Thursday, October 31, 2019

Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Fleck Cookies

Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies The delicious sweet-salty combination of salt, chocolate, as well as peanut butter joins forces inward a fun as well as scrumptious cookie form!  Believe me, these aren't your average chocolate chip cookies.

 as well as peanut butter joins forces inward a fun as well as scrumptious cookie cast Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies

There's exactly something close the classic sweet-and-salty combination I love.  I mean, it's genuinely difficult for me to resist grabbing a handful of chocolate covered pretzels if they're around.  They're ane of my absolute favorite candies, for sure.

In fact?  When the craving for common salt as well as chocolate hits, I've been known to exactly accomplish into the pantry as well as select handgrip of a handful of pretzels along amongst a small-scale handful of chocolate chips.  It's a mix that volition certain suffice when chocolate covered pretzels aren't around.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 trivial sprinkling of body of body of water common salt or fleur de sel on each cookie exactly puts these Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies over the top.

And so when you lot add together peanut butter into that mix?  An already-divine combination gets fifty-fifty better!

So hey, it entirely makes feel to pack all the fabulous tastes of this season combination into a cookie, right?

Oh yes ... and, hence, these pretzel-stuffed cookies loaded amongst both chocolate & peanut butter chips were born.

And a trivial sprinkling of body of body of water common salt or fleur de sel on each cookie exactly puts these Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies over the top.

 as well as peanut butter joins forces inward a fun as well as scrumptious cookie cast Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies

To starting fourth dimension these new-favorite cookies, I whipped upwards the classic Nestle Tollhouse chocolate chip cookie dough equally my base of operations batter.

I detect the Tollhouse dough to last such a wonderfully versatile cookie dough base of operations for so many cookie variations, as well as job it all the fourth dimension ... similar inward my Coffee Chocolate Chip Cookies, Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies, as well as my all-time favorite Cherry Chocolate Chip Cookies.

But if you lot accept a favorite cookie base, larn ahead as well as give it a try.  It'll in all likelihood move exactly cracking for these cookies, too!

 as well as peanut butter joins forces inward a fun as well as scrumptious cookie cast Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies

Then, I crushed upwards some pretzels into pieces.

You desire the pretzels to last inward bite-sized pieces ... non equally good big, but definitely non crushed into a powder, either.  I flora placing pretzels inward a zip-top baggie as well as hitting them gently amongst a meat mallet worked great.

 as well as peanut butter joins forces inward a fun as well as scrumptious cookie cast Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies

Then toss the pretzel pieces into the cookie batter along amongst some chocolate chips and peanut butter chips.

It's total yum!  I could halt correct straight off as well as exactly swallow the batter ... Really, I could.  (And I might have.  Just a trivial bit.  Maybe.)

 as well as peanut butter joins forces inward a fun as well as scrumptious cookie cast Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies

Drop the dough past times spoonfuls onto a cookie sheet.  Then sprinkle the plough over off of each dough ball amongst a trivial pinch of body of body of water common salt or fleur de sel.  Oh my!

Fleur de sel is merely a specific type of body of body of water salt.  It's got a really frail salty season I love. 

Either type of common salt works, but I practise to a greater extent than frequently than non use fleur de sel when sprinkling common salt on my baked goods.  Fleur de sel is merely a specific type of body of body of water common salt gathered from an isle inward France.  It's got a really frail salty season I love.

 as well as peanut butter joins forces inward a fun as well as scrumptious cookie cast Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies

Pop the cookies inward the oven as well as bake them up.  The Tollhouse cookie base of operations worked exactly beautifully for these.

The cookies spread out the perfect amount, as well as stayed overnice as well as soft - exactly the agency I similar them.

 as well as peanut butter joins forces inward a fun as well as scrumptious cookie cast Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies

So if you lot dearest the classic sweet-salty season combination similar me, give these  tasty Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies a try.

The improver of peanut butter along amongst common salt as well as chocolate merely puts these cookies over the top!  Believe me, they're certain non your average chocolate chip cookies.

 as well as peanut butter joins forces inward a fun as well as scrumptious cookie cast Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies
Thank you lot for stopping past times .  We'd dearest to accept you lot dorsum soon!

Pretzel Chocolate-Peanut Butter Chip Cookies
Source:  Adapted from Nestle Tollhouse Chocolate Chip Cookies
(Print recipe)
  • 2 ¼ c. all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 c. butter, softened
  • 3/4 c. granulated sugar
  • 3/4 c. brown sugar
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 ½ c. (about ix oz.) semi-sweet or milk chocolate chips
  • 1 c. (about six oz.) peanut butter chips
  • 1 c. pretzel pieces
  • Sea common salt or fleur de sel (for sprinkling)
  1. Combine flour, baking soda, as well as salt; laid aside.
  2. In a large bowl, combine butter, granulated sugar, brownish sugar, and vanilla extract; trounce until creamy. Beat inward eggs.
  3. Gradually add together flour mixture; mix until combined.
  4. By hand, stir inward chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, as well as pretzel pieces.
  5. Drop past times rounded teaspoonful onto a cookie sheet. Sprinkle the plough over off of each cookie amongst body of body of water common salt or fleur de sel.
  6. Bake at 375℉ for 8 to 10 minutes. Let stand upwards on the pan for close a infinitesimal or 2 earlier removing to a cooling rack.

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