Saturday, July 25, 2020

Stovetop Smoked Gouda Mac & Cheese {Crazy Cooking Challenge}

Welcome to the get-go e'er Crazy Cooking Challenge!  I'm thrilled to hold upwards participating inward this challenge, hosted yesteryear too the brain-child of Tina at Mom's Crazy Cooking.

What's the Challenge, y'all ask?  Well, permit me tell ya.

Crazy Cooking Challenge is a grouping of nutrient bloggers getting together once a month to lead you one featured nutrient item for each month. We volition all brand this 1 item, but, of course, we will each arrive inward our ain exceptional way.  Because that's what nosotros exercise best! - nosotros position our ain personal spin on the materials nosotros make.  Sound fun?  I intend so!

So expect for us to shipping service our Challenge on the seventh of each month.  And get-go upwards - which y'all belike already figured out yesteryear the photograph at the start of this shipping service - is macaroni and cheese!  Ahhhhhh, 1 of my favorites.

Now, the rules of The Challenge are that we can't but brand our ain personal recipe favorite, or a recipe that we have posted before.  We are to make a new-to-us recipe, or to purpose a new-to-us method, found somewhere out in blog-land.

When I learned that our get-go challenge was macaroni too cheese, I straight off idea of a macaroni and cheese recipe posted yesteryear 1 of my favorite bloggers, Nicole at Simple Stovetop Macaroni too Cheese.

I was drawn to this detail recipe for iii reasons:

1.  It was made yesteryear Nicole.  I dearest reading her blog.
2.  It was made on the stovetop instead of baked, similar I normally do.
3.  Nicole used Cabot Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese, made yesteryear Cabot Creamery inward Cabot, Vermont.  I grew upwards twenty minutes from Cabot Creamery too am a loyal fan.  After moving to North Carolina, I initially had Cabot cheese shipped to me.  Fortunately, it is at nowadays readily available throughout the expanse hence I no longer accept to ship.  Yay!

Given my dearest of Cabot Extra Sharp Cheddar, y'all volition notice it really ironic, then, that 1 of the modifications I made to this recipe is to purpose Smoked Gouda instead of the cheddar.  That doesn't hateful I don't dearest the original!  I do dearest it!!!  And highly recommend it.  I but wanted to endeavour a unlike twist.  And the Smoked Gouda version is fab, also ... If I exercise tell hence myself.

The other alteration I made to the master recipe is to purpose cavatappi pasta instead of elbow macaroni.  Cavatappi is a fun twisty-shaped pasta.  See inward the flick below?  Doesn't it expect fun?

Fun & twisty cavatappi

So, whether y'all pick out to become amongst the original cheddar-based recipe or this Smoked Gouda version, I intend you're inward for a treat!  I know I sure enjoyed both versions!

(By the agency ... I made this bowl dorsum inward my pottery-throwing days.  I'll acquire dorsum to pottery someday... someday.)

Stovetop Smoked Gouda Macaroni and Cheese
Source:  Adapted from Heat Oven to 350
fourteen oz. cavatappi pasta (or elbow macaroni)
1/4 c. unsalted butter
1/4 c. flour
two c. milk
1/4 tsp. salt
iv oz. shredded Monterey Jack cheese
iv oz. shredded smoked gouda cheese

1.  In a large saucepan, lead H2O to a boil too create pasta according to packet directions.

2.  While H2O is coming to a boil for the pasta, melt butter inward a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add flour too whisk together. Cook for 1 minute. 

3.  Slowly add together milk, but a flake at a time, whisking good afterwards each add-on until the milk is incorporated. Cook too stir mixture until it thickens, almost 4-5 minutes.  Remove milk mixture from rut too stir inward cheeses until melted. 

4.  Drain pasta too toss amongst cheese sauce. Season to gustatory modality amongst additional salt, if needed.  
