Saturday, November 23, 2019

Garlic & Dill Marinated Shrimp

There's naught ameliorate than a fabulous nutrient too vino pairing!  And these Garlic & Dill Marinated Shrimp twosome beautifully with bright-and-bubbly Prosecco a perfect spring-and-summer political party pair.  Thank you lot to Tiziano Wine for inspiring this pairing too sponsoring this post. 

s naught ameliorate than a fabulous nutrient too vino pairing Garlic & Dill Marinated Shrimp

My friends, I am a huge fan of wine.  For those who know me 'outside the blog,' this tilt absolutely comes equally no surprise.  Yes, when it comes to enjoying a cocktail, a corking drinking glass of vino is ever my outset choice.

So when Tiziano Wine challenged me to portion a vino too nutrient pairing perfect for a party, I was thrilled to bring together in on the fun.  Oh, but which of their wonderful wines to select to function with?  Crisp Pinot Grigio?   Sparkling Prosecco?  Or i of Tiziano's bold, full-bodied Chiantis?

While I dearest them all, really the alternative ... for me ... was quite easy.

You see, because I am a total  lover of the bubbles ... sparkling vino bubbles, that is!

And so, Prosecco was the slow choice.  I went to function coming upwardly with a party-perfect Prosecco pairing.

s naught ameliorate than a fabulous nutrient too vino pairing Garlic & Dill Marinated Shrimp

Which ... to hold upwardly honest ... genuinely wasn't difficult at all.

With it's low-cal fruity flavour {and fun-and-lively bubbles!}, Tiziano Prosecco is really versatile ... pairing wonderfully with lots of low-cal boundary too summertime dishes, mild Asian flavors, too shellfish similar oysters, scallops, shrimp, too lobster.

My perfect political party pair?  Shrimp!  Garlic & Dill Marinated Shrimp, to hold upwardly exact.

s naught ameliorate than a fabulous nutrient too vino pairing Garlic & Dill Marinated Shrimp

This recipe came to our menage unit of measurement past times agency of the Mom of i of my brother's high schoolhouse friends.  And for years, Garlic & Dill Marinated Shrimp guide maintain been i of our favorite political party bites.  The garlic, fresh dill, butter, olive oil, too fresh lemon larn together wonderfully, creating a overnice light-bodied marinade ... too providing corking fresh flavour with the shrimp.

Serve cocktail sauce with for dipping, if you'd similar ... though I prefer my Garlic & Dill Marinated Shrimp without it!  The fabulous flavour of the marinade as-is suits me only fine.

So spell I won't guide maintain a bottle of cocktail sauce with my Garlic & Dill Marinated Shrimp, I most sure volition guide maintain a bubbling drinking glass of Prosecco for me, they're the perfect pair.

s naught ameliorate than a fabulous nutrient too vino pairing Garlic & Dill Marinated Shrimp

Garlic & Dill Marinated Shrimp
(Printable recipe)
  • 2 T. butter
  • 1 T. minced garlic
  • 2 T. extra-virgin olive stone oil
  • 2 T. minced shallots
  • 2 T. fresh lemon juice
  • 3 T. chopped fresh dill weed
  • dash cayenne pepper
  • salt too pepper, to sense of savor
  • 2 lbs. peeled & deveined cooked large shrimp*
  1. Melt butter inwards a pocket-size saucepan over medium-low heat. Add garlic too saute until softened {but non browned}, nigh 2 minutes. Remove from oestrus too transfer butter too garlic to a mixing bowl.
  2. Add olive oil, shallots, lemon juice, dill, cayenne, salt, too pepper. Whisk until good combined.
  3. Add shrimp too toss to coat. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours earlier serving to let flavors to meld.  Serve as-is or with cocktail sauce for dipping.
*Purchase pre-cooked shrimp, or laid your own.  To laid your own, guide a large pot of H2O to a rolling boil over high heat.  Add peeled & deveined raw shrimp too laid for iii minutes.  Drain too rinse with mutual depression temperature water.


I was compensated too provided production from Tiziano Wine for this post.  The text too opinions are all mine.

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