Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Valentines White Chocolate-Dipped Pretzel Rods

Beautiful Valentines White Chocolate Dipped Pretzel Rods deliver sweetness in addition to salty deliciousness inwards a pretty piddling blinged-out package.  And they're in addition to hence slow to make!  What to a greater extent than could you lot enquire for? 

One of my absolute, absolute favorite flavors is the combination of salty in addition to sweet.  And i of my absolute favorite ways to deliver that wonderful salty/sweet combination to my gustation buds is amongst chocolate covered pretzels.  Or yogurt covered pretzels.  Or white chocolate covered pretzels.  Okay, or pretty much anything sweet-covered pretzels.

And it's an added bonus when those sweet-covered pretzels are stunningly beautiful, similar these pink-studded Valentine White Chocolate-Dipped Pretzels.
Okay, in addition to hence possibly stunningly beautiful is a tad flake of an overstatement.  But they are really, actually pretty.  Don't you lot think?

And only perfect for a piddling Valentines sweetness treat.

The beautiful pinkish glittery-ness of these pretty piddling pretzels was inspired past times Cupid's Cheesecake popcorn ...

... from my fabulous friends at Tastebuds Popcorn.

Visit Tastebuds Popcorn today to order your snacking collection.

Offering over 200 popcorn flavors, Tastebuds Popcorn brings project design to the country's most pop past-time snack.  Each of their unique flavors has been tested in addition to perfected inwards their popcorn kitchen, in addition to is produced inwards micro batches to deliver the freshest, highest character product.  'Pop' on over to view them in addition to  order Tastebuds' popcorn online to give your gustation buds a existent treat!

Like this delicious Cupid's Cheesecake popcorn, for illustration ... white chocolate cheesecake popcorn all blinged out amongst a gorgeous sprinkling of pinkish carbohydrate glitter.  So pretty.  {and delicious! ... it may only live my novel favorite flavor.}

I only couldn't resist turning the pretty glittery-ness into a Valentine process of my own.

So I grabbed around pretzel rods, white chocolate, in addition to my sprinkles collection in addition to started dipping away.  Some of the pretzels I gave a piddling extra Valentine-themed sprinkle bling ...

... in addition to around of the pretzels I kept sweetness in addition to uncomplicated amongst only white nonpareil sprinkles in addition to pinkish sanding sugar.

I mean value both ways turned out actually pretty!  Though, I must admit, I'm partial to the simplicity of the just-white-and-pink ones.  Sometimes only a teeny comport on of bling is best!

These pretzels are super uncomplicated to make, too.  So if you're looking for a quick-to-make Valentines treat, these pretzels are correct upwardly your alley.

Pretty.  Simple.  Easy.  Delicious. Salty in addition to sweet.  What to a greater extent than could you lot enquire for, right?  I'd live thrilled if my Valentine gave me a large ol' handbag full!

Valentines White Chocolate-Dipped Pretzel Rods
Source:  Inspired past times Tastebuds Popcorn Cupid's Cheesecake Valentine Popcorn
(Printable recipe)

  • 1 (10 oz.) bag pretzel rods
  • 1 (24 oz.) package white chocolate bark coating or 1 (1 lb.) handbag white candy melts (you'll alone purpose virtually 12 oz.)
  • 1 T. shortening
  • pink sanding sugar
  • white nonpareils sprinkles
  • Valentines-themed sprinkles (optional)
  1. In a tall skinny container (such equally a pottery loving cup or fifty-fifty a pocket-size drinking glass vase), melt bark coating or candy melts in addition to shortening together inwards the microwave per parcel directions (typically inwards thirty 2d intervals, stirring inwards between).
  2. Dip each pretzel rod inwards the candy coating, letting excess coating drip off dorsum into the container. Sprinkle amongst white nonpareils and sanding sugar. Sprinkle amongst other Valentine-themes sprinkles, if desired.
  3. Place on waxed newspaper in addition to permit correspond coating to laid up.
  4. Store inwards an airtight container for upwardly to 2 or iii weeks.

I pour the leftover white chocolate coating into a plastic storage container in addition to salvage it for around other purpose later. All you lot pick out to utilize is oestrus it dorsum upwardly inwards the microwave when you lot take away it, omitting the shortening (since it's already inwards there).