Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Marbled Peanut Butter & Chocolate Shortbread Bars

Whip upwards beautifully-marbled Peanut Butter together with Chocolate Shortbread Bars.  A elementary shortbread crust is layered amongst white chocolate together with peanut butter, together with topped off amongst a marbled swirl of semi-sweet chocolate.  They're niggling bars of pure deliciousness!

Can yous believe Christmas is solely nearly five together with a 1/2 weeks away?  Have yous started your Christmas shopping yet??  Well, I receive got bought just one gift.  ONE.  That's it.  But I'm happy to say, it's a fabulous one! ... a personalized, engraved cherry forest cutting board for some foodie friends of mine from the wonderful folks at cherryBLOX.

And justice what!!  YOU could receive got one, too! ...That's right, if you're the winner of this bully cherryBLOX give-away presented yesteryear me together with my bloggy friend Dorothy at Crazy for Crust, you'll learn to create your real ain cherryBLOX custom-engraved cutting board every bit your prize.  How cool is that?

Here's my personalized cherryBLOX ... together with I love, love, dearest it.

See how dainty together with thick the cutting board is?  Makes it perfect for both cutting and for using it every bit a serving piece.  Gotta dearest beautiful versatility.

And these brand the perfect personalized gift ... for Christmas, weddings, bridal showers, anniversaries, instructor gifts yous advert it!

Ready to learn inwards for your guide chances to win?  Great!  Just follow the instructions inwards the Rafflecopter cast below.

This give-away is over.  Congratulations to our winner Jisoo R.!
The fine print:  Entry opened upwards from midnight Eastern fourth dimension on Nov 16, 2013 until midnight Eastern fourth dimension on Nov 22, 2013.  Open to U.S. residents only, must endure eighteen years of historic catamenia or older to enter. Please encounter total rules together with restrictions inwards the Rafflecopter form. Sometimes it takes a instant to load.

Now let's verbalize scrumptious Marbled Peanut Butter & Chocolate Shortbread Bars! ... photographed on my gorgeous cherryBLOX cutting board, of course.

These niggling bars of deliciousness were a happy accident.  An human activeness of pure desperation, actually.  Yup, I totally messed upwards a recipe ... annnddddd these were born.  With a layer of scrumptious shortbread covered inwards a thick layer of white chocolate together with peanut butter, all topped off amongst a marbled swirl of semi-sweet chocolate, how could the accident endure anything but happy?

You know those days when you're real curt on fourth dimension ... I mean, similar crunching correct downward to the real concluding 2nd yous receive got ... together with you've committed to brand something for an event?  Well, the 24-hour interval these bars were born was i of those days.

I had committed to bringing the sweets for a grouping get-together, which is something I dearest to do.  'Cause, every bit yous know if yous come upwards yesteryear hither often, I'll receive got whatever excuse I tin to bake.  So I decided to brand a peanut butter together with chocolate bark I'd had my oculus on for a while.

Well, let's just learn out it at ... the bark didn't work.  At all.  It tasted totally yummy, but it was ooey-gooey together with didn't develop at all.  A total mess.  And I didn't receive got fourth dimension to brand something else.  Ugh.

I fretted together with fretted.  What was I going to do?  I couldn't exhibit upwards at the get-together empty-handed!

And together with then an consider struck.  What if I turned the {failed} bark into the topping of a bar?  I could line that off pretty quickly, I thought!  {I had all of nearly xl minutes earlier I needed to endure at the get-together.}

I chop-chop mixed upwards together with baked upwards a elementary shortbread crust.  Then, I cutting large pieces of the ooey-gooey peanut butter {failed} bark inwards sheets together with layed it on exceed of the warm crust ... stuck it dorsum inwards the oven for just a infinitesimal or 2 to melt together with adhere the bark onto the crust ... together with and then flash-chilled it all inwards the freezer.

Whew!  It worked!  And it was deeee-licious.

Probably needless to say, I was a wee flake tardily for the get-together.  But happily, these Marbled Peanut Butter & Chocolate Shortbread Bars were a total hit.

Aaahhhhhh, yous gotta dearest happy accidents.

Now, here's how to brand these beautiful bars the non-accident way.

Line a baking dish amongst aluminum foil to create a sling ... you're doing this because it makes it soooooo much easier to cutting the squares.  Simply elevator the entire slab out of the pan yesteryear the foil overhang, laid it on a cutting board (ahem ... similar a gorgeous cherryBLOX personalized cutting board), line dorsum the foil from the edges, together with cut.  Easy-peasy.

Then, press a elementary shortbread dough mixture evenly into the bottom of the pan together with bake it up.

While the crust is baking, melt together some white chocolate together with crunchy peanut butter.  Resist the temptation to swallow it all yesteryear the spoonful.  It'll endure difficult ... but yous tin practice it.

Spread the peanut butter mixture evenly over the shortbread crust every bit before long every bit it comes out of the oven ...

... together with and then drib on some stripes of melted semi-sweet chocolate, similar this:

To create the genuinely pretty marbled effect, but run a abrupt knife dorsum together with forth through the peanut butter mixture, perpendicular to the chocolate stripes, similar this:

Aren't they pretty?

So, what are yous waiting for?  Go whip upwards a batch of these totally heavenly happy-accident Marbled Peanut Butter & Chocolate Shortbread Bars ... your breadbasket volition endure therefore glad yous did!  And endure certain to create your real ain personalized cherryBLOX cutting board to cutting them on.  I'm pretty certain these gorgeous cutting boards may just brand these scrumptious bars gustatory modality even better.

Marbled Peanut Butter & Chocolate Shortbread Bars
Source:  A Tracey creation

  • 2 c. all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 c. granulated sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1 c. butter, just slightly softened
  • 1 (12 oz.) package white chocolate chips
  • 1 1/4 c. crunchy peanut butter
  • 1/2 c. semi-sweet chocolate chips
  1. FOR THE CRUST: In a mixing bowl, combine flour, sugar, together with salt. Cut butter into pocket-sized pieces together with add together to flour mixture. Beat amongst an electrical mixer on tedious speed until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs amongst a sandy consistency. Press flour mixture evenly into the bottom of a 9x13" baking dish lined amongst aluminum foil (let the foil overhang the edges of the pan, creating a foil 'sling'). Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes.
  2. FOR THE PEANUT BUTTER TOPPING: In a saucepan over medium-low heat, melt together the white chocolate together with peanut butter. Spread evenly over the still-warm crust.
  3. FOR THE MARBLED CHOCOLATE: Melt the semi-sweet chocolate chips (about 45 seconds inwards the microwave or inwards a pocket-sized saucepan over medium-low heat); stir until smooth. Drizzle stripes over the warm peanut butter topping. To marbelize, utilisation a abrupt knife to depict lines through the peanut butter mixture perpendicular to the chocolate stripes.
  4. Refrigerate for nearly thirty minutes or until set. Use the edges of the foil 'sling' to elevator bars from the pan.  Cut into pocket-sized squares.

Enjoy these other amazingly yummy bars from ...

Oh Henry! Bars

Caramel-Walnut Squares