Sunday, November 24, 2019

Easy Thai Kokosnoot Curry Spaghetti Squelch Amongst Chicken

 for sponsoring creation of this flavorful fast Easy Thai Coconut Curry Spaghetti Squash amongst Chicken
Thank you lot to Imagine® Culinary Simmer Sauces for sponsoring creation of this flavorful fast-to-the-table dish.  With the assistance of Imagine's® Thai Coconut Curry simmer sauce, I tin flame live enjoying delicious Thai Coconut Curry Spaghetti Squash amongst Chicken inwards less than xxx minutes.

 for sponsoring creation of this flavorful fast Easy Thai Coconut Curry Spaghetti Squash amongst Chicken

H5N1 twain weeks back, I shared slow Pasta Jambalaya made with Imagine® Louisiana Creole Culinary Simmer Sauce.  Well, I'm together with then glad I got the chance to exercise amongst some other flavour of  Imagine's® fabulous sauces!
I tend to shy away from making Thai-inspired dishes.  For some reason, I ever intend they're complicated to brand ... or that I'll bring to run to the shop for a bunch of ingredients I don't maintain on hand, aid to by-pass Thai dishes for ones that appear ... good ... less complex to me.

Enter Imagine's® Thai Coconut Curry simmer sauce to essay me incorrect ...
'Cause Imagine® simply made Thai easy.  And quick.  And convenient for me.  

 for sponsoring creation of this flavorful fast Easy Thai Coconut Curry Spaghetti Squash amongst Chicken

And when I tin flame bring a actually tasty dish on the tabular array that's easy, quick, together with convenient, I'm an extra happy girl.

With Imagine's® simmer sauce, all the ingredients I needed for a flavorful Thai sauce were correct at that topographic point inwards one handy 10-ounce pouch.  No running to the shop to assemble upwardly a bunch of stuff.  No worry most complicated grooming or cooking.  And I dearest that the sauce inwards the handy pouch is certified organic, amongst no preservatives together with no artificial ingredients. 

I whipped up Thai Coconut Curry Spaghetti Squash amongst Chicken inwards 4 uncomplicated steps ...  1.  Cooked upwardly my spaghetti squeeze ... inwards the microwave, together with then it went chop-chop ...  2.  Seared some chicken together with mushrooms inwards a skillet ... 3.  Added Imagine's® simmer sauce, together with ... 4.  Stirred inwards my cooked spaghetti squeeze strands.  

That's it.  Quick together with convenient, right?

 for sponsoring creation of this flavorful fast Easy Thai Coconut Curry Spaghetti Squash amongst Chicken

Well approximate what.

Just like Imagine® sent me a "Pan amongst a Plan" pack together with then I could give their sauce a endeavor ... including a pouch of each of their 4 simmer sauce flavors, a novel saucepan, together with a grocery Visa gift menu to purchase some ingredients to become amongst my sauces ... they desire to shipping some of you  a "Pan amongst a Plan" prize pack, too!  Yeh, the Imagine® people are dainty similar that.

Just view the Imagine® Facebook page and follow their instructions to motion into for your peril to win a "Pan amongst a Plan" prize pack!  Each calendar week for vi weeks {mid-October through November}, 8 winners volition live selected to have a prize pack.  That's a full of 48 winners!  I promise 1 of them is you!!  {Full entry rules are detailed on the Imagine® Facebook page.}

 for sponsoring creation of this flavorful fast Easy Thai Coconut Curry Spaghetti Squash amongst Chicken

So, are you lot similar me together with intend whipping upwardly a fabulous Thai-inspired repast is complicated?


As I institute out, non amongst the assistance of Imagine's® Thai Coconut Curry Culinary Simmer Sauce!  Nope.  With Imagine's® help, Thai is easy.  Give it a endeavor together with you'll sure see.

Thai Coconut Curry Spaghetti Squash amongst Chicken
  • 1 (10 oz.) packet Imagine® Thai Coconut Curry Culinary Simmer Sauce
  • 4 c. spaghetti squeeze pulp {1 minor spaghetti squash}
  • 1 lb. boneless skinless chicken breast, cutting into bite-sized pieces
  • 4 oz. mushrooms, sliced
  • 1/4 c. chopped fresh cilantro
  • 1 T. extra virgin olive oil
  1. Cut squeeze inwards one-half lengthwise together with place, cutting side down, inwards a microwave-safe baking dish. Add H2O to the baking dish to come upwardly up most 1/2-inch on the side of the dish. Cover loosely amongst plastic wrap. Microwave for simply about 10 to fifteen minutes until squeeze is tender together with easily pierced amongst a paring knife. Uncover together with allow to cool slightly. Use the tines of a fork to gently clit the flesh of the squeeze into strands. Set aside.
  2. Heat crude inwards a skillet over medium-high heat. Add chicken together with cook, stirring frequently, until lightly browned, simply about iii to 4 minutes. Add mushrooms; laid upwardly most ii to iii minutes until mushrooms soften.
  3. Reduce estrus to medium. Pour inwards Culinary Simmer Sauce together with stir gently. Simmer most iii minutes.
  4. Add spaghetti squeeze together with cilantro; stir gently to coat amongst sauce.
NOTE Spaghetti squeeze tin flame live baked inwards the oven.  Place inwards a baking dish, every bit directed inwards stride 1 above.  Cover amongst foil. Bake at 375 degrees for most 45 minutes, until squash is easily pierced amongst a paring knife. Turn squash over, re-cover amongst foil, and continue to bake most some other fifteen minutes until rattling tender.


This is a sponsored postal service written yesteryear me on behalf of Imagine® Culinary Simmer Sauces.

Enjoy these other fabulous dishes made with Imagine® Culinary Simmer Sauces:

Pasta Jambalaya from

Latin Veracruz Chicken & Black Bean Burrito Bowls from Frugal Foodie Mama