Sunday, November 24, 2019

Honeydew Amongst Maple Syrup & Dried Cranberries

Did you lot know the combination of honeydew melon in addition to maple syrup is amazing?  Don't believe me?  Try it for yourself alongside this tardily {and impressive looking} Honeydew alongside Maple Syrup & Dried Cranberries for breakfast.

Happy Labor Day, everyone!  In laurels of this fabulous end-of-summer American holiday, I decided to portion alongside you lot 1 of my favorite NO LABOR breakfasts.  {Get it?  Get my pun?? ... yea, I figured you lot did.}  With exactly 3 uncomplicated ingredients in addition to no-time-at-all alongside a paring knife, you lot tin convey this impressive looking breakfast {or snack} process on the table.  And no 1 has to know that it took you, like, nanoseconds to prepare.
A duo of summers ago, my hubby in addition to I had the groovy pleasance of staying at the Mountain Laurel Creek Inn & Spa in Dahlonega, Georgia, spell on a wine-tasting trip alongside our friends Jacquelyn in addition to Mike.  And permit me exactly say ya, Mountain Laurel Creek Inn serves upwards around fabulous  breakfasts!

My favorites?

Their Roasted Sweet Potato & Sausage Quiche ... which they were form plenty to portion the recipe for alongside me.  And this uncomplicated footling Honeydew alongside Maple Syrup breakfast 'appetizer.'

Who knew the season combination of honeydew in addition to maple was soooo good??  {well, patently the folks at Mountain Laurel Creek Inn!}

To recreate this tasty tidbit, but initiative of all alongside a wedge of honeydew melon ...

... in addition to slide a paring knife along the bottom to divide the rind from the melon flesh.  Leave the rind a footling thick, taking a fleck of the flesh along alongside it ...

... or you'll destination upwards a rind that's all 'flopped out.'  Like this ...

And that's non what nosotros want, an all-flopped-out rind.  The rind volition human activity kinda similar our bowl.  It doesn't quest to completely 'hug' the melon flesh tight, but it should remain relatively inwards form underneath the melon piece.

Next, vertically piece the melon into virtually 1-inch pieces.  Just endure careful non to cutting downwardly into the rind 'bowl' 'cause that volition drive it to initiative of all to 'flop out.'  And remember, nosotros don't desire that.

Then drizzle the melon alongside maple syrup in addition to sprinkle on around dried cranberries.

That's it!

You're directly ready to dig inwards to this tasty footling breakfast treat.  And to laissez passer on yourself a footling pat on the dorsum for  your breakfast lookin' in addition to then proficient ... alongside in addition to then footling effort.  {Don't worry, I won't tell.}

Honeydew alongside Maple Syrup & Dried Cranberries
Source:  Inspired by Mountain Laurel Creek Inn & Spa, Dahlonega, GA
(Printable recipe)

For each serving:
  • 1 wedge honeydew melon
  • 1 T. pure maple syrup
  • 1 T. dried cranberries {such every bit CraisinsDid you lot know the combination of honeydew melon in addition to maple syrup is amazing Honeydew alongside Maple Syrup & Dried Cranberries}
  1. Place honeydew wedge on a pocket-size plate. Run a precipitous paring knife along the bottom of the wedge betwixt the rind in addition to the melon flesh, separating the rind from the flesh. {Leave the rind a fleck thick in addition to then it volition 'stand up' 1 time separated from the melon.} With the melon even in addition to then sitting on the directly separated rind slice, gently piece vertically through the melon to cutting it into virtually 1-inch chunks, beingness careful non to cutting through to the rind.
  2. Drizzle maple syrup evenly over melon in addition to sprinkle alongside dried cranberries.