Sunday, November 24, 2019

Holiday Mulled Cranberry Tea

Mulled cider in addition to mulled vino stride aside ... there's a novel mulled drinkable inward town!  Mulled Cranberry Tea is my novel favorite Fall in addition to vacation warm spiced drink.  Give it a endeavor - it'll hold out your novel favorite, too.

 Mulled cider in addition to mulled vino stride aside  Holiday Mulled Cranberry Tea

When the cooler temperatures come upwardly around, I'm all well-nigh warm drinks.  There's but something hence comforting well-nigh belongings a warm mug in addition to sipping away.

And when that warm imbibe but hence happens to pick out been simmered amongst the deliciousness of cinnamon in addition to cloves?  Even better.  And fifty-fifty to a greater extent than comforting.  And allow me but say, I'm loving that tea in addition to cranberry pick out joined forces inward this version of mulled comfort.

But when I offset ran across the recipe inspiration for this Mulled Cranberry Tea inward the Crock-Pot Slow Cooker Bible Mulled cider in addition to mulled vino stride aside  Holiday Mulled Cranberry Tea cookbook, I was actually skeptical.  I mean, amongst cranberry every bit the major component, wouldn't it hold out tart?  Like, likewise tart to fifty-fifty enjoy?

 Mulled cider in addition to mulled vino stride aside  Holiday Mulled Cranberry Tea

And in addition to hence to plough over off the cranberry tartness, yous add together lemon?  Ummm, lemon = to a greater extent than tart, right?

I nonetheless had to give the combination a try, of course.  'Cause I similar to endeavor season combinations that are novel to me.  Even if I'm skeptical.

 Mulled cider in addition to mulled vino stride aside  Holiday Mulled Cranberry Tea

Well, it turns out this cranberry-tea-lemony-spice concoction is but perfect for mutual frigidity atmospheric condition sipping.  Very flavorful.  Very yummy.  And non likewise tart at all.  I changed upwardly the master copy recipe quite a chip ... increasing the tea, increasing the spice, adjusting proportions, changing the sweetener in addition to the cooking method ... to conform it to my liking.  Tweak to your liking, likewise ... After all, isn't that 1 of the fun things well-nigh cooking?

 I encourage yous to whip upwardly a batch of Mulled Cranberry Tea for a vacation party, pre-holiday dinner sipping, brunch ... or but for yourself to sip field curled upwardly amongst a practiced book.

It's packs ultimate mulled season in addition to comfort.

 Mulled cider in addition to mulled vino stride aside  Holiday Mulled Cranberry Tea

Holiday Mulled Cranberry Tea
Source:  Adapted from Crock-Pot Slow Cooker Bible Mulled cider in addition to mulled vino stride aside  Holiday Mulled Cranberry Tea

  • 3 regular-sized tea bags
  • 1 1/4 c. boiling water
  • 1 (60 oz.) bottle 100% juice cranberry juice {not cranberry juice cocktail}
  • 1/2 c. dark brownish sugar
  • 1/2 c. dried cranberries {eg: Craisins}
  • 1 lemon, thinly sliced
  • 4 or 5 cinnamon sticks
  • 10 whole cloves
  1. Place tea bags inward a large pot or Dutch oven. Pour boiling H2O over tea bags; steep for v minutes. Remove tea bags from pot, gently squeezing H2O out dorsum into the pot.
  2. Add all remaining ingredients to pot. Over medium heat, pick out to a rattling gentle simmer {small bubbles should but hold out forming some the edges). Reduce estrus to medium-low to low; gently simmer, covered, for thirty minutes.
  3. Serve warm amongst additional cinnamon sticks for garnish, if desired.
Leftovers tin give the axe hold out stored inward the refrigerator.  Remove lemon slices in addition to cinnamon sticks earlier refrigerating every bit their flavors volition teach likewise potent if left inward the mixture.
I also bask the mulled tea served cold.
This tin give the axe hold out prepared inward a irksome cooker.  Steep tea bags inward boiling water; identify tea inward irksome cooker.  Add remaining ingredients in addition to produce on high setting for 1 1/2 to ii hours or on depression setting for three to four hours.


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