Saturday, November 23, 2019

Spicy Praline Bacon

Bake upwards a plateful of Spicy Praline Bacon as well as yous as well as your tastebuds are inwards for roughly darn amazing sweet-and-spicy bacon yumminess!

 as well as yous as well as your tastebuds are inwards for roughly darn amazing sweetness Spicy Praline Bacon

When I had the amazing chance to cook with Sister Schubert  at her domicile dorsum inwards November, ane of my favorite things she served was wonderfully sweet-and-smokey Spicy Praline Bacon.  Smothered inwards spicy sugar, sprinkled with pecans, as well as baked to crispy perfection ...
... I merely absolutely had to recreate it at domicile as well as part it with you.

 as well as yous as well as your tastebuds are inwards for roughly darn amazing sweetness Spicy Praline Bacon

Spicy Praline Bacon gets its sweetness as well as spiciness from a layer of brownish saccharide as well as chili pulverization that's sprinkled on business office agency through baking.  I added a touching on of cayenne as well as dark pepper to amp upwards the spiciness {I dear spicy food!} ... but the spices tin for sure endure adjusted according to your personal taste.

After layering on the sugar-spice mixture, the Spicy Praline Bacon gets a practiced sprinkling of chopped pecans.  It wouldn't endure praline without pecans!

 as well as yous as well as your tastebuds are inwards for roughly darn amazing sweetness Spicy Praline Bacon

Now I modest yous non ... when I was writing the cite of this dish the other day, I genuinely wrote 'praline bacine' past times mistake.  It's got form of a prissy band to it, don't yous think??  Praline bacine.  I cracked upwards when I realized what I'd done.

Serve upwards a piffling platter of Spicy Praline Bacon every bit the perfect political party pick-up to impress your guests {and their tastebuds}, or serve it amongst waffles or pancakes for an extra-special breakfast or brunch {or breakfast-for-dinner!} bacon treat.

Whether yous telephone phone it Spicy Praline Bacine ... or, every bit it should endure known, Spicy Praline Bacon ... all your tastebuds volition know as well as attention close is that it's roughly darn amazing sweet-and-spicy bacon yumminess.

 as well as yous as well as your tastebuds are inwards for roughly darn amazing sweetness Spicy Praline Bacon

Spicy Praline Bacon
Source:  Adapted from Sister Schubert
(Printable recipe)

  • 1 lb. thick-cut bacon
  • 1/4 c. light brownish sugar
  • 1 tsp. chili powder
  • 1/8 tsp. black pepper
  • pinch cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 c. finely chopped pecans
  1. In a little bowl, combine brownish sugar, chili powder, dark pepper, as well as cayenne. Stir until good mixed.
  2. Arrange bacon inwards a unmarried layer on a broiling pan or a rack gear upwards inwards a jelly curlicue pan {line within of the broiler pan or the jelly curlicue pan with aluminum foil}. Bake at 425 degrees for 10 minutes.
  3. Remove pan from oven as well as sprinkle bacon slices with brownish saccharide mixture as well as and thus with pecans.
  4. Return pan to oven as well as maintain baking until bacon is crisp, close five to 10 to a greater extent than minutes.
If serving every bit an appetizer/party food, I recommend cutting the bacon slices inwards one-half earlier baking.