Saturday, November 23, 2019

Bacon & Scallion Deviled Eggs

Kick your deviled eggs upwardly a notch alongside the fabulous season combination inwards these scrumptious Bacon & Scallion Deviled Eggs.

 Kick your deviled eggs upwardly a notch alongside the fabulous season combination inwards these scrumptio Bacon & Scallion Deviled Eggs

In college too graduate school, I used to alive on bagels for breakfast.  Heck, quite oft I ate them for luncheon too dinner, too.  To me, at that spot was zip ameliorate than a soft too chewy {untoasted} bakery bagel slathered alongside cream cheese.  

Now when I was at my dorm or {in afterward years} my apartment, it was touchstone ol' apparently cream cheese I enjoyed equally my bagel schmear.  But when I journeyed out to the bagel shop? ... I ever indulged inwards ane of their flavored cream cheeses equally a treat.

So you're likely thinking, exactly what create bagels too cream cheese accept to create alongside deviled eggs?
Based on the season combination of these Bacon & Scallion Deviled Eggs, I bet y'all tin likely guess.

Yes ... my absolute, hands-down, all-time favorite cream cheese season to bask alongside my bagels is ... 

bacon & scallion!

 Kick your deviled eggs upwardly a notch alongside the fabulous season combination inwards these scrumptio Bacon & Scallion Deviled Eggs

So naturally I used my favorite cream cheese combination equally inspiration for these totally scrumptious Bacon & Scallion Deviled Eggs.  There's exactly something near bacon too scallions together that is oh too then good.

And I'm excited to tell that bacon-scallion season combination I loved too then much inwards my bagels too cream cheese absolutely rocks inwards these Bacon & Scallion Deviled Eggs, too.  In fact, these may exactly survive my new absolute, hands-down, all-time favorite deviled eggs.

 Kick your deviled eggs upwardly a notch alongside the fabulous season combination inwards these scrumptio Bacon & Scallion Deviled Eggs

Bacon & Scallion Deviled Eggs
Source:  A Tracey creation

  • 6 hard boiled eggs
  • 2 slices bacon, cooked too crumbled
  • 1 T. finely chopped scallion {about 1 dark-green onion}
  • 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice
  • pinch salt
  • pinch black pepper
  • 1/4 c. mayonnaise
  1. Cut difficult boiled eggs inwards one-half lengthwise. Remove yolks too house inwards a modest mixing bowl.
  2. Mash yolks alongside a fork until they resemble a sandy texture. Mash inwards lemon juice, one-half of the bacon crumbles, scallions, salt, too pepper until good combined. Add mayonnaise; stir until good combined too smooth.
  3. Place yolk mixture inwards a pipe purse fitted alongside a large circular tip.* Pipe yolk mixture into the cavity of each egg white. Garnish each deviled egg alongside remaining bacon crumbles too additional chopped scallions {optional}.
  4. Refrigerate for 2 hours or overnight earlier serving to let flavors to meld.
* I purpose a disposable pipe bag. H5N1 zip-top baggie tin also survive used house yolk mixture inwards the baggie, seal, too cutting a bottom corner of the baggie. Or, but purpose 2 spoons to spoon the yolk mixture into the egg whites.

See my step-by-step 'How to Hard Boil Eggs' article on the How-To section of


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