Sunday, November 24, 2019

Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza Recipe

Enjoy all your favorite cheeseburger toppings ... on a pizza! amongst this delicious Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza recipe.

 Enjoy all your favorite cheeseburger toppings  Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza Recipe

At nighttime exercise y'all accept these wonderful dreams of some sort of sensuous treat?  Not zucchini ... fettuccini ... or bulgur wheat ... but a big warm bun together with a huge hunk of meat?  Do y'all dream of a cheeseburger inwards paradise??

Well, how near nosotros supervene upon that big warm bun amongst a pizza crust?!  That would brand this a Cheeseburger Pizza  in Paradise!  With bacon.  

And I scream back Jimmy Buffett would approve, my friends.

As my Mom ever says, I accept a juke box inwards my head.  Yes, there's pretty much ever a vocal playing inwards my mind.  It powerfulness live a vocal I've only heard on the radio ... or a hymn from church building the past times weekend ... or a melody sparked past times what mortal has only said.  Or, equally is the illustration amongst this Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza recipe, a vocal inspired past times something I'm eating.  I hateful ... seriously ... who is able to consume a cheeseburger without thinking near Jimmy Buffett's famous song, "Cheeseburger inwards Paradise"?

Certainly  not me!  Nope.  That juke box inwards my caput queues upwards Jimmy's vocal inwards near  a 1/2 a 2d apartment when I hear or run into the discussion 'cheesebuger.'

 Enjoy all your favorite cheeseburger toppings  Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza Recipe

And equally Jimmy Buffett says inwards his famous song ... "a cheeseburger inwards paradise is sky on globe amongst an onion slice."

Well, allow me tell ya, this Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza  is indeed sky on globe amongst an onion slice.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 cerise onion slice, to live exact.

Okay, together with thence it's really to a greater extent than similar amongst an entire  red onion, non only a slice.  But I even together with thence scream back Jimmy would live okay amongst it.

And Jimmy may similar his cheeseburger amongst lettuce together with love apple tree ...

But inwards this pizza, I replaced that lettuce amongst ... bacon!

So exercise y'all scream back Jimmy would alter his lyrics to "I similar mine amongst bacon  together with tomato...?"  It's got a prissy telephone to it, don't y'all think?

Now, this pizza even together with thence has the big kosher pickle, only similar Jimmy sings near on his cheeseburger ... it's only diced upwards together with sprinkled all over this delicious heaven-on-Earth Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza.

 Enjoy all your favorite cheeseburger toppings  Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza Recipe

Okay, together with thence I know what you're belike thinking ... "Pickles on pizza???"

Yes, pickles on pizza.  And they're oh together with thence good.  

When I commencement tried it, I had a niggling trepidation, too.  I mean, y'all only don't unremarkably run into pickles  on pizza.  But, oh my, was I real pleasantly surprised at how amazingly delicious it is!

When the pickles together with the dry reason beef together with the bacon together with the onion together with the melty cheese of this Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza recipe all come upwards together, it's pizza ... together with cheeseburger ... divine-ness.  Or equally Jimmy Buffett has said, genuinely sky on globe amongst an onion slice.

 Enjoy all your favorite cheeseburger toppings  Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza Recipe

Several years agone ... okay, together with thence to a greater extent than similar many years agone ... I had the pleasance of seeing Jimmy Buffett inwards concert.  It was absolutely the most fun concert I've attended.  You only can't assist but live happy listening to his classic "Cheeseburger inwards Paradise" song.

And y'all only can't assist but live happy eating a big juicy cheeseburger, either.  Or ... a prissy big while of Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza.

I scream back Mr. Jimmy Buffett would approve.  I scream back he would real much approve.

 Enjoy all your favorite cheeseburger toppings  Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza Recipe
Thank y'all for stopping past times . We'd honey to accept y'all dorsum soon!

homemade pizza recipe, bacon cheeseburger pizza recipe, pizza recipes
Main Dishes
Yield: about 8 slices

Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza

With Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza, savour all your favorite cheeseburger toppings on a pizza!
prep time: fifteen Mcook time: 25 Mtotal time: twoscore M


  • 1 batchhomemade pizza dough OR 1 store-bought pizza crust
  • 1 modest cerise onion, thinly sliced inwards slivers
  • 1/2 c. pizza sauce
  • 1/3 c. diced dill pickle slices
  • 1/2 lb. dry reason beef, browned together with drained
  • 8 slices bacon, cooked together with crumbled
  • 2 Roma tomatoes, thinly sliced
  • 1 c. (8 oz.) shredded mozzarella
  • 1/2 c. (4 oz.) shredded cheddar cheese


How to create Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza

  1. Place pizza crust on a baking sheet. Spread evenly amongst pizza sauce. Sprinkle amongst near 1/4 loving cup mozzarella together with 1/4 loving cup cheddar. 
  2. Evenly sprinkle on cooked dry reason beef, bacon, together with pickles; identify tomatoes together with onions on hand of meat layer. 
  3. Top amongst remaining cheese.
  4. Bake at 400 degrees until cheese begins to bubble together with brownish slightly, near 25 minutes. 
  5. Let stand upwards five minutes earlier cutting.
Created using The Recipes Generator

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