Saturday, July 25, 2020

Stovetop Smoked Gouda Mac & Cheese {Crazy Cooking Challenge}

Welcome to the get-go e'er Crazy Cooking Challenge!  I'm thrilled to hold upwards participating inward this challenge, hosted yesteryear too the brain-child of Tina at Mom's Crazy Cooking.

What's the Challenge, y'all ask?  Well, permit me tell ya.

Crazy Cooking Challenge is a grouping of nutrient bloggers getting together once a month to lead you one featured nutrient item for each month. We volition all brand this 1 item, but, of course, we will each arrive inward our ain exceptional way.  Because that's what nosotros exercise best! - nosotros position our ain personal spin on the materials nosotros make.  Sound fun?  I intend so!

So expect for us to shipping service our Challenge on the seventh of each month.  And get-go upwards - which y'all belike already figured out yesteryear the photograph at the start of this shipping service - is macaroni and cheese!  Ahhhhhh, 1 of my favorites.

Now, the rules of The Challenge are that we can't but brand our ain personal recipe favorite, or a recipe that we have posted before.  We are to make a new-to-us recipe, or to purpose a new-to-us method, found somewhere out in blog-land.

When I learned that our get-go challenge was macaroni too cheese, I straight off idea of a macaroni and cheese recipe posted yesteryear 1 of my favorite bloggers, Nicole at Simple Stovetop Macaroni too Cheese.

I was drawn to this detail recipe for iii reasons:

1.  It was made yesteryear Nicole.  I dearest reading her blog.
2.  It was made on the stovetop instead of baked, similar I normally do.
3.  Nicole used Cabot Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese, made yesteryear Cabot Creamery inward Cabot, Vermont.  I grew upwards twenty minutes from Cabot Creamery too am a loyal fan.  After moving to North Carolina, I initially had Cabot cheese shipped to me.  Fortunately, it is at nowadays readily available throughout the expanse hence I no longer accept to ship.  Yay!

Given my dearest of Cabot Extra Sharp Cheddar, y'all volition notice it really ironic, then, that 1 of the modifications I made to this recipe is to purpose Smoked Gouda instead of the cheddar.  That doesn't hateful I don't dearest the original!  I do dearest it!!!  And highly recommend it.  I but wanted to endeavour a unlike twist.  And the Smoked Gouda version is fab, also ... If I exercise tell hence myself.

The other alteration I made to the master recipe is to purpose cavatappi pasta instead of elbow macaroni.  Cavatappi is a fun twisty-shaped pasta.  See inward the flick below?  Doesn't it expect fun?

Fun & twisty cavatappi

So, whether y'all pick out to become amongst the original cheddar-based recipe or this Smoked Gouda version, I intend you're inward for a treat!  I know I sure enjoyed both versions!

(By the agency ... I made this bowl dorsum inward my pottery-throwing days.  I'll acquire dorsum to pottery someday... someday.)

Stovetop Smoked Gouda Macaroni and Cheese
Source:  Adapted from Heat Oven to 350
fourteen oz. cavatappi pasta (or elbow macaroni)
1/4 c. unsalted butter
1/4 c. flour
two c. milk
1/4 tsp. salt
iv oz. shredded Monterey Jack cheese
iv oz. shredded smoked gouda cheese

1.  In a large saucepan, lead H2O to a boil too create pasta according to packet directions.

2.  While H2O is coming to a boil for the pasta, melt butter inward a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add flour too whisk together. Cook for 1 minute. 

3.  Slowly add together milk, but a flake at a time, whisking good afterwards each add-on until the milk is incorporated. Cook too stir mixture until it thickens, almost 4-5 minutes.  Remove milk mixture from rut too stir inward cheeses until melted. 

4.  Drain pasta too toss amongst cheese sauce. Season to gustatory modality amongst additional salt, if needed.  


Okra Creole ... Because I'm Hanging On To Summer!

Am I the solely ane non yet ready to succumb to fall?  I'm seeing a inundation of apple tree in addition to pumpkin 'fall-ish' recipes approximately the blogosphere, but I'm simply non ready to become at that spot yet!  Don't larn me wrong, I absolutely dearest the autumn flavors of juicy apples, rich pumpkin, cinnamon, gingerbread ... in addition to all those other 'warm' tastes nosotros associate amongst fabulous fall.  But I'm simply non ready for them.

I'm yet hanging on to cooking amongst the hit of belatedly summer.  The in conclusion few tomatoes.  Not-quite-gone-by blueberries.  Yummy fresh figs.  And straggler okra. 

I'm told that the okra plants volition run along to hit until the showtime frost.  I stimulate got no stance whether or non this is true, since I've never attempted to grow okra myself.  But since bags of this wonderful materials run along to look on my desk at schoolhouse from our really generous custodian Clayvon (a.k.a. Mr. Clay), I'm going to stimulate got people's give-and-take for it!

Keep it comin' Mr. Clay, in addition to I'll hold on a-cookin' it up.  Maybe when the okra's done, I'll finally hold out ready for fall.

Okra Creole
Source:  Adapted from Cooking Light magazine
(Printable recipe)
iii slices bacon or turkey bacon
1 (16 oz.) packet frozen okra or well-nigh 1 lb. fresh okra, sliced
1 c. chopped onion
1 (14.5 oz.) tin diced tomatoes
1 c. frozen corn kernels
1/2 c. water
two tsp. Old Bay seasoning
1/2 tsp. dark pepper

1.  Cook bacon inwards a Dutch oven until crisp; take away from pan in addition to drain on newspaper towels.  Crumble bacon in addition to laid aside.  (Note:  If you lot role turkey bacon, I recommend putting a small-scale dab of olive crude inwards the pan.)

2.  Add remaining ingredients to bacon drippings inwards the pan.  Cook over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, for v minutes.

3.  Reduce oestrus to low, cover, in addition to simmer well-nigh fifteen minutes or until vegetables are tender.  Top amongst crumbled bacon.

4.  Serve over hot cooked rice or cous-cous.


Neapolitan Canvas Cake (A.K.A. My Birthday Cake!!)

Today is my birthday!  Happy birthday to me!!  So, I made myself a cake.  Neapolitan Sheet Cake to last exact.  See, this has been my birthday cake ever since I tin flame cry back ... I can't recall ever having something unlike on my birthday.  With the classic Neapolitan combination of vanilla, chocolate, as well as strawberry, along amongst a light-and-fluffy vanilla mousse-y frosting, why would I ever accept something else??

No thing where I've been inward life ... college, graduate school, living inward a unlike nation from my parents, ... Mom has ever made me my cake as well as gotten to me amongst it somehow.  She's sweetness similar that.  Well, 1 twelvemonth she was at the beach 1,500 miles away on my birthday, thus she arranged for my beau at-the-time to brand my cake.  I intend that counts.

This year, Mom as well as Dad are at the beach 1 time to a greater extent than for my birthday, as well as nosotros genuinely don't accept whatever weekends where we're both gratis for us to instruct together until nigh mid November.  While Mom has promised to brand my cake every bit before long every bit nosotros tin flame instruct together, I decided non to facial expression for her.  (Note to Mom - that doesn't hateful you're off the hook!  I accept no work having two cakes this year!  That's totally fine amongst me.) 

This cake uses a chocolate-vanilla marble cake mix as well as the Jello "poke cake" method to exercise it's Neapolitan goodness.  Mix upwardly your cake mix as well as seat it inward your baking pan, according to the packet directions.

Then gently swirl a knife through the chocolate as well as vanilla batters to exercise a marbled effect.  You desire to but swirl, non stir.  If you lot stir, you'll mix the ii batters together instead of getting a overnice marble-ing.

Bake upwardly the cake, as well as and then move a fork to poke holes all over it.  Be careful to halt your fork before you lot instruct to the bottom of the pan!  You desire the Jello to become all in the cake, non exercise a layer at the bottom of the cake.  Slowly pour strawberry Jello over the cake into the holes.

Refrigerate over night, as well as and then whip upwardly a light-and-fluffy vanilla frosting from Dream Whip as well as vanilla pudding.  After chilling for but a chip more, you're reading to serve it up.  And mmmmm, mmmmmm, it's good!  I wishing I could percentage a slice amongst each of you lot to celebrate my birthday!

Neapolitan Sheet Cake
Source:  My Mom (she adapted the recipe from a periodical a looooonnngggg fourth dimension ago!)
1 packet marble cake mix + ingredients specified on cake mix package
1 large packet strawberry Jello
1 1/2 c. boiling water
1/2 c. mutual depression temperature water

1 envelope Dream Whip
1 packet vanilla instant pudding
1 1/2 c. mutual depression temperature milk
1 tsp. vanilla

For the cake:  
1.  Dissolve Jello inward 1 1/2 cups boiling water.  Add 1/2 loving cup mutual depression temperature water.  Set aside at room temperature.

2.  Mix as well as bake cake, according to packet directions.  Bake inward a 13x9-inch pan.  After removing cake from the oven, cool for 25 minutes.  

3.  After cooling for the 25 minutes, move a fork to poke holes all over the cake (be careful non to become all the means through to the bottom of the cake).  Slowly pour Jello into the holes.  Refrigerate  over night.

(NOTE:  Marble cake mix tin flame last a chip tricky to find.  In a pinch, every bit happened for me this time, endeavour this method:  Buy a yellowish cake mix.  After mixing up, reserve nigh 1/4 of the batter.  Melt a 1 ounce block of unsweetened baking chocolate; mix into reserved yellowish cake batter to exercise the chocolate batter.)

For the frosting:  
4.  In a chilled deep bowl, whip Dream Whip, pudding, milk, as well as vanilla amongst an electrical mixer until fluffy as well as stiff, nigh v minutes.  

5.  Immediately frost cake. 

6.  Store cake inward the fridge as well as serve cold.  


Nutella French Toast Alongside Maple Syrup, Bananas & Strawberries

This creation was a total one-day-I-got-a-wild-hair experiment that sooooo worked!!  I had seen some postings out inwards blogland virtually peanut butter as well as jelly french toast as well as virtually chocolate french toast.  As ordinarily happens alongside me, I started to wonder ... I'm ever wondering ...

My wonder was (which you've in all probability already guessed), if you lot tin brand french toast alongside things like chocolate or peanut butter as well as jelly, I wondered if it would piece of employment alongside Nutella?  Well, it did!  Oh, it to a greater extent than than worked - it's delicious.

I honey "wonderings."  In my 1st storey classroom I telephone phone them "I wonders."  I honey to request heed my petty 1st graders wonder.  When nosotros create our origin scientific discipline experiment of the year, I simply start wondering aloud virtually things nosotros could exam as well as try.  They chop-chop pick out handgrip of on, start wondering themselves, as well as I start testing out their "I wonders."  It's thus fun. 

Our origin scientific discipline experiment of the yr is ever dealing alongside strength - the students are learning virtually pushing as well as pulling every bit the ii types of force.  We conduct keep diverse objects as well as come across if the strength from a common, personal fan is rigid plenty to force them.  Who would mean value such a uncomplicated activeness would live on thus much fun for the students?  But they love it!  One of the objects I ever operate is a balloon.  I conduct keep it straight off out of the package, deflated, as well as come across if the fan tin motility it.  No deal.  It never takes long for i of the students to say, "I wonder what would hand if you lot blew upwards the balloon?"  Ahhh, music to my instructor ears.  They're thinking.  They're wondering.  I honey it.

And thus it went alongside this Nutella French Toast.

I started out dipping some French breadstuff slices inwards an egg-and-milk mixture, simply similar you lot would for traditional French toast.  Then on to testing out my origin "I wonder" ... I slathered Nutella on each while as well as stuck the pieces together inwards a stack ... tasted it ... as well as it was fabulous!

"I wonder" #1 - French Toast slathered alongside Nutella

Then the experiment continued alongside some other "I wonder" --- I wondered if Nutella as well as maple syrup are adept together?  I'm a Vermont girl, thus French Toast without maple syrup simply seems wrong.  I had to give it a go.  So, on went the maple syrup ...

"I wonder" #2 - Nutella French Toast alongside maple syrup

... as well as Oh.  My.  Word.  Nutella as well as maple syrup are indeed very adept together.  Like really indescribably good. 

And as well as then the experiment continued with another "I wonder" --- I wondered how it would live on alongside banana as well as strawberry slices?  On went some bananas as well as strawberries ...

"I wonder" #3 - adding sliced bananas as well as strawberries

... as well as it's fifty-fifty better!!  Of course, when I ate it, my plate was sure non every bit bang-up looking every bit the plate inwards this picture.  I cutting upwards the French Toast, bananas, as well as strawberries as well as made sure everything was all swirled inwards alongside the maple syrup.  Yum.

And that's how this process came to be.  A Nutella-y, maple syrup-y, banana, as well as strawberry swirled-up concoction that is oh-so-yummy for my tummy!  This will travel a staple inwards my breakfast-for-dinner line-up.  I foresee frequent appearances.  Very frequent appearances.

Ooey-gooey Nutella

Nutella French Toast alongside Maple Syrup, Bananas, & Strawberries
Source:  Tracey creation
(Printable recipe)
Note:  Recipe yields iv slices (2 servings).  Adjust quantities every bit desired.

iv (1/2"-thick) slices French bread
2 eggs, beaten
1/4 c. milk
1 T. butter, to coat pan
Nutella (about 1/4 c.)
Maple syrup (preferably pure Vermont maple syrup!)
1 banana, sliced
iv strawberries, sliced

1.  Combine beaten eggs as well as milk inwards a broad shallow dish.  Dip a breadstuff while inwards the egg mixture; plow as well as dip the other side, coating well.  Repeat alongside remaining breadstuff slices.

2.  Heat a large non-stick skillet over medium-high heat.  Add butter to the pan, as well as coat the skillet surface alongside the melted butter.  Place coated breadstuff slices inwards the pan as well as laid upwards each side until golden brown, virtually 3-5 minutes per side.

3.  Remove breadstuff slices from the pan as well as house on a plate.  Spread ii of the slices generously alongside Nutella; house the remaining ii slices on transcend to shape sandwiches.  Top alongside maple syrup, sliced bananas, as well as sliced strawberries.


(NOTE:  I conduct keep also made this alongside regular sliced bread.  It's adept that way, too.)

German Chocolate Fleck Cookies

German Chocolate Chip Cookies are loaded amongst milk chocolate chips, chopped pecans, together with coconut.  They bake upwards soft together with tender, together with ohhh thus good!

German Chocolate Chip Cookies amongst Coconut together with Pecans Image German linguistic communication Chocolate Chip Cookies

There genuinely isn't a sweetness process around I honey to a greater extent than than chocolate chip cookies.  They're only the perfect niggling seize amongst teeth of sweetness together with chocolate.  And piece I honey basic regular chocolate chip cookies, I adore trying variations on them, too.

Variations similar Cherry Chocolate Chip Cookies together with Pretzel Chocolate Chip Cookies concur a exceptional house inward my heart.  And enjoying the cookie dough inward Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bark is the best!

German Chocolate Chip Cookies are loaded amongst milk chocolate chips, chopped pecans, together with coconut.

So when I came across a recipe that combined the classic German linguistic communication chocolate ingredients of chocolate, coconut, together with nuts inward cookie form, I absolutely had to plough over it a try.

I honey coconut.  Coconut together with chocolate together? - honey it fifty-fifty more.  And together with then set it inward a cookie, together with I'm totally sold.

German Chocolate Chip Cookies amongst Coconut together with Pecans Image German linguistic communication Chocolate Chip Cookies

The resultant of this cookie recipe did non disappoint.  The finished cookies are loaded amongst milk chocolate chips, chopped pecans, together with coconut.  They bake upwards soft together with tender, together with ohhh thus good!

They've larn i of our family's favorite cookies, for sure.  While they don't convey the feature gooey frosting of German linguistic communication chocolate cake, these German linguistic communication Chocolate Chip Cookies pack all the deliciousness of German linguistic communication chocolate's coconut, chocolate, together with nuts combination.

When scooping the cookie dough out onto the baking sheet, occupation a total two tablespoons of dough for each cookie.

A yoke of pocket-sized things convey big deport on inward helping these cookies bake upwards amongst their soft together with tender texture.  

First, when scooping the cookie dough out onto the baking sheet, occupation a total two tablespoons of dough for each cookie.  This ensures a actually nice-sized cookie that's thick plenty to keep its softness.

Second, create non over-bake the cookies.  If anything, err on the side of taking them out of the oven earlier they fifty-fifty await completely done.  For the softest, most tender cookies, they should come upwards out of the oven when they nonetheless await only a niggling flake glossy together with not-quite-done inward the middle.

German Chocolate Chip Cookies amongst Coconut together with Pecans Image German linguistic communication Chocolate Chip Cookies

So, honey the combination of coconut, chocolate, together with nuts?  Give these niggling German linguistic communication Chocolate Chip cookies a try!

They're loaded amongst all these goodies, together with oh soooo good.

German Chocolate Chip Cookies amongst Coconut together with Pecans Image German linguistic communication Chocolate Chip Cookies
Thank you lot for stopping past times . We'd honey to convey you lot dorsum soon!

chocolate chip cookies, cookies, cookie recipe
Cookies & Bars
Yield: about 36-40 cookies

German linguistic communication Chocolate Chip Cookies

German linguistic communication Chocolate Chip Cookies are loaded amongst milk chocolate chips, chopped pecans, together with coconut. They bake upwards soft together with tender, together with ohhh thus good!
prep time: fifteen Mcook time: 12 Mtotal time: 27 M


  • 1 ¾ c. all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 c. cocoa
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 c. unsalted butter, softened
  • 1/2 c. granulated sugar
  • 1 c. packed low-cal chocolate-brown sugar
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 c. milk chocolate chips (semi-sweet tin live used, if you lot prefer)
  • 1 c. chopped pecans
  • 1 ½ c. sweetened flaked coconut


How to fix German linguistic communication Chocolate Chip Cookies

  1. Combine the flour, cocoa, baking soda, together with salt. Set aside.
  2. Cream together the butter, sugar, together with chocolate-brown sugar. Mix inward the eggs together with vanilla until good combined.
  3. Stir dry out ingredients into the butter/sugar mixture, making certain everything is fully incorporated. Stir inward the chocolate chips, chopped pecans, together with coconut.
  4. Drop dough past times spoonfuls onto baking sheets, using two tablespoons of dough for each cookie (I occupation a 2-tablespoon cookie scoop). Bake at 350℉ for 10-12 minutes.
Created using The Recipes Generator
You mightiness also similar these other fun chocolate chip cookie recipes:

German Chocolate Chip Cookies amongst Coconut together with Pecans Image German linguistic communication Chocolate Chip Cookies

This postal service is linked with Meal Plan Monday.