Thursday, December 12, 2019

Southern Sugariness Tea

Classic Southern Sweet Tea inwards truthful Southern style.  Have a prissy large glass, y'all!

Classic Southern Sweet Tea amongst a Lemon Image Southern Sweet Tea

Iced tea.  That's what it's called inwards "the North."

But if you're inwards "the South?"  Oh, hither inwards the South, it's sweet tea.  There's nix quite similar it.  Yes, inwards the South sweet tea is indeed an institution.

Having transplanted to North Carolina from "the North" when I was 25, I accept learned how to arrive ... right ... from my real Southern sister-in-law.

Which is a practiced thing, because my real Southern hubby likes his tea Southern sweet.

The hush-hush to making Southern sweetness tea isn't hence hush-hush - it's sugar.  But you've got to acquire the right amount of sugar.

See.  When it comes to tea, there's unsweet, sweet, and Southern sweet.  Anyone born inwards the South, who has household unit of measurement inwards the South, has friends from the South, has traveled inwards the South ... well, you acquire the betoken ... knows what I'm talking about, right?

Southern sweetness is a exceptional form of sweet.

And the hush-hush to making Southern sweetness tea isn't hence hush-hush - it's sugar.  But you've got to acquire the correct amount of sugar.  And too then serve it upwards over lots of ice.  With a lemon wedge.  Please don't forget the lemon wedge!

And in i lawsuit you've got all that, you've got yourself i deliciously refreshing drinking glass of Southern sweetness tea.

Classic Southern Sweet Tea amongst a Lemon Image Southern Sweet Tea

As my household unit of measurement too I constitute out, tea is i of those things that carries cultural differences amongst it.  

I grew upwards drinking the powdered 2nd stuff.  You know, that you scoop out of a jounce too mix amongst some H2O inwards a glass, stirring until you don't run into whatever of the piddling powdered granules anymore.

That's fifty-fifty what was served inwards most - in all probability unopen to all - restaurants inwards the area.  That's simply what you got if you ordered iced tea.  

Not hence inwards the South.

In the South, proper iced tea is brewed.  From tea bags.  With carbohydrate inwards it - a whole lot of sugar.  And there's absolutely no ask to purpose the give-and-take "iced" to accompany it. 

In the South, 2nd iced tea is an abomination.  Proper iced tea is brewed.  From tea bags.  With carbohydrate inwards it - a whole lot of sugar.  And there's absolutely no ask to purpose the give-and-take "iced" to accompany it.  In fact, you acquire looked at rather funny inwards a eating theatre if you state the give-and-take "iced" inwards forepart of your tea when you lodge it.

And what happens inwards the North if you lodge using simply the give-and-take "tea?"

You acquire a prissy steaming loving cup of hot tea!  My Mom, who happens to live on an avid hot tea drinker, learned real fast upon moving to the South that if she wants a loving cup of hot tea inwards the South, she has to say "hot tea."  Or, she ends upwards amongst a large drinking glass of sweetness tea.

Because inwards the South, tea is sweetness tea.  And what wonderfully delicious sweetness tea it is.

So view yourself some tea bags too a "little" sugar, too follow this recipe to whip upwards a really wonderful Southern institution.  A Southern sweet institution, that is.

Classic Southern Sweet Tea amongst a Lemon Image Southern Sweet Tea
Thank you for stopping yesteryear . We'd dearest to accept you dorsum soon!

Southern Sweet Tea
Source:  My Southern sister-in-law

  • 4 tea bags (regular-sized dark tea)
  • 1/2 c. to 3/4 c. granulated sugar
  • water
  • lemon wedges
  1. Place the tea bags too ii cups of H2O inwards a drinking glass microwaveable touchstone loving cup or bowl; microwave until boiling. {Or, pour boiling H2O over the four tea bags.} Let cool to lukewarm. Squeeze out the tea bags into the tea liquid.
  2. Place granulated carbohydrate inwards a 2-quart pitcher. Add nigh 1/2 c. boiling or real hot tap water; stir until carbohydrate is dissolved.
  3. Add tea to the pitcher. Fill the residual of the pitcher amongst mutual frigidity H2O (to equal ii quarts total). Refrigerate until chilled.
  4. Serve over H2O ice amongst a lemon wedge.
- For truthful 'Southern sweet' tea, purpose 3/4 loving cup carbohydrate ... though I must acknowledge I prefer mine amongst 1/2 loving cup sugar.  Or, ready amongst a carbohydrate substitute, if preferred.
- Decaffeinated tea bags tin live on used simply fine.
