Thursday, December 12, 2019

Cranberry Apple Tree Crunch

Cranberries aren't simply for cranberry sauce!  Enjoy them inward this Cranberry Apple Crunch, too. It's a tart, cinnamon together with pecan-laced crisp that's perfect every bit a autumn or Thanksgiving side dish or dessert. 

s perfect every bit a autumn or Thanksgiving side dish or dessert Cranberry Apple Crunch

As I'm sitting hither thinking nearly writing nearly this dish, I can't aid but receive got a vision of a TV infomercial playing inward my head, because this dish is then versatile.

{Insert your best boisterous announcer vocalization here:}

Cranberry Apple Crunch is a creative cranberry fall'ish, Thanksgiving'ish side dish ... BUT WAIT!  THERE'S MORE! ... It's perfect every bit a breakfast or brunch dish, also ... BUT WAIT!  THERE'S MORE!

When served upward amongst a scoop of vanilla H2O ice cream, it's also a delicious dessert.  It's a casserole, it's a crisp, it's a squelch ... YOUR GET THREE DISHES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!  {but exclusively if you lot telephone vociferation upward inward the side yesteryear side 10 minutes!}

This dish genuinely tin serve every bit a fabulous side dish for turkey or ham, every bit a breakfast or brunch cranberry treat, or every bit a dessert, much like traditional apple tree crisp.

Okay, simply kidding on that terminal role nearly exclusively inward the side yesteryear side 10 minutes.  Because you lot tin sure enough brand this tasty squelch anytime cranberries are around.

As I've said inward the past, except for our family's Thanksgiving Cabernet Cranberry Sauce or Grand Marnier Cranberry Sauce (we switch dorsum together with forth betwixt the two), I'm non a huge cranberry sauce fan. So when it comes to enjoying cranberries, I receive got my cranberry fill upward inward forms other than sauce.  Like this tasty Cranberry Apple Crunch.

And, seriously, this dish genuinely tin serve every bit a fabulous side dish for turkey or ham, every bit a breakfast or brunch cranberry treat, or every bit a dessert, much like traditional apple tree crisp.

s perfect every bit a autumn or Thanksgiving side dish or dessert Cranberry Apple Crunch

Recipes for this Cranberry Apple Crunch appear, I kid you lot not, inward no less than half dozen of my church/womens' monastic state cookbooks.  Most refer to it every bit a "casserole," together with others telephone vociferation upward it a "crisp" or "crunch."  Most oftentimes I've seen it titled every bit "Cranberry Apple Casserole," but I prefer the championship of "crunch."

But no affair what you lot telephone vociferation upward it, one's thing for sure -- this dish is super slow to make.

All you lot do to trace this dish together is toss some fresh cranberries, chopped apples, sugar, together with cinnamon together inward a baking dish.

s perfect every bit a autumn or Thanksgiving side dish or dessert Cranberry Apple Crunch

Next, order everything a practiced toss to larn it all mixed together.

You desire to larn the cranberries together with apples good coated inward the cinnamon together with sugar.

s perfect every bit a autumn or Thanksgiving side dish or dessert Cranberry Apple Crunch

Then mix together a combination of oats, flour, dark-brown sugar, chopped pecans, together with butter to brand the topping.

s perfect every bit a autumn or Thanksgiving side dish or dessert Cranberry Apple Crunch

Sprinkle the topping evenly over the prepared cranberries together with apples, simply every bit you lot would for a traditional apple tree crisp.

s perfect every bit a autumn or Thanksgiving side dish or dessert Cranberry Apple Crunch

Pop the pan inward the oven together with bake it upward until the topping is calorie-free golden dark-brown together with the cranberries together with apples are bubbly around the edges.

The cranberry together with apples volition live dainty together with tender together with juicy, piece the topping volition add together a wonderful crisp texture.

s perfect every bit a autumn or Thanksgiving side dish or dessert Cranberry Apple Crunch

Then larn ready to dig into the Cranberry Apple Crunch deliciousness.  It's tart, juicy, together with crunchy all inward one.  H5N1 perfect autumn cranberry treat.

{And if you're i of the side yesteryear side 10 callers, you'll also larn the FREE bonus gift of ...}

Hey, did you lot simply involve heed that announcer vocalization again??  

Shhhhhhhh, boisterous announcer.  This dish volition sell itself simply fine without you.

s perfect every bit a autumn or Thanksgiving side dish or dessert Cranberry Apple Crunch
Thank you lot for stopping yesteryear . We'd dear to receive got you lot dorsum soon!

cranberry apple tree crisp, cranberry dessert recipes, cranberry apple tree casserole, cranberry side dish recipe
Yield: about 10-12 servings

s perfect every bit a autumn or Thanksgiving side dish or dessert Cranberry Apple Crunch

Cranberry Apple Crunch

Cranberries aren't simply for cranberry sauce! Enjoy them inward this Cranberry Apple Crunch, too. It's a tart, cinnamon together with pecan-laced crisp that's perfect every bit a autumn or Thanksgiving side dish or dessert.
prep time: xx Mcook time: 1 hourtotal time: 1 H & xx M


  • 2 c. fresh cranberries, rinsed
  • 3 c. peeled chopped tart apple tree (such every bit Rome, McIntosh, or Granny Smith)
  • 1 c. sugar
  • 1 tsp. soil cinnamon
  • Pinch of soil cloves
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1/2 c. dark-brown sugar
  • 1/3 c. all-purpose flour
  • 1 c. old-fashioned oats
  • 3/4 c. chopped pecans
  • 1/2 c. (1 stick) butter, melted


How to ready Cranberry Apple Crunch

Prepare the filling:
  1. Place cranberries, chopped apple, together with saccharide inward the bottom of a 9x13" baking dish that has been lightly sprayed amongst non-stick cooking spray.
  2. Sprinkle the soil cinnamon, soil cloves, together with tabular array salt on top. 
  3. Toss to coat.
Prepare the topping & bake:
  1. Melt the butter inward a mixing bowl. Add remaining topping ingredients together with toss to combine. 
  2. Sprinkle topping evenly over the fruit mixture.
  3. Bake, uncovered, at 325 degrees for 1 hour.
  4. Serve warm or cold, every bit a side dish amongst turkey or ham, every bit a breakfast/brunch dish, or every bit a dessert amongst H2O ice cream or whipped cream.
Created using The Recipes Generator

You mightiness also similar these other tasty autumn desserts:

s perfect every bit a autumn or Thanksgiving side dish or dessert Cranberry Apple Crunch