Saturday, November 23, 2019

Creamy Bacon Guacamole Irish Gaelic Patato Bites

Tender roasted babe potatoes are topped amongst bacon-laced guacamole to exercise these fun & festive creamy Bacon Guacamole Potato Bites precisely perfect for Cinco de Mayo, game day, or political party fourth dimension snacking!  Thank yous to Concord Foods Guacamole Mix for sponsoring creation of this tasty recipe in addition to this post.

 Tender roasted babe potatoes are topped amongst bacon Creamy Bacon Guacamole Potato Bites

Cinco de Mayo is fast approaching!

And piece I know it's non what the twenty-four hours is really about, I beloved that Cinco de Mayo is a twenty-four hours when nosotros indulge inward Mexican-inspired eats in addition to drinks.  Oh, how I beloved me a keen handbasket of chips in addition to salsa amongst guacamole in addition to a top-shelf margarita on the side!

Why should nacho chips teach all the Cinco de Mayo salsa-and-guacamole fun?  Why non distich 1 of these favorite dips amongst something dissimilar to exercise a tasty picayune bite?

But in addition to therefore I got to thinking , why should nacho chips teach all the Cinco de Mayo salsa-and-guacamole fun?  Why non distich 1 of these favorite dips amongst something dissimilar to exercise a tasty picayune bite?

And in addition to therefore this popped into my take away heed ...

babe potatoes!

Okay, therefore perhaps babe potatoes aren't the starting fourth dimension thing to popular into your take away heed when yous recollect salsa a guacamole, right.  But stick amongst me hither for precisely a second.

 Tender roasted babe potatoes are topped amongst bacon Creamy Bacon Guacamole Potato Bites

We beloved murphy skins ... topped amongst melty cheese in addition to crumbled bacon, right?  So why non choose the potato-skins-and-bacon concept downwards to miniature shape amongst babe pototatoes?  And why non add together some tasty, creamy guacamole into the mix??

Why not, is right!

The hitting of bacon inward the guacamole itself in addition to sprinkled on plough over adds precisely the correct saltiness in addition to compaction to these fun picayune bites. 

And therefore creamy Bacon Guacamole Potato Bites were born.

The avocado creaminess of the guacamole pairs actually nicely amongst the tender texture of the roasted babe potatoes.  And the hitting of bacon inward the guacamole itself in addition to sprinkled on plough over adds precisely the correct saltiness in addition to compaction to these fun picayune bites. 

These roasted babe murphy halves topped amongst a dollop of creamy bacon-laced guacamole in addition to garnished amongst to a greater extent than crumbled bacon are 1 really delicious savory picayune seize amongst teeth indeed.

 Tender roasted babe potatoes are topped amongst bacon Creamy Bacon Guacamole Potato Bites

The guacamole for these murphy bites gets its extra creaminess from a classic favorite baked murphy topper ... sour cream.  Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 picayune touching on of sour cream stirred into the guac actually amps upwardly the texture.

The guacamole in addition to therefore also gets a fabulous flavor punch from bacon {I mean, because who doesn't beloved bacon amongst potatoes? ... or amongst anything, for that matter} in addition to Concord Foods Guacamole Mix.  I used Concord Foods' mild Guacamole Mix ... but give their extra spicy multifariousness a endeavour if yous similar to choose the heat!

 Tender roasted babe potatoes are topped amongst bacon Creamy Bacon Guacamole Potato Bites

With Concord Foods convenient seasoning, precisely mix 2 ripe avocados in addition to 1 bundle Guacamole Mix in addition to you're educate to serve upwardly a delicious bowl of fresh-made guacamole amongst tortilla chips ... every bit a side to your favorite recipe ... or every bit a topper for these fun & creamy Bacon Guacamole Potato Bites.  You tin terminate notice Concord Foods Guacamole Mix inward the range department of your grocery store.

Or, mix upwardly your favorite version of guacamole in addition to add together inward a picayune bacon in addition to sour cream ... that volition piece of job precisely fine for these picayune bites, too.

So this coming Cinco de Mayo, I encourage yous ... don't allow nacho chips accept all the guacamole fun!  Serve upwardly a platter of creamy Bacon Guacamole Potato Bites for a creatively delicious twist. 

 Tender roasted babe potatoes are topped amongst bacon Creamy Bacon Guacamole Potato Bites
Thank yous for stopping past times . We'd beloved to accept yous dorsum soon!

Creamy Bacon Guacamole Potato Bites
Source:  A Tracey creation
  • 18 baby yellowish potatoes {about 1 1/2 lbs.}, washed & halved lengthwise*
  • 1 T. extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1/4 tsp. sea salt
  • 2 avocados, peeled in addition to cubed
  • 1 (1.2 oz) packet Concord Foods Guacamole Mix
  • 1/2 c. sour cream
  • 1/4 c. finely diced tomato
  • 4 slices bacon, cooked & crumbled
  • 1 T. chopped parsley or cilantro {optional}
  1. Place halved potatoes inward a gallon-sized zip-top bag. Add olive crude oil in addition to ocean salt; seal in addition to milk shiver to coat potatoes. Lay potatoes, cutting side up, inward a unmarried layer on a foil-lined baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes, or until precisely barely fork-tender {but non therefore tender they easily dissever or autumn apart}. Set potatoes aside to cool.
  2. While potatoes bake, house avocado inward a mixing bowl; squelch amongst a fork. Add guacamole mix in addition to sour cream; stir until good combined. Stir inward diced love apple tree in addition to 1/2 of crumbled bacon {reserving the remaining one-half to sprinkle on plough over of finished potatoes}. Cover in addition to refrigerate for close thirty minutes to allow flavors to meld.
  3. Once potatoes accept cooled to room temperature {or to precisely slightly warm}, plough over each murphy one-half amongst a dollop of guacamole.*  Sprinkle tops amongst reserved crumbled bacon in addition to chopped parsley or cilantro.  Serve at room temperature.
*NOTE:  For murphy halves that don't sit down level, cutting a small-scale piece from the bottom earlier baking.  When topping murphy halves amongst guacamole, yous tin terminate piece of job a small-scale spoon to scoop out a flake of the murphy to exercise a good inward the murphy one-half if you'd like.  However, I've establish this isn't actually necessary unless the babe potatoes are on the quite larger side.


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