Saturday, July 25, 2020

Okra Creole ... Because I'm Hanging On To Summer!

Am I the solely ane non yet ready to succumb to fall?  I'm seeing a inundation of apple tree in addition to pumpkin 'fall-ish' recipes approximately the blogosphere, but I'm simply non ready to become at that spot yet!  Don't larn me wrong, I absolutely dearest the autumn flavors of juicy apples, rich pumpkin, cinnamon, gingerbread ... in addition to all those other 'warm' tastes nosotros associate amongst fabulous fall.  But I'm simply non ready for them.

I'm yet hanging on to cooking amongst the hit of belatedly summer.  The in conclusion few tomatoes.  Not-quite-gone-by blueberries.  Yummy fresh figs.  And straggler okra. 

I'm told that the okra plants volition run along to hit until the showtime frost.  I stimulate got no stance whether or non this is true, since I've never attempted to grow okra myself.  But since bags of this wonderful materials run along to look on my desk at schoolhouse from our really generous custodian Clayvon (a.k.a. Mr. Clay), I'm going to stimulate got people's give-and-take for it!

Keep it comin' Mr. Clay, in addition to I'll hold on a-cookin' it up.  Maybe when the okra's done, I'll finally hold out ready for fall.

Okra Creole
Source:  Adapted from Cooking Light magazine
(Printable recipe)
iii slices bacon or turkey bacon
1 (16 oz.) packet frozen okra or well-nigh 1 lb. fresh okra, sliced
1 c. chopped onion
1 (14.5 oz.) tin diced tomatoes
1 c. frozen corn kernels
1/2 c. water
two tsp. Old Bay seasoning
1/2 tsp. dark pepper

1.  Cook bacon inwards a Dutch oven until crisp; take away from pan in addition to drain on newspaper towels.  Crumble bacon in addition to laid aside.  (Note:  If you lot role turkey bacon, I recommend putting a small-scale dab of olive crude inwards the pan.)

2.  Add remaining ingredients to bacon drippings inwards the pan.  Cook over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, for v minutes.

3.  Reduce oestrus to low, cover, in addition to simmer well-nigh fifteen minutes or until vegetables are tender.  Top amongst crumbled bacon.

4.  Serve over hot cooked rice or cous-cous.
