Sunday, November 24, 2019

Cheesy Hot Broccoli Dip

Served upward amongst tortilla chips or baguette slices, Cheesy Hot Broccoli Dip is the perfect crowd-pleasing hot dip to taste during the large game!

 Served upward amongst tortilla chips or baguette slices Cheesy Hot Broccoli Dip

The Super Bowl is but 10 days away!  I'll last watching in addition to pulling for the Patriots {sorry, Seahawks fans}.  While my 'hometown' squad of the Carolina Panthers weren't fortunate plenty to larn inwards to the large game this year, I'm happy that my 'second' squad was!  Growing upward inwards Vermont, the New England Patriots were 'our' squad for my family.  I remained a Patriots fan in 1 trial moving to Charlotte, North Carolina ... but when the Carolina Panthers started upward inwards Charlotte several years later I moved there, I but had to back upward my novel hometown team.  And then ... the Panthers became my novel 'first' team.

But I've ever kept the Patriots inwards a particular identify inwards my football game heart!

Now, what's kinda funny nearly me beingness excited to sentry the Super Bowl is ...
... well, I kinda abhor to acknowledge it ...

... I don't genuinely sentry much football game during the regular season.

 Served upward amongst tortilla chips or baguette slices Cheesy Hot Broccoli Dip 

And it's non because I don't similar to sentry football.  I love  to sentry football.

But my husband?  Not then much.

I ever discovery it funny, inwards an ironic sort of way, that at that topographic point are then many wives out at that topographic point who don't help 1 hoot nearly football game who are married to football-lovin'-watch-it-every-Sunday husbands ... in addition to I'm a married adult woman who would gladly, gladly  watch football game every Lord's Day {and deliver upward the most tasty spread of football-watchin' treats, too!} in addition to I married a human being who gives non fifty-fifty a teeny fraction  of a hoot nearly football.

Life is funny that way.

And then I don't genuinely sentry much football game during the regular season.  I honey to sentry football.  But I honey to pass fourth dimension amongst my hubby ... without torturing him amongst something he can't stand upward ... more.

But when it comes to the play-offs in addition to Super Bowl?

That's a dissimilar story.  Then  I watch.

And whip upward delicious perfect-for-gameday grub, similar this Cheesy Hot Broccoli Dip.  There's but something nearly a hot cheesy dip in addition to football game that brand them perfect together.  Don't you lot think?

 Served upward amongst tortilla chips or baguette slices Cheesy Hot Broccoli Dip

So patch I may bailiwick my hubby to he-absolutely-can't-stand-it football game during the play-offs in addition to Super Bowl, at to the lowest degree he gets to taste swell gameday grub similar Cheesy Hot Broccoli Dip!

The nutrient volition brand him forgive me, right?

  Served upward amongst tortilla chips or baguette slices Cheesy Hot Broccoli Dip

Cheesy Hot Broccoli Dip
Source:  A Tracey creation
(Printable recipe)
  • 1 (10 oz.) package frozen chopped broccoli, thawed
  • 1 T. chopped cherry bell pepper
  • 1 c. mayonnaise
  • 1 c. shredded Monterey Jack cheese (about iv ounces)
  • 1/2 c. shredded Parmesan cheese
  • 1/2 c. shredded precipitous cheddar cheese
  • 1/4 tsp. garlic powder
  1. Drain thawed broccoli good in addition to pat dry out amongst newspaper towels. Combine all ingredients in addition to spoon into a lightly greased baking dish.
  2. Bake at 350 degrees until bubbly in addition to outset to dark-brown on top, about xxx to xl minutes.
  3. Serve hot amongst baguette slices, tortilla chips, pita chips, or crackers.

Please taste these other party-perfect dips from ...