Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Overnight Praline French Toast

This is a sponsored post service written past times me on behalf of PAM Cooking Spray.
With assemble-ahead ease together with a decadently delicious pecan-and-brown-sugar topping baked on top, this Overnight Praline French Toast is a perfect vacation brunch or breakfast treat!  And PAM Cooking Spray helps hit sure it comes out correct every time.

This is a sponsored post service written past times me on behalf of PAM Cooking Spray Overnight Praline French Toast

I move difficult on my vacation baking together with cooking.  And I'm sure you lot do, too.  With all the hustle together with bustle together with extra-goings-on of the vacation season, I don't lead maintain fourth dimension for my creations to instruct messed up.  I've got to instruct them correct the get-go time!

Well, unfortunately, I didn't instruct i of my creations correct the get-go fourth dimension this vacation season.  Nope.  I had a total flop.  I was attempting to hit Pecan Pie Muffins.  And utterly failed.

You know how you lot tin exactly say something's going to live proficient from the batter?  

You lead maintain a lilliputian taste, together with the batter is sooooooo tasty that your oral fissure starts watering for the halt termination correct hence together with there?  Well, that was how it was amongst said Pecan Pie Muffins.  I exactly couldn't hold back to sink my teeth into them!

With assemble-ahead ease together with a decadently delicious pecan-and-brown-sugar topping baked on top, this Overnight Praline French Toast is a perfect vacation brunch or breakfast treat!

They baked upwards beautifully.
They smelled amazing.

I was getting to a greater extent than together with to a greater extent than excited nearly them past times the second.

Then ... then it came fourth dimension to lead maintain them out of the pan.

And that's where the dear floor amongst Pecan Pie Muffins came to a screeching halt.  Because they stuck.  Like totally stuck.  Ruined.

Let's exactly instruct out it at ... well, ... the crumbs tasted fabulous.

So when I decided to hit this Overnight Praline French Toast, exactly about other mucilaginous pecan-based vacation treat, I also  decided non to hit the same "stick inwards the pan mistake" twice.

This is a sponsored post service written past times me on behalf of PAM Cooking Spray Overnight Praline French Toast

When I started to fix this deliciously indulgent Overnight Praline French Toast, I turned to PAM Cooking Spray to assist ensure it would come upwards out correct ... the first time.

I surely didn't desire exactly about other "Pecan Pie Muffin incident!" Who's got fourth dimension for that?

And non solely does PAM Cooking Spray help ensure dishes come upwards out correct {and inwards my case, I role the give-and-take "out" literally!} the get-go time, it also helps hit clean-up easier to do, also ... because Original, Butter, together with Baking PAM straight off instruct out upwards to 99% less remainder buildup on your dishes than margarine or bargain-brand non-stick cooking sprays.

Hey, I'll lead maintain whatever fourth dimension savers I tin get.

To whip upwards this outrageously delicious Overnight Praline French Toast, accommodate French breadstuff slices inwards a baking dish coated amongst PAM non-stick spray ...

This is a sponsored post service written past times me on behalf of PAM Cooking Spray Overnight Praline French Toast

... together with hence pour a mixture of beaten eggs, half-and-half, milk, together with spices over the bread.

Be sure to instruct it all proficient together with soaked! ... it likes it that way.

This is a sponsored post service written past times me on behalf of PAM Cooking Spray Overnight Praline French Toast

Refrigerate the bread-and-egg combo overnight.

Now, you lot may live tempted to skip the overnight-refrigerating step.  But don't.  Trust me.

Because I tried it.  Because I had to live able to portion amongst you lot if the overnight matter is necessary, right?

Well, overnight is necessary.  And here's why.

Giving the breadstuff fourth dimension to soak inwards together with absorb upwards the egg mixture creates french toast amongst a wonderfully fabulous light-and-airy texture that exactly melts inwards your mouth.

Letting the bread-and-egg combo stand upwards overnight totally changes the texture of the halt product.  For the better.  Giving the breadstuff fourth dimension to soak inwards together with absorb upwards the egg mixture creates french toast amongst a wonderfully fabulous light-and-airy texture that exactly melts inwards your mouth.

So, resist the temptation to skip the overnight step!  It's totally worth the fridge time.

Now, hither comes the totally indulgent ... together with totally mucilaginous ... part.

In the forenoon exactly earlier you're ready to bake the French toast, whip upwards the praline topping amongst exactly about butter, chocolate-brown sugar, together with pecans.

Then pour the praline topping on overstep of the soaked breadstuff ...

This is a sponsored post service written past times me on behalf of PAM Cooking Spray Overnight Praline French Toast

... together with spread it all around, roofing every nook together with cranny of the bread.

Oh my, doesn't that await corking already?

This is a sponsored post service written past times me on behalf of PAM Cooking Spray Overnight Praline French Toast

When it's baked up, the French toast gets all puffy together with lite ... together with the praline topping forms an indescribably amazing crunchy-and-yummy crust all over the top.

This is a sponsored post service written past times me on behalf of PAM Cooking Spray Overnight Praline French Toast

With the soft, velvety texture of the French toast together with decadently delicious squeeze of the praline topping, this is i vacation process you lot won't live able to resist.  I'm sure of it.

And with PAM Cooking Spray, your Overnight Praline French Toast volition come upwards out beautifully ... the first time.  I'm sure of that, too.

This is a sponsored post service written past times me on behalf of PAM Cooking Spray Overnight Praline French Toast
Thank you lot for stopping past times . We'd dear to lead maintain you lot dorsum soon!

baked french toast recipe, overnight french toast, overnight french toast recipe, praline french toast
Yield: 10-12 servings

Overnight Praline French Toast

With assemble-ahead ease together with a decadently delicious pecan-and-brown-sugar topping baked on top, this Overnight Praline French Toast is a perfect vacation brunch or breakfast treat.
prep time: thirty Mcook time: xl Mtotal time: lxx M


French Toast:
  • 1 (13 to sixteen oz.) loaf French bread, sliced 1-inch thick
  • 8 eggs, beaten
  • 2 c. half-and-half
  • 1 c. milk
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1 T. sugar
  • 1/4 tsp. dry soil cinnamon
  • 1/8 tsp. dry soil nutmeg
  • pinch salt
Praline Topping:
  • 3/4 c. butter
  • 1 c. chocolate-brown sugar
  • 2 T. lite corn syrup
  • 1/2 tsp. dry soil cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp. dry soil nutmeg
  • 1 c. chopped pecans
For Serving:
  • maple syrup


How to hit Overnight Praline French Toast

Prepare the French Toast:
  1. Coat a 13x9" baking dish amongst non-stick cooking spray. 
  2. Arrange breadstuff slices inwards the pan inwards ii rows amongst the slices overlapping.
  3. In a mixing bowl, combine eggs, half-and-half, milk, vanilla extract, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, together with salt. Pour egg mixture over the breadstuff slices. 
  4. Cover together with refrigerate over night.
Prepare the Praline Topping:
  1. Prepare the praline topping correct earlier you lot conception to bake the french toast. Melt butter inwards a saucepan over medium heat. Add chocolate-brown sugar, corn syrup, cinnamon, together with nutmeg. 
  2. Continue to heat, stirring constantly, until mixture is smooth. 
  3. Remove from oestrus together with stir inwards chopped pecans.
  4. Spread pecan mixture evenly over the overstep of the breadstuff slices.
  1. Bake at 350 degrees, uncovered, for xl minutes or until puffy together with golden brown.
  2. Serve amongst maple syrup.
Created using The Recipes Generator
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This is a sponsored post service written past times me on behalf of PAM Cooking Spray.

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