Thursday, December 12, 2019

Easy Oven-Roasted Summertime Vegetables

Roasting is a simple, delicious, together with salubrious agency to laid summer's bounty of fresh vegetables ... together with it's peculiarly tasty alongside all that garden zucchini together with summertime squash!  One taste, together with you'll discovery yourself making these easy Oven-Roasted Summer Vegetables over together with over again.

s peculiarly tasty alongside all that garden zucchini together with summertime squelch Easy Oven-Roasted Summer Vegetables

When it comes to vegetables, there's non much easier, or to a greater extent than delicious for that matter, than a large pan of roasted mixed vegetables.

And the beauty of the summertime flavor is that nosotros receive got such a huge multifariousness of fresh vegetables available at our fingertips to ready upwardly inwards this simple-yet-delicious way.  Like zucchini.  Or yellowish summertime squash.  Or light-green beans.  Or asparagus ...

The beauty of the summertime flavor is that nosotros receive got such a huge multifariousness of fresh vegetables available at our fingertips to ready upwardly inwards this simple-yet-delicious way.

The listing of possibilities sure as shooting goes on together with on.

Roasting is likely my favorite agency to relish summer's bounty of zucchini together with summertime squash.

I peculiarly honey the flavor of the extra-browned edges of roasted zucchini.  Well truth-be-told, I peculiarly honey the flavor of the extra-browned edges of well-nigh any roasted vegetable.

s peculiarly tasty alongside all that garden zucchini together with summertime squelch Easy Oven-Roasted Summer Vegetables

The other black I was visiting my parents, together with got a wonderful dinner surprise Mom made a huge batch of roasted mixed vegetables.  

As much every bit I totally honey roasted vegetables, they're fifty-fifty that much amend when person else prepares them.

I was out on the deck alongside photographic tv set camera inwards mitt {taking photos of some fabulous Double Blueberry Muffins Mom together with I made together} when Mom walked out alongside this ginormous bowl of beautifully colorful vegetables, all cutting upwardly to brand roasted vegetables for dinner.

"I'm making roasted vegetables for dinner," she said.  "Want to accept pictures?"  

So ... I turned together with took this impromptu photograph of her hands belongings the bowl of vegetables ... together with I honey it.  Sometimes it's the unplanned things that plough out to last our favorites.

s peculiarly tasty alongside all that garden zucchini together with summertime squelch Easy Oven-Roasted Summer Vegetables

Then I photographed Mom doing the residual of the procedure together with then Mom together with I could part her roasted vegetables alongside you.

When preparing roasted vegetables, y'all tin give the axe do simply well-nigh whatever combination of vegetables you'd like.  

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 lot of times, I accept wages of summer's abundance of zucchini together with summertime squelch together with do simply those 2 vegetables together.  Sometimes I throw inwards onions or mushrooms alongside them.  Sometimes, I roast simply asparagus.  Or simply light-green beans.  It's pretty much a "whatever" form of veggie cooking method! 

You tin give the axe do simply well-nigh whatever combination of vegetables you'd similar ... But whatever veggies y'all choose, the method remains simple.

The method is overnice similar that.

Mom chopped upwardly a whole bunch of dissimilar veggies for her roasted summertime vegetables version.  But whatever veggies y'all choose, the method remains simple.  

Simply house cutting upwardly veggies inwards a bowl together with drizzle them alongside olive oil.  Toss them to larn them practiced together with coated alongside the olive stone oil ...

s peculiarly tasty alongside all that garden zucchini together with summertime squelch Easy Oven-Roasted Summer Vegetables

Then spread the veggies out inwards a unmarried layer on baking sheets ...

s peculiarly tasty alongside all that garden zucchini together with summertime squelch Easy Oven-Roasted Summer Vegetables

The unmarried layer thing is important.

You desire to brand sure non to crowd the pan.  See inwards the photograph below how there's infinite betwixt the veggies?

Crowded veggies = soggy, mushy veggies.

That's a practiced thing.

Space helps the veggies larn a overnice roast on them together with keeps them from getting soggy.  Crowded veggies = soggy, mushy veggies.

s peculiarly tasty alongside all that garden zucchini together with summertime squelch Easy Oven-Roasted Summer Vegetables

Stick the veggies inwards the oven together with roast away until the veggies larn all tender, shrivel-y, together with browned {or charred, every bit nosotros similar them} on the edges ...

s peculiarly tasty alongside all that garden zucchini together with summertime squelch Easy Oven-Roasted Summer Vegetables

See all those charred edges?  Mmmmmm, that makes them soooo good.

Sprinkle the cooked veggies alongside some bounding main tabular array salt to complete them off.

We tabular array salt our roasted vegetables after  they're cooked, rather than before.  Why?

Because every bit the vegetables cook, tabular array salt sprinkled on them prior to cooking concentrates.  Which tin give the axe easily atomic number 82 to cooked vegetables that sense of savor wayyyy besides salty.  Been there, done that ... believe me.

So if y'all do select to tabular array salt the vegetables prior to roasting, I propose doing together with then alongside a really lite hand.  Then sense of savor your vegetables i time done together with add together to a greater extent than salt, if needed.

s peculiarly tasty alongside all that garden zucchini together with summertime squelch Easy Oven-Roasted Summer Vegetables

Once these beauties are out of the oven, larn ready to relish a petty oven-roasted summertime vegetable heaven.  

Which inwards my case, is fifty-fifty to a greater extent than heavenly when made yesteryear Mom.

s peculiarly tasty alongside all that garden zucchini together with summertime squelch Easy Oven-Roasted Summer Vegetables
Thank y'all for stopping yesteryear .  We'd honey to receive got y'all dorsum soon!

Roasted Summer Vegetables
(Printable recipe)
  • 1 medium-sized zucchini, cutting inwards 1-inch chunks
  • 1 medium-sized yellowish summertime squash, cutting inwards 1-inch chunks
  • 1/2 lb. asparagus, tough ends removed & cutting inwards 2-inch lengths
  • 2 sweet bell peppers (red, yellow, or orange), cutting inwards 1-inch chunks
  • 12 oz. fresh mushrooms, halved (small ones tin give the axe last left whole)
  • 1 large onion, sliced vertically into chunks
  • 1 c. baby carrots, halved lengthwise
  • 1/4 c. extra-virgin olive oil
  • sea salt, to taste
  1. Place the cut-up vegetables inwards a large bowl. Drizzle olive stone oil over the vegetables together with toss to evenly coat. If the vegetables appear dry, add together a fleck to a greater extent than olive oil.
  2. Spread the vegetables out inwards unmarried layer on 2 jelly-roll baking pans, beingness sure to non crowd the pans. Bake at 425 degrees for to a greater extent than or less 25 - 35 minutes until vegetables are tender together with some of the edges are charred, stirring the vegetables well-nigh every 10 minutes. 
  3.  Season to sense of savor alongside bounding main tabular array salt earlier serving.
Note - You tin give the axe role simply well-nigh whatever combination of vegetables you'd similar alongside this roasting method.  Change it upwardly to conform your taste.
