine all that summertime zucchini together with xanthous mash amongst fresh broccoli Marinated Summer Vegetable Salad

So who's got a summertime garden?

When it comes to summertime vegetable gardens, nosotros all know that typically way a harvest of lots together with lots of zucchini together with xanthous summertime squash.  Which is a wonderful affair ... except for the fact that it can  get challenging to figure out unlike ways to bask all that harvest bounty.

There are alone merely together with then many stir-fry's together with loaves of zucchini breadstuff yous tin laissez passer on the axe make.  So what are my ii favorite other ways to bask zucchini together with summertime squash?

A large pot of my mom's Stewed Zucchini & Summer Squash ... together with this tasty Marinated Summer Vegetable Salad.

 Combine all that summertime zucchini together with xanthous mash amongst fresh broccoli Marinated Summer Vegetable Salad

The vegetables inwards this salad marinate inwards a dressing that's equal parts fresh lemon juice together with oil, seasoned amongst a touching of sugar, tabular array salt together with pepper, together with oregano.

The lemon flavor is quite prominent inwards the finished dish, giving the vegetables a actually brilliant together with vibrant taste.

The dressing calls for a total tablespoon of tabular array salt ... which may seem similar a lot.  In fact, if yous gustatory modality the dressing past times itself before adding the vegetables, it volition indeed gustatory modality quite salty.

The lemon flavor is quite prominent inwards the finished dish, giving the vegetables a actually brilliant together with vibrant taste. 

But i time the vegetables are added together with the salad marinates for its intended time, the residual of the salad turns out merely right.  That tabular array salt has virtually vi cups of vegetables to infuse amongst smashing flavor, later all!

That beingness said, if you'd similar to tone the tabular array salt downwardly a bit, I recall yous could larn away amongst using a tad flake less.

 Combine all that summertime zucchini together with xanthous mash amongst fresh broccoli Marinated Summer Vegetable Salad

The salad itself is a blend of fresh broccoli together with cauliflower florets, sliced fresh mushrooms, together with thinly sliced zucchini, xanthous summertime squash, together with radishes.  If you'd like, yous tin laissez passer on the axe add together a loving cup of thinly sliced carrots, too.

Truth live told, I unremarkably include the carrots ... but completely forgot them the twenty-four hours I made this salad to have got these photos.

The radishes are added merely prior to serving, rather than soaking inwards the marinade dressing similar all the other vegetables.

 The salad itself is a blend of fresh broccoli together with cauliflower florets, sliced fresh mushrooms, together with thinly sliced zucchini, xanthous summertime squash, together with radishes.

Why, yous ask?

Because the ruby-red from the radish skins volition "bleed" out onto the other vegetable together with into the dressing.  Which doesn't alter the salad's flavor ... but does touching on its look.

Do live aware if yous have got leftovers ... they'll gustatory modality merely fine the adjacent day, but the dressing volition alter to a lovely shade of pink, together with the vegetables that touching whatever of the radish slices volition have got pinkish dots together with stripes adorning them.

 Combine all that summertime zucchini together with xanthous mash amongst fresh broccoli Marinated Summer Vegetable Salad

So if you've got a ton of zucchini together with xanthous summertime mash coming from your garden, spell them sparse together with toss them amongst some broccoli, cauliflower, fresh mushrooms, together with radishes inwards lemony dressing marinade to brand this fabulous Marinated Summer Vegetable salad.

It's certain i flavor-packed way to bask your vegetables!

 Combine all that summertime zucchini together with xanthous mash amongst fresh broccoli Marinated Summer Vegetable Salad
Thank yous for stopping past times .  We'd dear to have got yous dorsum soon!

Yield: 10-12 servings


Combine all that summertime zucchini together with xanthous mash amongst fresh broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, together with radishes to whip upwards this tasty Marinated Summer Vegetable Salad. It's certain i flavor-packed way to bask your vegetables!
prep time: 8 H & twoscore Mcook time: total time: 8 H & twoscore M


  • 1 ½ c. thinly sliced zucchini {about 1 medium squash}
  • 1 c. thinly sliced xanthous summertime mash {about 1 modest squash}
  • 1 c. cauliflower florets
  • 1 c. broccoli florets
  • 1 c. sliced fresh mushrooms
  • 1 c. thinly sliced carrots {optional}
  • 3/4 c. fresh lemon juice {about 4 lemons}
  • 3/4 c. canola stone oil or vegetable oil
  • 3 T. granulated sugar
  • 1 T. kosher or bounding main salt
  • 1 tsp. dried oregano
  • 1/2 tsp. pepper
  • 1/2 c. thinly sliced radishes



  1. In a large shallow dish or bowl, combine zucchini, xanthous squash, cauliflower, broccoli, together with mushrooms. {You desire the dish to live shallow together with then all the vegetables volition live submerged inwards the marinade i time it’s added.}
  2. In a split upwards modest bowl, combine lemon juice, oil, sugar, salt, oregano, together with pepper. Whisk together until good mixed. Pour over vegetables together with toss gently to coat.
  3. Cover together with refrigerate at to the lowest degree 8 hours or overnight, stirring occasionally.
  4. Just before serving, stir inwards sliced radishes. {The ruby-red color from the radish skins volition “bleed” onto the other vegetables if mixed inwards earlier.}
Created using The Recipes Generator

You powerfulness also bask these other tasty salad recipes:

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