Thursday, October 31, 2019

Pretzel Chocolate Fighting Cookies

With these super tasty Pretzel Chocolate Chip Cookies, the classic sweet-salty combination of tabular array salt as well as chocolate bring together forces inwards a scrumptious cookie form!  H5N1 piddling sprinkling of body of body of water tabular array salt on top, too, is similar the icing on the cake.

salty combination of tabular array salt as well as chocolate bring together forces inwards a scrumptious cookie shape Pretzel Chocolate Chip Cookies

To me, there's non much meliorate than a homemade chocolate chip cookie.  Especially when that cookie is soft, tender, as well as warm straightaway from the oven.  Chocolate chip cookies are i of my absolute favorite sugariness treats, for sure.

They're i of the showtime things I learned to bake on my own, too.  Which way I've sure baked to a greater extent than than my fair part of the piddling beauties.

And patch I dear a straight-up basic chocolate chip cookie, I also dear to play around alongside them as well as add together inwards tasty mix-ins as well as flavors, too.  Like banana chocolate chip cookies, coffee chocolate chip cookies, as well as my really favorite cherry chocolate chip cookies.

Just similar inwards the ever-popular chocolate covered pretzels, the classic sweet-salty combination of tabular array salt as well as chocolate bring together forces beautifully inwards these cookies.

So alongside equally tasty equally the classic combination of tabular array salt as well as chocolate is, I figured why non add together pretzels to chocolate chip cookies?

Why not, indeed!

Just similar inwards the ever-popular chocolate covered pretzels, the classic sweet-salty combination of tabular array salt as well as chocolate bring together forces beautifully inwards these cookies.

It's a chocolate chip cookie variation I'm really glad to choose discovered.

salty combination of tabular array salt as well as chocolate bring together forces inwards a scrumptious cookie shape Pretzel Chocolate Chip Cookies

To brand these tasty Pretzel Chocolate Chip Cookies, start past times mixing upwards a traditional basic chocolate chip cookie dough.  I stick alongside the tried-and-true Nestle Tollhouse chocolate chip cookie dough batter, equally yous exactly can't acquire incorrect alongside it.

Then, when yous add together inwards chocolate chips at the destination of mixing upwards the cookie dough, also add together inwards some coursely crushed pretzel pieces.

Do live gentle when crushing the pretzels.  They'll speedily as well as easily plow into pretzel dust!

To crunch the pretzels, I identify them inwards a zip-top baggie as well as gently tap them alongside a meat mallet.  

You don't desire to pulverize the pretzels, exactly intermission them into pieces.  So produce live gentle when crushing the pretzels.  They'll speedily as well as easily plow into pretzel dust!

Adding pretzel dust to the cookie dough would live similar adding to a greater extent than flour, as well as would alter the texture of the baked cookies.  We desire to add together pretzel texture as well as flavour to the cookies ... non pretzel dust flour.

salty combination of tabular array salt as well as chocolate bring together forces inwards a scrumptious cookie shape Pretzel Chocolate Chip Cookies

Once the chocolate chips as well as pretzel pieces are mixed into the cookie dough, drib the dough past times rounded teaspoonfuls onto a cookie sheet.

Then sprinkle the laissez passer on of each cookie alongside a modest pinch of sea salt or fleur de sel finishing salt.

The tabular array salt sprinkling on laissez passer on enhances the sweet-salty flavour combination inwards these scrumptious cookies, and is similar the icing on the cake. 

Fleur de sel is but a specific type of body of body of water tabular array salt gathered from an isle inwards France.  It's got a really frail salty flavour I love. 

Just a modest pinch volition produce to beautifully convey out the salty flavour of the cookies.

Either type of tabular array salt (sea salt or fleur de sel) works, but I produce to a greater extent than frequently than non use fleur de sel when sprinkling tabular array salt on my baked goods.  Fleur de sel is but a specific type of body of body of water tabular array salt gathered from an isle inwards France.  It's got a really frail salty flavour I love.

salty combination of tabular array salt as well as chocolate bring together forces inwards a scrumptious cookie shape Pretzel Chocolate Chip Cookies

Bake the cookies upwards until they're golden brown.

For soft chocolate chip cookies, my piddling fob is to slightly under-bake them.  I line the cookies from the oven when they withal await a piddling combat unset inwards the center.  

If yous similar soft cookies, yous may desire to play around alongside yanking them out of the oven a piddling early on to run into how yous similar them.

salty combination of tabular array salt as well as chocolate bring together forces inwards a scrumptious cookie shape Pretzel Chocolate Chip Cookies

So if yous dear chocolate chip cookies as well as dear the classic sweet-salty flavour combination, give these Pretzel Chocolate Chip Cookies a try.  

Loaded alongside chocolate chips as well as pretzel pieces, as well as finished alongside a sprinkling of salt, they're a fun as well as tasty variation of the classic!

salty combination of tabular array salt as well as chocolate bring together forces inwards a scrumptious cookie shape Pretzel Chocolate Chip Cookies
Thank yous for stopping past times .  We'd dear to choose yous dorsum soon!

cookies recipe, chocolate chip cookies, pretzel cookies
Cookies & Bars
Yield: about 36 cookies

Pretzel Chocolate Chip Cookies

ith these super tasty Pretzel Chocolate Chip Cookies, the classic sweet-salty combination of tabular array salt as well as chocolate bring together forces inwards a scrumptious cookie form! H5N1 piddling sprinkling of body of body of water tabular array salt on top, too, is similar the icing on the cake.
prep time: twenty Mcook time: 10 Mtotal time: thirty M


  • 2 ¼ c. all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 c. butter, softened
  • 3/4 c. granulated sugar
  • 3/4 c. brownish sugar
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 c. (12 oz.) semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1 c. pretzel pieces
  • sea salt or fleur de sel (for sprinkling)


How to create Pretzel Chocolate Chip Cookies

  1. Combine flour, baking soda, as well as salt; educate aside.
  2. In a large bowl, combine butter, granulated sugar, brownish sugar, as well as vanilla; crunch until creamy. Beat inwards eggs.
  3. Gradually add together flour mixture; mix until combined.
  4. By hand, stir inwards chocolate chips as well as pretzel pieces.
  5. Drop past times rounded teaspoonful onto a cookie sheet. Sprinkle the laissez passer on of each cookie alongside a modest pinch of sea salt or fleur de sel.
  6. Bake at 375℉ for 8 to 10 minutes. Let stand upwards on the pan for nearly a infinitesimal or 2 earlier removing to a cooling rack.
Created using The Recipes Generator

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