Saturday, November 23, 2019

Emeril's Fresh & Tearing Margarita {With Homemade Citrus Syrup / Margarita Mix}

Add pizazz to your Margaritas amongst Homemade Citrus Syrup / Margarita Mix freshly made, delicious, in addition to quite maybe the foundation of the best margarita around, cheers to Emeril's Fresh & Fierce Margarita recipe!

 in addition to quite maybe the foundation of the best margarita unopen to Emeril's Fresh & Fierce Margarita {with Homemade Citrus Syrup / Margarita Mix}

There are oh in addition to hence many delicious ways to relish margaritas.  How to induce got yours is genuinely a thing of personal preference - On the rocks, conduct up, or frozen.  Classic amongst lime or flavored amongst other fruits similar mango or strawberry.  Salt or no salt.  Bottled mix or fresh-made.

As for me?  
I induce got mine conduct upward amongst fresh lime ... no bottled mixes involved!

Not that there's anything incorrect amongst bottled mixes.  Nope, cypher incorrect at all.  Skipping them is exactly my personal preference.

And did you lot know you lot tin make your own  lime-based margarita citrus syrup correct at home?  Thanks to this base of operations recipe from Emeril Lagassi, you lot certain can!

And allow me exactly country you, it's soooooooo good.

And non difficult at all.

To brand homemade citrus syrup / margarita mix, commencement prepare a tablespoon each of lime in addition to lemon zest.  Then combine the zests inwards a saucepan amongst some sugar, fresh lime juice, fresh lemon juice, pineapple juice, in addition to a impact of water, stirring over medium oestrus until the saccharide fully dissolves.

 in addition to quite maybe the foundation of the best margarita unopen to Emeril's Fresh & Fierce Margarita {with Homemade Citrus Syrup / Margarita Mix}

Cool the citrus syrup / margarita mix to room temperature in addition to pour through a small-scale colander to strain out the zest.

 in addition to quite maybe the foundation of the best margarita unopen to Emeril's Fresh & Fierce Margarita {with Homemade Citrus Syrup / Margarita Mix}

And at that topographic point you lot induce got it ...

You've immediately got freshly made homemade citrus syrup / margarita mix that puts those bottled mixes to shame!  Conveniently, the citrus syrup tin hold upward made inwards advance in addition to stored inwards a  covered container inwards the refrigerator, too.

When you're laid upward to mix your margaritas, simply chill your spectacles inwards the freezer for xv minutes or so.  Then, common salt your spectacles past times moistening the rims amongst a lime wedge in addition to dipping them inwards coarse salt.

Next, fill upward a cocktail shaker almost one-half total amongst ice.  Pour inwards the homemade citrus syrup / margarita mix, proficient character white tequila, in addition to Triple Sec in addition to milk shiver it all upward until the ingredients are good chilled.  Shaking for a total thirty seconds to 1 infinitesimal is recommended for the proper chill, in addition to hence piece of occupation along that shaker going!  Pour the mixture into your prepared spectacles in addition to garnish on the side amongst lime wedges.

Then teach laid upward to relish 1 of the best margaritas unopen to - conduct up, classic, in addition to fresh ... consummate amongst your really ain homemade citrus syrup / margarita mix.

 in addition to quite maybe the foundation of the best margarita unopen to Emeril's Fresh & Fierce Margarita {with Homemade Citrus Syrup / Margarita Mix}

Emeril's Fresh & Fierce Margaritas amongst Homemade Citrus Syrup / Margarita Mix
Source:  Adapted from Emeril Lagassi, equally shared on
(Printable recipe)
Citrus Syrup:
  • 3/4 c. freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1/4 c. freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1/4 c. pineapple juice
  • 1/4 c. water
  • 1/3 c. granulated sugar
  • 1 T. lime zest
  • 1 T. lemon zest
  • 1 c. white tequila
  • 3/4 c. Trip Sec
Salted Rims & Garnish:
  • lime wedges
  • coarse or kosher salt
  1. FOR THE CITRUS SYRUP: Combine lime juice, lemon juice, pineapple juice, water, sugar, in addition to zests inwards a saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Cook in addition to stir until saccharide is dissolved. Remove from heat.
  2. Cool to room temperature in addition to strain out zests. Store inwards a covered container inwards the fridge until laid upward to prepare margaritas.
  3. FOR SALTED RIMS: Place common salt inwards a shallow dish. Moisten the rim of each drinking glass amongst a lime wedge in addition to dip each rim inwards the salt. Set aside.
  4. FOR MARGARITAS: Fill a cocktail shaker almost one-half total amongst ice. Add the cooled citrus syrup, tequila, in addition to Triple Sec. Shake until good chilled, almost 1 minute.
  5. Pour into prepared spectacles in addition to garnish amongst lime wedges.
Makes iv margaritas, in addition to almost 1 loving cup citrus syrup


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