Who says gingerbread men are but for Christmas? Not these guys. These gingerbread men cookies conduct maintain position on their vampire costumes for Halloween!
I wishing I could accept credit for this clever sentiment ... but alas, I cannot.
These Halloween dudes were inspired yesteryear Southern Supreme Gourmet Specialties, a mail-order gourmet nutrient fellowship located inwards middle-of-nowhere, North Carolina (a teeny town called Bear Creek, to endure exact.) My Mom as well as I visited their showroom a few weeks dorsum as well as spotted their cute as well as clever picayune Halloween gingerbread vampires (which aren't available on their website ... showroom alone item). I decided I needed to endeavor that myself!
So I came dwelling family as well as whipped upwards a batch.
To practise these ghoulish vampires, brand your favorite gingerbread cookies but similar yous ever would ... here's my favorite gingerbread cookie recipe, if yous take away one. Then usage a dab of dark frosting or regal icing to brand eyes, buttons, as well as a direct across rima oris ... add together a smidge of white for fangs ... as well as popular 3 carmine mini candies or sprinkles on move on of the dark frosting buttons. I used carmine x's from a Valentines' Day hugs & kisses sprinkles mix, but yous could also usage cinnamon redhots, mini M&Ms, or whatever other pocket-size carmine candy. Voila! Halloween vampire cookies.
Now, inwards the spirit of total as well as honest disclosure, these picayune guys were non quite every bit slow to hit every bit I had expected. But purpose of that was because I was existence lazy. See, I used that frosting-in-an-aerosol tin materials yous tin purchase at the grocery store. You know, the materials that sprays out kinda similar Easy-Cheez? Well ... allow me but tell ya ... that materials is not slow to command when trying to brand pocket-size squirts!!
So, if similar me, you're afraid to endeavor to brand your ain dark frosting (I didn't intend I could larn it nighttime enough! ... thus the argue for the purchase of Easy-Cheez-type frosting) ... I propose mayhap dispensing the aerosol tin frosting into your ain pipe handbag kickoff as well as then you'll conduct maintain amend control.
If yous conduct to become direct from the tin similar I did, hither are ii suggestions:
1. Practice on waxed newspaper or a plate first.
2. Use toothpicks. Toothpicks became my best friends! Get a fleck of frosting where yous desire it to be, as well as usage a toothpick to coax it into the 'formation' yous want. And to construct clean upwards whatever 'oops.'
Once yous larn your picayune guys ready, serve upwards a picayune platter every bit a special vampire Halloween treat.
Of course, if yous larn too frustrated making these picayune guys ... which yous won't ... yous could ever practise what my married adult man suggested ... Bite their heads off as well as plough them into The Legend of Sleepy Hollow headless horseman gingerbread cookies!
Not nice, Mark. Not nice. But yet appropriate for Halloween, I suppose.

Gingerbread Vampire Cookies
Source: Inspired yesteryear Southern Supreme Gourmet Specialties
Black frosting
White frosting
Small carmine x sprinkles, mini M&Ms, or cinnamon redhots
1. Pipe pocket-size dots of dark frosting onto each gingerbread human being for eyes as well as buttons. Pipe a pocket-size staight trouble of dark frosting every bit the mouth.
2. Carefully house a carmine sprinkle or mini candy into the push clit frosting dots; gently force downward slightly alongside a toothpick.
3. Pipe a pocket-size amount of white frosting below the dark rima oris trouble to practise fangs. Use a toothpick to taper the fangs to endure thinner at the destination farthest away from the rima oris line. Set aside to allow the frosting harden.
4. Store inwards an airtight container, carefully stacked. (Check the 'hardness' of the frosting prior to stacking to avoid smudging as well as smooshing.)