With simply a few uncomplicated steps, transform chocolate together with powdered carbohydrate mini donuts into adorable Rudolph together with Snowman Mini Donuts for an extra exceptional Christmas breakfast treat.
Merry Christmas to you!

I promise y'all together with your menage unit of measurement receive got a wonderful Christmas! In celebration of this really exceptional day, I'm sharing today the adorable Rudolph together with Snowmen mini donuts my Mom together with I made concluding twelvemonth for Christmas morn breakfast. They're such a super cute footling bite-sized treat.
Now, this isn't actually a recipe ... rather, simply a footling 'show-how-to-assemble.'
And, of course, I can't receive got credit at all for this cute footling idea. Nope, equally nosotros in all probability all know, these cuties receive got been all over Pinterest. {Sadly, though, I'm non able to plow over credit to the master copy creator together with link dorsum to that site because all of the pins I checked for these didn't link dorsum anywhere ... they simply went into the Pinterest dark hole. So sad, 'cause I'd honey to credit the creator.}
For the Rudolph donuts you'll need: chocolate mini donuts, pretzel twists, ruby M&Ms, white icing {in the metro or inwards a piping pocketbook alongside a tiny tip}, together with chocolate sprinkles.
To get together these red-nosed cuties, interruption the pretzel twists to resemble antlers together with stick them into the occur of each donut.
Then stick a ruby M&M into the centre equally the nose. Finally, pipage 2 tiny dots of white icing for the eyes, together with house a chocolate sprinkle inwards the centre of each icing dot.
And Rudolph's gear upwardly for his flight! ... straight off into your mouth.
For the snowmen donuts you'll need: powdered carbohydrate mini donuts, mini chocolate chips, chocolate sprinkles, together with the ends of babe carrots {or orangish jelly beans} for noses.
To get together the snowmen, stick a babe carrot halt {or orangish jelly bean} into the centre equally the nose.
Then stick inwards 2 mini chocolate chips, upside down, for the eyes.
Finally, stick chocolate sprinkles inwards vertically, forming a smile.