Thursday, December 12, 2019

Black Edible Bean Salsa

Cause practice is real simply non my matter Black Bean Salsa

So, I've of late started doing Zumba.  Yup.  And I don't real similar to exercise, together with thence that's a large deal.

Seriously, it's totally amazing for me.  'Cause practice is real simply non my thing.  But, alas, sometimes nosotros simply require to create things that are expert for us, similar it or not.  So I took the plunge into Zumba, together with much to my surprise, I real fifty-fifty similar it!

One large help? ... MUSIC!  I dear music, together with thence the fun up-tempo songs run on me motivated together with movin'.  You'll scissure upwards at what my favorite Zumba vocal together with thence far is, though ...

... because it's together with thence totally me.  Mmm, hmmmm ... it's called CHOCOLATE.  I know, shocker that I would dear a vocal called Chocolate.  Want to plow over it a listen?  Here it is!  It's a fun one.

In our Zumba class, nosotros create a lot of salsa-style trip the low-cal fantastic toe moves, amongst a whole lot of hip shakin'.  Well, allow me simply country ya, I would not create good on Dancing With the Stars, 'cause this booty together with these hips are seriously lacking inwards the hip activeness department.  My booty does much closer to a picayune side-to-side wiggle than a hip-action salsa shake.

Oh well.  I'm yet exercising.  And I'm yet having fun ... hip activeness or not.

I've decided I'm much amend at the kitchen-type salsa than the dancin'-type salsa.

So, I convey you lot my latest salsa creation (from the kitchen ... 'cause I don't intend you lot desire to encounter the dancin') Black Bean Salsa.  

This salsa is packed total of fresh veggies mixed inwards amongst the dark beans, together with gets a flake of zing from carmine vino vinegar.  We dear the flavour of the carmine vino vinegar, but if you'd similar a to a greater extent than traditional salsa 'base,' substitute fresh lime juice instead.

Enjoy this from-the-kitchen-type salsa! ... together with straight off unopen your eyes, 'cause I'm almost to plow on simply about music together with create simply about not-so-pretty booty-shakin' dancin'-type-of-salsa, Zumba style.

Black Bean Salsa
Adapted from:  Cooking Light magazine
  • 1 (15 oz.) can dark beans, drained & rinsed
  • 3/4 c. finely chopped tomato
  • 1/2 c. finely chopped carmine onion
  • 1/2 c. finely chopped carmine bell pepper
  • 1/4 c. chopped cilantro
  • 1 tsp. finely chopped jalapeno
  • 1/3 c. red vino vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp. ground cumin
  • 1/8 tsp. salt
  1. Combine all ingredients together with mix well. Adjust salt, to taste.
  2. Cover together with chill almost xxx minutes earlier serving.