Sunday, November 24, 2019

15 Of My Favorite Photos On 'The Blog'

 Favorite Photos from  xv of My Favorite Photos on 'The Blog'

Happy quaternary Birthday to !

story of how came to be ... On a whim 1 dark because I was bored, I poked roughly well-nigh this affair called 'blogging' ... together with unwittingly launched an jeopardy I could never receive got anticipated.

And what an amazing jeopardy it has been! {and volition proceed to be, I'm sure.}

In celebration of turning four, I idea it would hold out fun to accept a await at some of my favorite photos on the blog.  So I went through my posts together with pulled out xv of my faves to share.  It was together with then fun to await dorsum over the iv years!

But earlier nosotros accept a await at the photos, I also receive got 2 fun blogging announcements to portion ...

First, I am thrilled to denote that I am a ...

Contributing author for!

I receive got been partnering amongst for a piece on their cooking 'How-To's' website section, but receive got kept it tranquillity until they were ready to position out this novel characteristic on their site.  Well, I'm non beingness tranquillity anymore ... because I'm happy to study the novel site launched this week!

My work is to photograph together with write step-by-step 'how-to' article tutorials for diverse dishes together with basic cooking techniques.  It's together with then fun!

My articles published together with then far include:
How To Roll & Cut Cookie Dough
How to Melt Chocolate
How to Frost a Layer Cake
How to Make Buffalo Wings
How to Make a Martini
How to Make a Manhattan

I invite yous to banking concern tally them out! ... together with at that topographic point are many many to a greater extent than to come.

My latest assignments I worked on this week?  How to hard boil eggs together with how to brand deviled eggs ... Which led to me taking almost 1,000 photos of eggs past times the fourth dimension all was said-and-done!  And provided my hubby Mark amongst a large ol' tasty plate of 1 of his favorite foods for snackin'.

Second, I'm excited to portion that volition before long hold out getting a novel look!  I'm currently working amongst a designer to re-do the blog's look, together with nosotros should receive got it ready to go within the adjacent brace of weeks.  We came upwardly amongst the color pallet this morn ...

... inspired past times this photo:

What practise yous think???

I'm looking frontward to seeing where the concluding blueprint takes us ... together with to sharing it amongst you!

So similar a shot let's accept a await at xv of my favorite photos {in no detail order} from 's past times iv years.  It's interesting to me that most of my favorites are not  photos of finished food!  I had together with then much fun looking through the blog's photos to option my faves ... together with I promise yous relish seeing together with hearing a piffling well-nigh them, too.


The outset iv photos are taken at my husband's mom's farm, the identify where my married adult man Mark grew up.  Spending fourth dimension at that topographic point together with working roughly 'the farm' is nonetheless his favorite pastime.  When he's driving his tractor, mowing the fields, together with working his bees he's inwards his glory!

1.  Dill caput inwards my mother-in-law's garden.  I retrieve this dill caput is only absolutely beautiful!  {Blog post it's in:  Spicy Pickled Okra}

2.  My married adult man Mark checking on together with cleaning upwardly 1 of our bee hives.  I love that this photograph captures my married adult man inwards activity doing something he loves together with then much.  By the way ... our bees are super  gentle, which is why Mark's non dressed inwards bee keeper's gear ... he's able to banking concern tally the hives without putting on his adapt together with gloves.  Don't endeavour this at home!   {Blog post it's in:  Honey Vanilla Granola ... & Robbing Our Bees!}

3.  Fresh figs picked at 'the farm.'  We receive got 2 huge fig bushes at the farm ... together with popping them inwards our mouths picked direct off the bush is our favorite way to relish fresh figs.  Not entirely are they tasty, but beautiful, too!  And reckon those cracks inwards the pare of the fig inwards the center? ... that way it's really, actually ripe ... together with volition hold out actually really  good!  {Blog post it's in:  Marinated Fig & Arugula Salad amongst Blue Cheese & Walnuts}

4.  Cut fresh figs from 'the farm.'  Aren't the within of figs only together with then strikingly pretty?  I love the deep crimson-y color within the ones that grow at 'the farm.'  This detail platter of the beauties is getting ready to go the topping of a fabulous pizza.  {Blog post it's in:  Fig Pizza}

5.  My Mom carrying a huge bowl of chopped vegetables.   This photograph was taken rattling impromptu.  I was visiting Mom together with Dad, together with Mom together with I had baked a batch of Double Blueberry Muffins amongst Citrus Sugar.  I was out on their deck taking photos of the muffins when Mom walked upwardly carrying this huge bowl of cutting upwardly vegetables she was preparing to roast for dinner.  I turned amongst my photographic tv set camera together with only impromptu snapped this photograph ... together with I love it.   {Blog post it's in:  Summer Roasted Vegetables}

6.  My cookie scoop filled amongst chocolate cookie dough.  I can't actually explicate why I similar this photograph together with then much ... I only do!  Maybe because it has 2 of my favorite things inwards it? ... chocolate cookie dough together with 1 of my favorite kitchen tools, the cookie scoop!   {Blog post it's in:  Fudgy Chocolate Coconut Drops}

The adjacent 2 photos are from my 1st flat didactics days.  I absolutely loved the privilege of didactics piffling ones!  While I'm non currently inwards the classroom, these 2 photos are making my see ache to go back.  

7.  Leprechaun trap inwards my sometime 1st flat classroom.  Oh, this photograph brings dorsum such sweetness memories!  One of my sometime outset flat classes decided nosotros needed to endeavour to grab the leprechaun that had appeared inwards our classroom.  And this is the Leprechaun trap they designed.    {Blog post it's in:  Leprechaun Shakes ... together with yous tin read the storey well-nigh how the shape designed this trap together with changed it over fourth dimension to instruct amend together with better.  They were such sweetness piffling darlings!}

8.  Opening dinosaur surprise rocks.  This is some other 1 of my sweetness sometime 1st graders, opening her surprise stone every bit work of our company populace materials scientific discipline unit.  Each yr when nosotros studied company populace materials (rocks, soil types, etc), I would terminate the unit of measurement amongst a few lessons well-nigh fossils.  Then on the finally afternoon of the unit, students would instruct to pretend to hold out archaeologists together with excavate these dinosaur surprise rocks I made for them.  They were always, always, ever together with then enthralled amongst this!  {Blog post it's in:  Surprise Rocks}

While the bulk of my favorite photos are non of finished dishes, at that topographic point are some finished dish photos that ... for whatever argue ... only strike a cord inwards me.  The adjacent 5 photos did only that.

9.  Warm mixed olives.  I only love the way the unlike olives await together, together with the way they're accented past times only a impact of rosemary.  So pretty!  (I'm non the entirely 1 who thinks nutrient is genuinely beautiful, am I?)  {Blog post it's in:  Warm Rosemary Olives}

10.  Valentine cookies.  This photograph was the outset photograph I ever took amongst my DSLR 'big girl' camera.  The gorgeous sprinkles certain made for a corking outset subject!  {Blog post it's in:  Chocolate Valentine Kiss Cookies}

11.  Sea common salt flakes on Dark Chocolate Bourbon Fudge.  Okay ... together with then this fudge has 3 of my favorite things dark chocolate, bourbon, together with salt.  But that's non what makes me love this photograph together with then much!  No, I love the way the common salt flecks present on go past times of the fudge, together with the beautiful 'blur' (bokeh) of the background fudge.  {Blog post it's in:  Salted Dark Chocolate Bourbon Fudge}

12.  'Naked' Gingerbread Cookies.  I retrieve the simplicity of these undecorated gingerbread cookies is together with then pretty ... which is plenty to brand me love this photograph on its own.  But what makes me love it fifty-fifty to a greater extent than is the handmade Christmas tag from my best friend peeping inwards from the side!  {Blog post it's in:  Gingerbread Cookies}

13.  Egg nog.  I work our dining room tabular array every bit my photograph studio, but ordinarily receive got a background board downward on the surface of the tabular array ... 1. to protect the table, together with 2. because my background board has to a greater extent than texture to it, which I ever idea I would similar best inwards my photos.  Well, when taking photos of this egg nog, I had position the background board together with my props away inwards our cupboard because nosotros had guests coming over.  And I was every bit good lazy to drag it all dorsum out to snap a quick photograph of this egg nog.  So ... this is the outset photograph I ever took amongst the surface of our dining room tabular array every bit the backdrop.  Turns out, I love the dining room table's complete inwards photos!  I also love how unproblematic this photograph is.  {Blog post it's in:  Skinnier {Eggless} Egg Nog}

And let's complete upwardly my favorite picks amongst 2 'people' photos.

14.  Me cooking amongst Sister Schubert.  This past times fall, I had the incredible chance to go to Sister Schubert's dwelling inwards Andalusia, Alabama together with fix a Thanksgiving dinner amongst her.  Sister is a dear, sweet, amazingly sort together with generous woman, together with I am genuinely blessed to receive got had the chance to run across her.  I only adore this photograph of the 2 of us cooking her Sweet Potato Pie ... for which she together with then kindly gave me her recipe together with permit me portion it amongst all of you.   {Blog post it's in:  Sister Schubert's Sweet Potato Pie}

15.  My Mom together with Dad walking afterward Dad's liberate from the hospital.  Last March, our family's life changed forever inwards an instant.  On March 8th, the morn afterward a huge H2O ice tempest that hitting primal North Carolina, my begetter slipped on the H2O ice piece walking out to instruct the morn newspaper.  He fractured his skull inwards 2 places, sustained a traumatic encephalon injury that has left him amongst permanent difficulty, together with was hospitalized for a month.  We weren't certain he'd ever go out the hospital.  But he did.  We weren't certain he'd ever walk unassisted again.  But he does.  While the journeying has been a long 1 ... together with volition proceed to hold out a longer 1 ... Dad is home.  Dad is walking.  Dad is living his life.  And my Mom has been past times his side the entire time, only every bit inwards this photograph of her helping him walk inwards his outset days dwelling from the hospital.  I am together with then blessed to receive got these 2 amazing people every bit my parents.   {Blog post it's in:  Baked Buffalo Wings {& Life Happenings} }

Thank yous together with then much for reading !  I'm looking frontward to continuing to reckon where this blogging jeopardy leads!