Saturday, November 23, 2019

Margarita Cake-N-Jello Shots

    Is it a Margarita?  Is it a Jell-o shot?  Is it cake??  
It's all three!  Yes, with Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots, combine Margaritas, cake, together with a Jell-o shot all into i fun-and-festive piddling political party bite.

 I had the pleasance of spending lastly calendar week  Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots

Throwing a Margarita party?  Or a Cinco de Mayo party?  Or any-ol' political party for that matter??  Then trust me ... build these Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots, together with they'll definitely live the life of the party!

I had the pleasance of spending lastly calendar week ...
... inward North Myrtle Beach, SC amongst my parents for Spring SOS {Society of Stranders} ... which is basically a large ol' week-long Spring Break for adults.  Spring Break for adults who Carolina Shag dance, that is!  Which my parents ... together with a skillful bulk of their friends ... do.  And piece I don't Shag {yet}, I sure receive got fun hanging out amongst my parents together with their crew of fun friends.

One of the highlights of the week?  A fabulous Margarita Party hosted past times their friends Ann together with Ned!

And jurist what???  Ann together with Ned permit me experiment on them together with their political party guests amongst these Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots!  When I foremost figured out I was going to live able to pass the calendar week amongst Mom together with Dad at the beach together with instruct to instruct to the Margarita Party, I merely knew I had the perfect  opportunity to convey to life this cake-n-Jello shot sentiment that had been swimming around inward my caput for a while.

And I'm rattling happy to say, the sentiment did non disappoint.

But earlier nosotros accept a detailed hold off at how to build Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots, hither a few other highlights from the calendar week ... starting amongst the annual SOS Parade.

It was so fun to encounter all the really cool floats created past times the diverse Shag Clubs who come inward the parade.  I small-scale fry y'all not, these folks accept their parade floats seriously!

 I had the pleasance of spending lastly calendar week  Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots
Left: My Mom at the SOS Parade.
Center: Our friends Pat & Archer dressed inward '50s attire on the Competitive Shaggers Association (CSA) float.  Birthday cake on the CSA float.
Right: Ocean Drive Shag Club circus-themed float, consummate amongst zoo animals next along.  Birthday candles leading the CSA float.

Mom together with I made it our parade destination to each collect a 'rainbow' of political party beads beingness thrown from the floats ... nosotros wanted to encounter if nosotros could instruct a strand of every color {we're genuinely merely large kids at heart}.  With a piddling teamwork ... together with some rattling targeted begging ... nosotros succeeded!  Purple together with teal beads were the most elusive ... but our persistence paid off.

Of course, in that place was also a lot of dancing, a lot of staying-up-way-too-late, together with a whole lot of fun.  I'm rattling surprised to state that, afterwards i brusque piddling trip the lite fantastic lesson from our dance-instructor-friend Archer, I fifty-fifty got out on the trip the lite fantastic floor.  Amazing.  I was terrified.  

Nothing similar having your first-ever shag trip the lite fantastic live on a trip the lite fantastic flooring inward front end of hundreds of die-hard shag dancers at probably-the-biggest-gathering-of-shag-dancers-on-the-planet inward the mecca  of shag dancing.

Um yeh ... merely a tad chip intimidating.  But I did it!

 I had the pleasance of spending lastly calendar week  Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots
Left: Me & Mom amongst our haul of beads at the SOS Parade.
Center: Mom line dancing.  Our friends Pat & Archer warming upward for their trip the lite fantastic competition.
Right: Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots making their debut at Ann & Ned's Margarita Party.

And.  We all enjoyed the debut of Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots.

Which is what you've been waiting to listen about, right?  A layer of tequila-&-Triple-Sec-laced Margarita cake topped amongst a layer of Margarita-flavored Jello shots ... it's a fit made inward political party heaven.

 I had the pleasance of spending lastly calendar week  Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots

So let's accept a hold off at how to build these layered piddling political party beauties, shall we?

While non hard to make, in that place are some definite tips & tricks that build preparing Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots easier ... together with hit a 'prettier' lastly result.  So let's accept this procedure step-by-step.

And the start of the procedure is very  important.

Two cardinal points for the start ...

1.  A sturdy cake base of operations that's non also thick The cake needs to live a rattling sturdy cake to concur upward to the Jello layer on top.  I researched how to create a line solid crumb, together with flora that adding dry out pudding mix to boxed cake mix is the trick.  I really ended upward using a modified version of my Mom's Rum Cake for the cake layer ... together with it worked beautifully.  And for those who are wondering ... yes, using pudding mix does  indeed build a divergence ... I tried the cake layer multiple ways, both amongst together with without pudding mix.

The cake layer also can't live also thick, or it overpowers the Jello shot layer ... Or, equally my Mom said, y'all halt upward amongst a cake frosted amongst Jello.  Which really wasn't the point.  We wanted to create a overnice repose of cake shot & Jello shot together ... non a Jello-frosted cake.  The answer to getting the cake thickness right? ... Using exclusively a 1/2 batch of cake batter.

2. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 disposable pan This is important.  To halt upward amongst 'pretty' Jello shot cubes, build the cake/shots inward a disposable 9x13" pan.  You'll encounter why inward a chip ...

So foremost mix upward a 'sturdy' Margarita-flavored cake batter, using 1/2 of a  boxed white cake mix together with vanilla instant pudding mix {and a whole lot of tequila}, together with bake it upward inward a disposable 9x13" pan:

 I had the pleasance of spending lastly calendar week  Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots

Once the cake is baked together with cooled, role a serrated knife to even out off whatsoever high spots on the cake.  Leveling the cake volition create nice, fifty-fifty layers of cake together with Jello together with assist proceed the Jello from 'pooling' on the sides:

 I had the pleasance of spending lastly calendar week  Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots

Reason #1 using a disposable pan is important:
You'll divulge that the cooled cake shrinks away from the sides of the pan a bit.  To proceed the Jello layer from running downwards into the gaps {and hence, most likely, underneath the cake}, gently squish inward the corners together with dent the sides of the pan to 'hug' the cake together with cut back the gaps equally much equally possible.

 I had the pleasance of spending lastly calendar week  Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots

Prepare the Jello shot mixture, chill it until partially set, together with pour/spread it on overstep of the cake layer:

 I had the pleasance of spending lastly calendar week  Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots

Chill the entire pan several hours or overnight until the Jello shot layer is completely set.

Reason #2 using a disposable pan is important:
When it comes fourth dimension to cutting together with serve the Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots, the disposable pan is your best friend.  While y'all sure as shooting could  role a piddling spatula or something to cutting together with take your Cake-n-Jello Shots from a 'regular' baking pan ... cutting together with removing them amongst a disposable pan is much, much easier together with amend preserves their shape.

You know why?

Because y'all tin cutting away the disposable pan!  Pretty skillful idea, don't y'all think?

So when you're gear upward to savour your Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots, role kitchen shears or pair of scissors to cutting through the corners ...

 I had the pleasance of spending lastly calendar week  Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots

... together with oculus of each side of the pan.

Slide the tip of a knife along the edges betwixt the Jello shot layer together with the sides of the pan, together with and so gently describe the pan sides away together with flatten them down.

 I had the pleasance of spending lastly calendar week  Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots

Cut the Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots into cubes using a sawing motility amongst a precipitous paring knife.

Place your fun Cake-n-Jello Shot cubes on platter together with sprinkle amongst a tiny sprinkling of ocean tabular array salt ... merely a small-scale demeanor on of tabular array salt volition do.

  I had the pleasance of spending lastly calendar week  Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots

And together with so serve upward a beautiful platter of Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots  combining Margaritas, cake, together with Jell-o shots all into i festive piddling political party bite.

I hateful seriously, how fun is that?

From our sense at Ann & Ned's Margarita Party, pretty darn-tootin' fun!

 I had the pleasance of spending lastly calendar week  Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots

Margarita Cake-N-Jello Shots
Source:  A Tracey creation, concept inspired past times Booze Cakes: Confections Spiked amongst Spirits, Wine, together with Beer I had the pleasance of spending lastly calendar week  Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots
For the Cake Layer:
  • 1 1/2 c. Duncan Hines* white cake mix {1/2 of a 16.5 oz. package}
  • 1/4 c. dry vanilla instant pudding mix {1/2 of a 3 oz. package}
  • 1/2 T. lime zest
  • 1/2 tsp. orange zest
  • 1/4 c. tequila
  • 2 T. Triple Sec
  • 1/2 lime juiced + H2O to build two T. liquid
  • 1/4 c. canola oil
  • 2 eggs
For the Jell-o Shot Layer:
  • 3 packages lime Jell-o {can role 3 (3 oz.-size) regular or (0.3 oz.-size) sugar-free packages}
  • 2 1/2 c. boiling water
  • 1 1/4 c. tequila
  • 1 c. Triple Sec
  • 1/2 c. ice water
When Serving:
  • sea salt
  1. NOTE: DO NOT FOLLOW PREPARATION DIRECTIONS ON THE CAKE MIX BOX. FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS INSTEAD. In a mixing bowl, house dry out cake mix, dry out pudding mix, lime zest, together with orangish zest; stir to combine. Add tequila, Triple Sec, lime juice {+ water, if needed}, oil, together with eggs. Mix amongst a whisk or electrical mixer until good combined together with batter is smooth.
  2. Pour into a disposable 9x13" baking pan coated amongst non-stick baking spray. Bake at 325 degrees until a toothpick inserted inward oculus comes out clean, close 20-22 minutes. Set cake aside to cool. Once cake is cooled, role a serrated knife to even out off whatsoever high spots on the cake.
  3. Pour boiling H2O into a large mixing bowl. Immediately stir inward lime Jello, i parcel at a time, until completely dissolved. Let cool for five minutes. Stir inward tequila, Triple Sec, together with H2O ice water.
  4. Place Jello mixture inward the fridge together with chill until partially laid ... y'all desire it to live merely offset to gel, but yet pourable; roughly 1 1/2 to two hours {check it frequently}.
  5. Before pouring Jello mixture on overstep of the cake, gently squish inward corners together with dent the sides of the pan to 'hug' the cake together with cut back gaps equally much equally possible. Pour/spread Jello mixture evenly on overstep of the cake layer. Chill the entire pan several hours or overnight until the Jello shot layer is completely set.
  6. When gear upward to savour your Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots, role kitchen shears or pair of scissors to cutting through the corners together with oculus of each side of the disposable pan. Slide the tip of a knife along the edges betwixt the Jello shot layer together with sides of the pan; gently describe pan sides away together with flatten them down. Use a sawing motility amongst a precipitous paring knife to cutting Margarita Cake-n-Jello Shots into cubes {making 8 rows along the long border together with six rows along the brusque edge, for a total of 48 shot cubes}.
  7. Place shot cubes on a serving platter together with sprinkle tops amongst a small-scale sprinkling of ocean salt.

*I recommend using Duncan Hines cake mix, equally it does non already receive got pudding included.  If y'all take a dissimilar cake mix brand, read the ingredients carefully to ensure it doesn't already include pudding inward the mix.

Makes 48 Margarita Cake-n-Jello shots


Enjoy these other Margarita creations from ...