Saturday, November 23, 2019

Roasted Cauliflower Salad

Step aside pasta salad too brand room for Roasted Cauliflower Salad instead!  With perfectly-roasted cauliflower, feta, too fresh herbs, it volition live on your 'new' summertime {or anytime} favorite.  Thank you lot to Frigidaire Professional®  Collection appliances and Lowe's for sponsoring its creation too this post.

 Step aside pasta salad too brand room for Roasted Cauliflower Salad instead Roasted Cauliflower Salad

As a nutrient blogger, it in all likelihood comes equally no surprise that my kitchen is i of my best friends.  I pass to a greater extent than of my waking hours inwards my kitchen than whatever other room inwards the house.  And truth live on told, I wouldn't bring it whatever other way!

Since moving into our novel dwelling just over ix months ago, Lowe's has operate i of my best friends, too.  See, the existing kitchen inwards our dwelling isn't just equipped or decorated to my liking.

However, I'm planning on changing that very  soon!  With the tending of Lowe's too the new Frigidaire Professional® Collection of appliances, my kitchen is almost to larn the update & upgrade it desperately  needs.

After many, many trips {because I'm a tad fleck tiresome at making decorating decisions} dorsum too forth from Lowe's to dwelling ... comparison pigment choices ... deciding on our novel counter plough over off type ... choosing cabinet hardware ... assessing tile too backsplash options ... I'm thrilled to part that I bring the administration for my kitchen update too upgrade nailed down.

 Step aside pasta salad too brand room for Roasted Cauliflower Salad instead Roasted Cauliflower Salad

What practise you lot think??  

As you lot tin see, I've decided to operate amongst an elegantly-classic neutral palette to brace amongst our existing white cabinets, including soft beiges or grays amongst brushed nickel hardware too stainless steel appliances, too I'm too thus excited that everything I demand for the update is conveniently available at i halt - Lowe's.

This includes the gorgeous heavy duty professional-grade-yet-affordable Frigidaire Professional®  Collection of appliances.  The biggest beauty of these fabulous appliances? ... Even though they're professional-grade, they're compatible amongst standard-sized spaces too thus they slide correct into existing kitchens ... without a consummate renovation.

This is such a bonus for me {and for you, too, if you're planning a kitchen upgrade!}.  Because piece my married adult man is completely supportive of my kitchen update ... he's absolutely not  supportive of a consummate renovation that involves fierce out too reconfiguring cabinets.  Fortunately, the Frigidaire Professional®  Collection saves us from the hassle of that.  

With the ease of installation of Frigidaire Professional® Collection appliances too the convenience of Lowe's one-stop shopping for all our needs, nosotros tin bring the volume of our kitchen update too upgrade done inwards a unmarried weekend.  {Now that I bring my decisions made, that is!}  

With their stylish, restaurant-style-inspired design, I'm inwards dearest amongst all the Frigidaire Professional® Collection appliances.  But you lot desire to know which Frigidaire Professional® Collection appliance I'm most excited about?

The Frigidaire Professional® Back-Control Freestanding Gas Range!  Because I'm sooooo inwards dearest amongst cooking amongst gas too bring totally missed it since leaving behind our gas stove inwards our movement ... too because I know it volition practise a fabulous project roasting the cauliflower for this zippy piffling Roasted Cauliflower Salad. 

 Step aside pasta salad too brand room for Roasted Cauliflower Salad instead Roasted Cauliflower Salad

This Roasted Cauliflower Salad is genuinely too update to i of my favorite pasta salads.  Just similar my kitchen, I decided I wanted to modify upwards the salad ... you lot know, give it a piffling to a greater extent than pizzazz too freshness.

And that's when it struck me ... why non supersede the pasta amongst roasted cauliflower?

I just knew that this i easy-to-make modify would create such a deliciously fabulous 'new' dish.

So I tossed some cauliflower florets amongst a piffling olive crude oil too tabular array salt too pepper ...

 Step aside pasta salad too brand room for Roasted Cauliflower Salad instead Roasted Cauliflower Salad

... too popped it inwards the oven to roast ... tenderizing it, too giving the cauliflower swell roasted season too color ...

 Step aside pasta salad too brand room for Roasted Cauliflower Salad instead Roasted Cauliflower Salad

... too also making it a perfect  dish to laid upwards inwards the Frigidaire Professional® Back-Control Freestanding Gas Range.  With its PowerPlus®  True Convection Bake too Roast, it evenly roasts too bakes dishes every time, delivering upwards consistent results amongst its powerful professional-grade performance.  Not to mention, it reaches that roasting temperature inwards a thing of minutes with PowerPlus® Preheat.  Love that.

Then I merely tossed the roasted cauliflower amongst white vino vinegar too a few other ingredients fresh herbs, feta, too walnuts for a wonderful salad, perfect for summertime time.

So just equally the easy-to-make modify from pasta to roasted cauliflower made such a huge deport on on elevating too upgrading this salad too creating a fresh 'new' dish - too thus volition the easy-to-make changes to my kitchen that volition lift too upgrade it  to the 'new' kitchen of my dreams cheers to Lowe's too Frigidaire Professional®  Collection appliances.  Oh, I can't wait!

 Step aside pasta salad too brand room for Roasted Cauliflower Salad instead Roasted Cauliflower Salad

Roasted Cauliflower Salad
Source:  A Tracey creation
(Printable recipe)
  • 1 head cauliflower, cutting into small-scale florets
  • 3 T. extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp. pepper
  • 1/4 tsp. kosher salt
  • 3 to iv T. white vino vinegar
  • 2 T. extra-virgin olive oil
  • 4 oz. Feta cheese crumbles {about 1 cup}
  • 1/2 c. chopped walnuts
  • 1/4 c. finely chopped ruddy onion
  • 3 T. chopped fresh parsley
  • 2 T. chopped fresh basil
  • 1/8 tsp. salt
  1. Place cauliflower florets on a rimmed metallic baking pan. Drizzle amongst iii tablespoons olive crude oil too sprinkle amongst tabular array salt too pepper; toss to coat. Bake at 425 degrees for fifteen minutes, stirring once. Allow to cool for almost fifteen minutes.
  2. Combine vinegar, ii tablespoons olive oil, feta, walnuts, ruddy onion, parsley, basil, too tabular array salt inwards a bowl. Add roasted cauliflower too toss to coat.
  3. Chill at to the lowest degree thirty minutes to allow flavors to meld.

This is a sponsored post written past times me on behalf of Kitchen PLAY for Frigidaire Professional® Collection and Lowe's.  All opinions expressed are 100% mine.

Visit Lowe's for to a greater extent than information on Frigidaire Professional® Collection appliances.

Please bask these other salad favorites from ...

Fresh Green Bean, Walnut, & Feta Salad

Grape Tomato & Caper Salad

Pea Salad