Sunday, November 24, 2019

Slow Cooker Apple Tree Pudding Cake

Soft cake, tender apples, together with a pudding-like apple tree sauce all baked upwards alongside the convenience of your tiresome cooker crockpot?  Sure thing! ... When it's Slow Cooker Apple Pudding Cake!

It's apple tree time!  And equally much equally I develop alongside apples, I realized inward looking through my recipe index that I haven't shared all that many apple tree recipes alongside you.  So today I've decided to accept at to the lowest degree i pocket-size footstep toward fixing that ... past times sharing i apple tree recipe alongside you.  And, oh, this Slow Cooker Apple Pudding Cake is a nifty one!

Now when I'm peeling apples to develop alongside I similar to play a picayune game alongside myself.  Oh come upwards on, I know I can't endure the alone one! ...
Yes, I similar to come across if I tin sack pare the entire apple tree alongside keeping the pare inward i large long strip.

I unremarkably can't.

But sometimes I produce actually good!  Like this i ...

I almost  made it all the agency to the destination of the apple tree earlier the pare strip broke.  Pretty good, huh?  But getting that laaaaast picayune fighting of the apple tree peeled alongside the pare strip notwithstanding intact only isn't easy.

I know, I know ... I'm only a large kid at heart.  But acknowledge it ... you lot play alongside food, too, don't you?

Well making this Slow Cooker Apple Pudding Cake is agency easier than peeling an apple tree inward i large strip.

All you lot direct hold to produce is pose a few uncomplicated ingredients inward a tiresome cooker ... layering them inward without stirring ... together with allow them develop for virtually 2 1/2 hours.  That's it.  The cake batter business office cooks upwards into a prissy tender cake, together with the liquid business office cooks upwards into a pudding-like sauce.  

The kickoff layer to larn into the tiresome cooker crockpot is a uncomplicated cake batter, which together with hence gets topped alongside chopped apples.

Next pour inward a mixture of apple tree cider {or apple tree juice}, honey, melted butter, together with cinnamon ... don't stir!

Then plough the crockpot on together with allow it go.

The cake volition bake upwards puffy, alongside tender apples on top, together with a slightly-thickened 'pudding' sauce on the bottom.

The 'pudding' sauce may endure a fighting sparse when the cake is pipe hot, but it thickens upwards a tad equally it cools.

Spoon the yummy apple-y cake out, move past times it alongside a scoop of 'pudding' sauce, together with add together a dollop of whipped cream.

And together with hence dig in, equally fast equally you lot can.  'Cause you lot only won't desire to wait.

See?  Waaaaay easier than peeling an entire apple tree inward i long strip.


Slow Cooker Apple Pudding Cake
Source:  Adapted from Taste of Home Christmaslike apple tree sauce all baked upwards alongside the convenience of your tiresome cooker crockpot Slow Cooker Apple Pudding Cake, 2011
(Printable recipe)
For the cake batter:
  • 2 c. all-purpose flour
  • 2/3 c. granulated sugar
  • 3 tsp. baking powder
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1/8 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 c. cold butter, cutting inward pocket-size cubes
  • 1 c. milk
  • 2 medium-sized Granny Smith apples {or other tart apples}, peeled together with chopped
For the pudding mixture:
  • 1 1/2 c. apple cider or apple tree juice
  • 1 T. fresh lemon juice
  • 1/3 c. honey
  • 1/4 c. granulated sugar
  • 2 T. butter, melted
  • 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • whipped cream {optional}
  1. CAKE BATTER: In a mixing bowl, combine flour 2/3 loving cup sugar, baking powder, salt, together with 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon. Cut butter inward alongside a pastry blender, 2 knives, or your fingers until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Stir inward milk until only moistened. Spray a 4-quart or 5-quart tiresome cooker alongside nonstick cooking spray. Spread batter into the bottom of the tiresome cooker; sprinkle chopped apples evenly over batter.
  2. PUDDING MIXTURE: In a pocket-size bowl, combine apple tree cider, honey, melted butter, 1/4 loving cup sugar, together with 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Pour over apples together with cake batter. Do non stir.
  3. Cover together with develop on high setting for 2 1/2 to iii hours, or until apples are tender.
  4. Serve warm alongside a dollop of whipped cream.
Note I warm leftovers upwards inward the microwave ... it industrial plant only fine.


Please bask these other apple tree sweetness treats from ...

Old-Fashioned Apple Cake